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Resolutions and Business: B. F. Bailey, M. D., Chairman, Lincoln, Nebr.; Edw. Beecher Hooker, M. D., Hartford; J. C. Wood, M. D., Cleveland; E. H. Porter, M. D., New York; C. Gurnee Fellows, M. D., Chicago.

International Bureau of Homeopathy: Geo. B. Peck, M. D., Chairman, Providence; Walter Wesselhoeft, M. D., Cambridge; T. L. Bradford, M. D., Philadelphia; D. C. Noble, M. D., Middlebury, Vermont; W. A. Humphrey, M. D., Toledo.

Medical Examining Boards and Medical Legislation: Augustus Korndoerfer, M. D., Chairman, Philadelphia; J. M. Lee, M. D., Rochester; W. E. Green, M. D., Little Rock; H. E. Beebe, M. D., Sidney; S. H. Calderwood, M. D., Boston; W. S. Briggs, M. D., St. Paul, Minn.; J. H. Cowell, M. D., Saginaw, Mich.

Memorial Services: J. W. LeSeuer, M. D., Batavia, N. Y., Chairman; J. P. Rand, M. D., Monson, Mass.; S. P. Hedges, M. D., Chicago. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia: Chas. Mohr, M. D., Chairman, Philadelphia; J. W. Clapp, M. D., Boston; T. H. Carmichael, M. D., Philadelphia; Lewis Sherman, M. D., Milwaukee; William Boericke, M. D., San Francisco.

Inter-Collegiate Committee: This Committee consists of two delegates from each College, and it elects its own chairman.

Inter-State Committee: This consists of two delegates from each State, and it elects its own chairman. In 1904, J. B. Gregg Custis, M. D., Chairman; A. W. Bailey, M. D., Secretary.

Local Committee of Arrangements: Joseph P. Cobb, M. D., Chairman, Chicago.

Special Committees.-On New Members: H. E. Spalding, M. D., Chairman, Boston; J. W. Ward, M. D., San Francisco; Chas. E. Kalke, M. D., Chicago; J. H. Ball, M. D., Bay City, Mich.; W. E. Reilly, M. D., Fulton, Miss.


On the International Congress: J. H. McClelland, M. D., man, Pittsburg; J. B. Gregg Custis, M. D., Washington; H. F. Biggar, M. D., Cleveland; O. S. Runnells, M. D., Indianapolis; J. P. Sutherland, M. D., Boston (as per vote). This Committee to act in conjunction with the Executive Committee.

On the 150th Anniversary of Hahnemann's Birth: A. C. Cowperthwaite, M. D., Chairman, Chicago; A. L. Blackwood, M. D., Chicago; H. C. Allen, M. D., Chicago.

On the Formation of a National Association for Clinical Research: Walter Wesselhoeft, M. D., Chairman, Cambridge; H. C. Allen, M. D., Chicago; O. S. Haines, M. D., Philadelphia; W. B. Hinsdale, M. D., Ann Arbor; C. E. Tennant, M. D., Denver, Colo.

Standing Committee on the Hahnemann Monument: J. H. McClelland, M. D., Chairman, Pittsburg; J. B. Gregg Custis, M. D., Washington; G. J. Jones, M. D., Cleveland; F. H. Orme, M. D., Atlanta; T. Franklin Smith, M. D., New York.

Bureau of Materia Medica and Therapeutics: Wm. O. Geohegan, M. D., Chairman, Cincinnati.

Bureau of Homeopathy: R. S. Copeland, M. D., Chairman, Ann


Bureau of Clinical Medicine and Pathology: Edw. Beecher Hooker, M. D., Chairman.

Bureau of Pedology: F. F. Teal, M. D., Chairman, Omaha.

Bureau of Sanitary Science and Public Health: G. B. Haggart, M. D., Alliance, Chairman.

The sectional societies connected with the Institute elected their officers as follows:

The Surgical and Gynecological: Dr. C. E. Sawyer, of Marion, Ohio, President; Dr. J. W. Hassler, Philadelphia, Secretary.

The Obstetrical: Dr. D. A. Foote, of Omaha, Nebr., President; Dr. B. H. Ogden, of St. Paul, Vice-President, and Dr. Gilbert Fitzpatrick, of Chicago, Secretary.

The Electro-Therapeutical: Dr. N. B. Delamater, Chicago, President; Dr. E. P. Colby, Boston, Vice-President; Dr. J. T. Greenleaf, Owego, N. Y., Second Vice-President; Dr. Hills Cole, Hartford, Conn., Secretary; Dr. J. O. Chase, New York, Treasurer, with the addition of Dr. Wm. Harvey King, New York, and Dr. W. R. King, Washington, D. C.

The Ophthalmological, Otological and Laryngological Society held its meetings as per its program from ten o'clock Monday until late Wednesday. Their very long program was carried out completely. The discussions were free and while of a technical nature, were scientific and instructive. They showed prominently the fact that specialists are not so apt to indulge in glittering generalities as is the man whose dealings are with a great variety of diseases and conditions. They are more exact in their statements. Report has it that President Schenck made an ideal presiding officer, and that he had the best possible lieutenant in the person of the efficient and genial secretary-Dr. J. Ivimey Dowling, of Albany.

Homeopathy was a feature of the meetings, though possibly nothing overshadowed the mooted question of becoming a sectional society allied with the Institute. The feeling that there should be no separation of the two bodies has been growing ever since the Richfield Springs meeting. At Cleveland feeling ran high and at Boston, as at

Niagara Falls, Dr. Copeland, of Ann Arbor, led an organized effort in behalf of "assimilation." A number of straws point to the final success at Chicago of this very commendable effort. One is the election to the Presidency of its chief exponent, another the fact that a number of Chicago and other western men are strongly in its favor. In fact, opposition is practically centered east of the Allegheny Mountains, and possibly we might say in New York City. We most earnestly hope that 1905 will see the O., O. and L. a healthy member of the parent body. To consider the situation, the following men were appointed a committee, viz.: R. S. Copeland, M. D., Ann Arbor, Mich.; H. P. Bellows, M. D., Boston, Mass.; E. J. Bissell, M. D., Rochester, N. Y.; E. L. Mann, M. D., St. Paul, Minn.; G. W. MeDowell, M. D., New York; W. R. King, M. D., Washington, D. C.; H. D. Schenck, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.

The officers elected were: R. S. Copeland, M. D., Ann Arbor, President; H. W. Hoyt, M. D., Rochester, First Vice-President; J. L. Moffat, M. D., Brooklyn, Second Vice-President; D. W. Wells, M. D., Boston, Secretary; G. De Wayne Hallett, M. D., New York, Treasurer.

Last of all we note the fact that Chicago is to be the meeting place next year. That is distinctly auspicious. Chicago is the metropolis of the West and Homeopathy is exceptionally strong the re. The Illinois State Society is probably the strongest of all our similar organizations. Under the energetic, young man leadership of Halbert this year the Society accomplished a great work, and next year the Institute is going to benefit largely from this. New members should be in evidence by the hundreds-and the entire meeting should be pervaded by the same active, go-ahead, tireless, profitable spirit that pervades everything in Chicago. So may it be! J. R. H.


We owe it to our subscribers to make an explanation of delay in issuing this number of the REPORTER. It was entirely due to our wish to include a report of the meeting of the American Institute, and a report of the Institute meeting without the President's address would be like the play of Hamlet with the Melancholy Dane conspicuous on ly by reason of his absence. We want to call particular attention to what President Sutherland offers. We have no hesitation in pronouncing his address one of the best ever delivered before the Institute. There are some new ideas in it. His talk about Specialism for instance, and about the possibility of the existence of societies of specialists being a necessity to the Institute. There are lots of good points in his address. We bespeak for it a careful reading.

The Medical and Surgical Reporter.

A Journal Devoted to the Science of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery.

Published Monthly by the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, 226 Huron Street, Cleveland, O.


HUDSON D. BISHOP, M. D., Managing Editor.

The Reporter solicits original articles, short clinical articles, society transactions and news items of interest to the profession. Reprints of original articles will be furnished authors at actual cost of paper and press-work, provided the order is received before the publication of the article. If authors will furnish us with names before their article is published, copies of the journal containing it, will be mailed free of charge (except to addresses in Cleveland) to the number of 100.

The subscription price of the Reporter is $1.00 per annum in advance. Single copies 10 cents. The Reporter has no free list. but sample copies will be given on request.

The Reporter is mailed on the 1st of each month. All matter for publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the 15th of the preceding month

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762-4 Rose Building, Cleveland, Ohio.



The Attendance.-Eight hundred in all,-less than four hundred members attended the meeting. The reason for it? Lack of advertising, a lack of push, a lack of letters, circulars, illustrated books and the like. We have reached a point in our civilization where repetition is a vital necessity. Don't you remember the time when it took just one man, the family doctor, to diagnose consumption? No use trying to enumerate those nowadays required. Then-too-the doctor's wife told him he ought to attend that Society meeting, and he packed his grip. Nowadays the wife figures in it some-more perhaps if she wants to go along-but the average doctor needs a letterbetter still, two or more, from the Institute President, two circulars from the Secretary, a letter from the Local Committee chairman, another from the sub-committee on Hotels, from three to five letters from the hotel proprietors, an illustrated descriptive book telling and showing all about the beauties, etc., etc., and last but not least-the Treasurer's bill. Unless he is bombarded thus, the average doctor stays at home and the attendance is down to 15 per cent. of the membership, about 2 per cent. of the Homeopathic doctors in the United States.

There should have been about twelve hundred members present-because in many respects "The Falls" is central and it is so cheap to get there. When you're there you stay without it costing much, if you wish-only you can't stay at the "Cataract International Hotel" without paying some for the privilege. However, attendance comes with advertising and not without it.

One thing said by a member was that he had been at the meeting of the American Medical Association held (where was it this year?) and the attendance on the Bureau meetings was beggarly. I think he said one meeting of the Clinical Medical Bureau was attended by thirteen members and visitors. A most unlucky number, wasn't it? No wonder enthusiasm was conspicuous only by its absence. At the Institute meeting the attendance at the scientific sessions was exceptionally good. And that opens another chapter.

The Elections.-In spite of the intense desire on the part of the other man's friends that he should best Gatchell in the race for office and in spite of the intense desire on the part of Gatchell's friends that he should succeed himself, only half the members attending cast votes. Instructed by the tellers, just fifteen minutes before the polls closed we-no, I-visited each section then in session, made an announcement to that effect with practically no results in the way of vote getting. This we interpreted to mean that the member was decidedly more interested in attending the scientific part of the meeting than in voting-and it seemed to me a good sign. Politics have loomed up very large during recent meetings. At Niagara they were only moderately prominent. Perhaps it's the dawn of better days. Let us hope so.

Membership of State Society a Pre-requisite for Institute Membership. This provision we regard as a mistake-and we are not alone in so thinking. The point was brought up and emphasized in a conversation we had with a prominent Institute member, who said that under this ruling he knows of several very able men who are not and cannot be eligible for membership in the Institute. There are personal reasons why they cannot join the Society of the State in which they reside and from what we understood these reasons are practically insurmountable. Then, too, some men do not feel able to pay the annual dues of more than one society and if they prefer that that society shall be the Institute, why should the Institute make such preference impossible? It is perfectly right and proper to insist that the State Society shall be built up to the highest degree of use

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