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Chapter. This pleasant duty rightfully devolved on the Secretary, but as she has been honored and dignified by being made a great-aunt at an early age by the birth of the little maid-it was decided she might be too partially biased in the matterand she herself blushingly and modestly waived her honors. The business being completed, the program for the evening claimed the attention of the members. Mrs. Ellen M. Gill, who had visited Derry, New Hampshire, during the summer, related a few facts concerning the Chapter of that place—the Molly Reid-and Stark's monument.

Mrs. Sarah E. Fuller gave the concluding paper on Washington, an able and discriminating one, to which she had given much time and wide reading. Mrs. Fannie S. Leary read a copy of Washington's autograph letter to John Brooks, in possession of the public library of the city, one of the most valued treasures. Brooks at the time of the writing of the letter was a trusty young officer in the newly gathered army, and Washington appointed him with others to attend to certain important matters of discipline. The Historian read "Springfield Ferry," describing an incident in Washington's journey through the State, and Miss Helen T. Wild read extracts from a sermon preached by Dr. David Osgood, of Medford, soon after the death of the first President. The town voted to have this sermon printed and copies were given to every family. From one of these, now in possession of the Historical Society, Miss Wild read. At the close of the program, a framed copy of the order of exercises printed and framed by the town, containing the requests to the citizens, made by the committee having in charge the arrangements for publicly expressing in a suitable manner their sorrow at the death of Washington, was exhibited. Patriotic music was furnished by a graphophone.

The November meeting was held at the usual place, the rooms of the Medford Historical Society. Miss Eliza M. Gill reported the State Convention held at Fall River, October 20. The Chapter sent two other members to this convention, Mrs. Goodale and Mrs. Chaney.

Misses Wait, Dinsmore and Harlow were appointed to present at the next meeting a list of names of candidates for the

executive offices to be filled at the annual meeting. The Regent reported the work done by the Chapter for Company E, Fifth Massachusetts United States Volunteers, and then the evening's program was taken up. Sketch of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, by Mrs. Lydia Kakas; extracts from Washington's Farewell Address, Mrs. Annie M. Page; paper on Caesar Rodney, Mrs. Emma W. Goodman; reading of E. S. Brook's poem, "Rodney's Ride," Mrs. Kate D. Shultis; extracts from Washington's Will, and description of the medal presented to Washington by citizens of Boston, now in possession of the Public Library of that city, Mrs. Elizabeth Chaney; reading of Rev. Theron Brown's version of "Caesar Rodney's Ride," Miss Helen T. Wild.

The annual business meeting was held the first Monday in December. It was voted to hold all regular meetings during the year in the evening. An appropriation was made for public celebration of Washington's Birthday, and plans arranged for the same. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Mrs. Mary B. Loomis, Regent; Miss Ella L. Burbank, Vice-Regent; Miss Helen T. Wild, Secretary; Miss Sarah L. Clark, Treasurer; Miss Eliza M. Gill, Historian; Mrs. Emma W. Goodwin, Registrar; Mrs. Sarah E. Fuller, Chaplain; Mrs. Hannah E. E. Ayers, Mrs. C. Edith Kidder, Mrs. A. H. Evans, Executive Board.-ELIZA M. GILL, Historian.

MARY CLAP WOOSTER CHAPTER.-The annual meeting of the Mary Clap Wooster Chapter was held at Colonial Hall, on Tuesday, October 19th, at 3 p. m.

The reports for the year were presented by the officers, and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Regent, Mrs. Henry Champion; Vice-Regent, Mrs. Luzon B. Morris; Registrar, Mrs. George F. Newcomb; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H. P. Hoadley; Recording Secretary, Mrs. E. S. Miller; Treasurer, Miss Marie E. Ives; Historian, Mrs. T. W. T. Curtis; Assistant Historian, Miss Mary Sloan; Librarian, Mrs. A. S. Holt; Board of Management, Mrs. M. F.

Tyler, Mrs. C. B. Peets, Mrs. Clarence Dening, Mrs. S. A. Galpin, Mrs. E. F. Thompson.

During the past year there have been seven meetings of the Chapter, with an average attendance of sixty-seven.

The annual meeting was held October 13, 1896, at Colonial Hall, at which time the various reports for the year were read, and the officers elected for the coming year.

Mrs. Henry Champion was chosen Regent in place of Mrs. Morris F. Tyler, who declined to serve another year.

As an expression of the good feeling existing and of regret at losing so efficient a Regent, Mrs. Tyler was presented in a quiet way before the meeting with the badge and membership of the "Mary Washington Memorial Association."

Mrs. Tyler read a report of the Chapter since its organization, and at the close returned heartfelt thanks to the members of the Chapter for the honor conferred upon her.

The new cabinet, which had been purchased by vote of the Chapter, was placed in the Historical Society rooms at this time.

A special meeting was held at the Foot Guard Armory on November 9th, the object being a reception to the officers of the Mary Wooster Chapter of Danbury.

The Regent, Miss Meeker, read an historical paper describing the invasion of Danbury by the British, the defense of the town by Colonel Wooster, and his death which followed. At the close of the paper she presented to our Chapter a gavelblock made from the house in which Colonel Wooster died. Miss Meeker referred to the presentation a few weeks ago by Mrs. Tyler to their Chapter of a gavel made from the house in which Mary Wooster lived as a bride.

A paper on Mary Clap Wooster, prepared by Mrs. Curtis, was read by Mrs. Jenkins.

A social hour followed, during which refreshments were served, and the ladies of our Chapter had an opportunity to meet their guests.

A fine engraving of General Washington by Marshall was left, handsomely framed, at the Armory as an expression of appreciation of the kindness of the Foot Guard in giving us the use of their parlor for our meeting for the past year.

The December meeting was a business meeting.

The re

vised by-laws were read and delegates to the Congress were elected.

The gavel made from the wood from the Mary Clap Wooster house, on George street, had been mounted in silver and suitably inscribed as a gift to the Chapter by Mrs. Tyler.

It had been the intention to vote upon the revised by-laws at the February meeting, but as not quite a majority of the members were present it had to be postponed.

A committee was appointed to attend to the restoration and cleaning of the grave stones of Mary Clap Wooster and those of her parents, President and Mrs. Clap. A committee was also appointed to place flowers on the graves on Memorial Day.

The report from the State Convention at Waterbury was given by the Regent. Mrs. Luman Cowles read a paper on the "Genealogy of General Washington," and Miss McAlister's subject was "Was Fourth of July our National Birthday." A special meeting was called for March 11th, to hear the reports from the delegates to the Congress. The Regent gave a general account of the meetings. Mrs. Newcomb reported the election of officers, and Mrs. Kinney the business transacted. Mrs. Ives read a paper on "Woman as a Parliamentarian," and Miss Law gave an account of "Congress as seen from the Gallery." Mrs. Holt discribed the general festivities and Mrs. Peets gave a description of the reception given by the Connecticut Daughters.

At the April meeting a sufficient number were present or represented by proxy to vote upon the revised by-laws. Each article was adopted as read, except article ninth, which relates to the day of meeting, the time being changed to the third Tuesday of the month, as a more convenient day for a majority.

A paper by Rev. E. G. Porter on the "Battle of Lexington," was read by Mrs. W. H. Moseley, and a recitation was given by Mrs. G. E. Salisbury.

Our annual outing meeting was held at the Hotel Pembroke in Woodmont, on June 15th. After a short business meeting, Mrs. Shaw, of Derby, read two interesting papers.

A number of guests from other Chapters were present, and a social hour was enjoyed by all.-HARRIET SPERRY MIller, Recording Secretary.

BARON STEUBEN CHAPTER (Bath, New York). This Chapter having finished its special work for our soldiers (a report of which has appeared in this Magazine), has resumed its regular monthly meetings, with a program of papers and readings on the period of the Revolutionary War. The Chapter has been entertained by the Regent, Mrs. Charles F. Kingsley, the Vice-Regent, Mrs. John Davenport, and the Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Reuben E. Robie. The literary exercises have been followed by the serving of light refreshmnts, when a social time has been enjoyed.

As Bath has no revolutionary battlefields, nor historic mansions of the period to care for, as some of our Chapters have, the Baron Steuben Chapter has taken for its special patriotic work the trying to rouse interest in the study of the history of our country among the students of our public school by offering prizes of $5 for the best essay and $3 for the second best essay on a subject pertaining to the early history of the country. So much interest was manifested in the contest last year that it has been decided to offer prizes again for this year.

As some other Chapter may like to undertake this most important work, the conditions of the contest are appended:

"Competitors must be registered students at the school, holders of Regents' preliminary certificates, and must have, in addition, pass cards in United States history.

"The essays must not exceed 1,000 words, and must not fall below 600 words in length. They must be written on legal cap paper, on one side of sheet only. The subject must be written on the first line of the first page, and the pages must be numbered. A ficticious name must be written after the

last line of the last page. The sheets must be folded lengthwise, and the same ficticious name with the name of the subject and the date must be written on the outside of the last folded sheet.

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