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From Ex-Attorney-General Griggs.

"Hear the concordance of praise that comes from every wind under the heavens! The East cries: 'We loved him, for he was of our stock. He thought with us; he brought us prosperity; we knew him, therefore we loved him.' The West says: 'He was of us; he is our product. We knew him, therefore we loved him.' The North cries: 'He fought for us; he wrought for us. We understood him; he was loyal and true; therefore we loved him.' The South cries: 'We loved him, for he was magnanimous and just to the South; in war an honorable foeman, in peace a friend and a brother.'"

From Secretary-of-the-Navy Long.

"The calm, just verdict of history will pronounce him a man of ideally pure, true character, a patriot of single and disinterested devotion to his country, and a statesman unexcelled for tact, prudence, and practical competency."

From U. S. Senator William E. Mason.

"I never knew a man in all my life who carried the teachings of Jesus Christ with him every hour and every day as President McKinley did. I never heard him speak an unkind or disrespectful word. I never knew a braver man who carried his religion and kindness with him every moment of his life as McKinley has done. I have followed his fortunes from the time he first stepped into public view. I never knew him to say an unkind or thoughtless word to any one. He was the friend of the rich and poor alike. It was never a part of his policy to conceal the truth. was frank in everything he said or did."


From Andrew Carnegie.

"President McKinley passes into his place in history as one of the greatest rulers of men, through their affection, and beloved by his countrymen. He stands forever with Lincoln and Garfield in the temple of martyrs, wearing, like them, the holy crown of sacrifice for the Republic.

"Our first duty in this crisis is to give to his successor under the Constitution our loyal support, in the hope and belief that power will impress him, as it has many great characters known to history, and keep him in the path of his good and great predecessor."

From Bishop Warren.

"In Lincoln's day one-half a nation wept and grieved. Twenty years later, when Garfield was shot, the open wound between the North and South had not yet healed, and the grief was not that of a firmly united country. When the bullet of the assassin laid low William McKinley every soul in the broad land beat with overwhelming pity and sorrow. There is no sectionalism to-day. This man, whose death we now so reverently mourn, was President of the whole land. Through him has the country been at last firmly and strongly bound once more as one."



From Edward VII., King of England.

"Most truly do I sympathize with you and the whole American nation at the loss of your distinguised and ever-to-be-regretted President."

From Emperor William of Germany. ·

"I am deeply affected by the news of the untimely death of President McKinley. I hasten to express the deepest and most heartfelt sympathy of the German people to the great American nation. Germany mourns with America for her noble son who lost his life while he was fulfilling his duty to his country and people."

From President Loubet of France.

"I learn with deep pain that his Excellency Mr. McKinley has succumbed to the deplorable attempt on his life. I sympathize with you with all my heart in the calamity which thus strikes at your dearest affections and which bereaves the great American nation of a President so justly respected and loved."

From the Archbishop of Canterbury.

"I desire to express in behalf of the Church of England the deep grief with which we have heard of the death of the President. The loss of so great a ruler is a calamity to the whole world. The triumph of wickedness fills us with sorrow. Our prayer and good will will be an earnest for the American people."

From the Lord Mayor of London.

"The citizens of London are profoundly moved and deeply affected by the sad intelligence of President McKinley's death. They had hoped that, under Providence, so valuable a life might have been spared for the welfare of his country. In their name I beg to tender to your Excellency heartfelt sympathy, and

shall be grateful to you if you will convey it to Mrs. McKinley and the people of the United States. The eminent career and public services of Mr. McKinley are widely appreciated here, and will long be remembered by the British people, who, having themselves sustained the loss of a beloved sovereign, more keenly sympathize with the United States in the sudden removal of their distinguished President."

From Pope Leo XIII.

"Poor President.

noble people."

What a misfortune to befall a

From President Diaz, of Mexico.

"I was deeply shocked by the horrible crime, which has not even the excuse that the anarchist is persecuted in the United States, since, as is well known, freedom and tolerance are there extended to him. Nor has it the excuse that President McKinley was a ruler of exclusive or aristocratic tendencies, for he was, by reason of his position as a popular ruler and his own personal feelings, sympathies and habits, a good friend of the people, a genuine democrat in the best sense of the word; so that this crime was as useless and unprovoked as it is abominable in every respect.

"With regard to Mexico, President McKinley had ever evidenced such friendly sentiments that his death will be mourned in this country hardly less keenly than in the United States; for myself it is a loss of a warm personal friend."



From the "Baltimore American."

"It is scarcely a figure of speech to say that the nation is in mourning. President McKinley was esteemed by the entire people. His life was pure, his character unsullied and his disposition was so kindly and gentle that those who might wish to be unfriendly were disarmed Though possessed of unusual ability and holding office during a period fraught with events of the utmost importance to the nation, he seemed to preserve without an effort his own personality distinct from the measures and policies which he deemed essential to the nation's progress. The bitterest partisans, however much they might denounce a policy, frankly conceded the many admirable qualities of its author."

From the New York "Sun."

"The death of President McKinley was to the Amerian people like the death of a father of a family, like the passing away of a dearly beloved brother. It touched their hearts as if it had been of one bound to them by the natural ties of blood. It made seventyfive millions of people bow in common mourning. On Thursday, when the body of the assassinated President was consigned to the tomb, a hush of more than Sabbath stillness came over the whole land. Every man and woman and child felt the awful presence of death, was uplifted by it and attentive to its monitions.

"From this death, moreover, there came a special impression. It was the death of a sincerely and

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