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IX. 210. On reprisals, XII. 487,
489, 490. On equality of nations,
XIV. 222. On belligerent inter-
vention, XIV. 226 et seq.
Hamilton, Alexander, views of, on
slavery, III. 117. On republican
government, X. 147, 182 et seq. On
right of negroes to representation,
X. 183 et seq., 329; XII. 435; XIII.
45. His plan of representation, X.
329. On sovereignty of the Union,
XII. 213, 217. On State rights,
XII. 437. On cessation of obliga-
tion of treaties, XIII. 365. On
the treaty-making power, XIV.
231 et seq.

Hamlin, Hannibal, Republican candi-
date for Vice-Presidency in 1860,
V. 225.

Harper's Ferry Investigation, speech-
es on imprisonment of Thaddeus
Hyatt for refusing to testify in,
IV. 426.

Harrison, William H., on one term
for the President, XIV. 322; XV.
158, 221.

Hartley, David, XII. 97. John
Adams on, XII. 98. His speeches
and letter concerning America,
XII. 99-109. The first abolitionist
in Parliament, XII. 102.
Harvard University in 1845, I. 80.
Expenditures of, I. 82. Law School
of, I. 142, 262; II. 377. And Dr.
Channing, I. 286. Mottoes of, I.
302. Judge Story's benefactions
to, II. 390. See Law School of
Harvard University.

Hatch, Davis, on annexion of San
Domingo, XIV. 122. Imprison-
ment of, XIV. 197; XV. 147, 179,
-evidence as to same, XIV. 198-

Hawley, Joseph R., Gen., XIV. 4.
Hayti, and Liberia, independence of,
VI. 445. Entitled to recognition,
VI. 449. Described, VI. 450-452.
Commercial relations of, with
United States in 1860, VI. 453-

457. Advantages of recognizing,
VI. 457-460, 462 et seq. Consuls
not sufficient for, VI. 463–465, 468–
470. Recognition of, early com-
mended, VI. 465. Merits of citi-
zens of, VI. 467. Threatened by
United States ships of war, XIV.
109, 135, 201; XV. 151, 179. Re-
lations of, with Dominica, XIV.
110-112. President of, on an-
nexion of Dominica, XIV. 115.
Independence of, threatened by
President Grant, XIV. 116-120,
243; XV. 151, 178 et seq. Testi-
mony to threats of United States
ships of war against, XIV. 200-
203, 203, 216–218. Value of its
example, XIV. 201, 307. Treatment
of, by United States, a violation of
international law, XIV. 223, 227;
XV. 88, 147. The equal of other
nations, XIV. 224. Presentation
of medal from, XIV. 306. Letter
to President of, XV. 270.
Henry IV., of France, proposes con-

gress of nations, II. 233; XIV. 65.
Henry, Patrick, on slavery, II. 79;

III. 118: IX. 282. His opposition
to the Constitution, VII. 508; IX.
257; X. 305; XII. 225.
On power
of Congress over slavery, VIII.


Herder, on progress, II. 105.
Hill, Benjamin H., Senator from
Georgia, colloquy of, with Mr.
Sumner, on need of civil-rights
bill, XIV. 358-364 (Introduction).
Hill, Rowland, plans of, for postal
reform, XIII. 399; opposition to
same, XIII. 400 et seq. Honors
to, XIII. 410.
Hinds, James, Representative from
Arkansas, tribute to, XIII. 32.
Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Prince
Leopold, XIV. 16, 18, 29. His re-
lationship to the King of Prussia
and Napoleon III., XIV. 30 et seq.
Holland, navy of, in 1839, I. 77.
Frees white slaves in Algiers, I. 415.

Adopts separate system in prisons,
I. 519. Slavery not allowed in,
IX. 301.

Homer, on slavery, I. 396.
Honor, "point of," I. 60 (and note).
True, distinguished from false, I.
61. Vatel on, I. 62 (and note).
Montesquieu on, I. 62. Plato on,
1. 64. "Point of," not recognized
by ancient Greeks, but demanded
by chivalry, I. 65.
Hooper, Samuel, XIV. 2.
Hornet, case of the, XIII. 201 et seq.
(see note.)

Hotels, open to all by law, XIV. 388;
authorities proving same, XIV.

House of Representatives, has in-
quisitorial powers, IV. 434. Its
proper number, XV. 1.
Howard, John, Burke on, I. 165.
Advocates separation of prisoners,
I. 167. Act of Parliament drawn
up by, I. 168, 504. Ambition of,

II. 47.


University, address
Commencement of Law School
of, XIV. 146.
Howe, Samuel G., and Lafayette in
July, 1830, I. 334. Character of,
I. 334. Opposed to slavery and
the Mexican War, I. 336. Letter
to, IV. 424.

Humphreys, Col., on freeing Ameri-
can slaves in Barbary States, I.
441, 454; VI. 431, 434.
Hunter, William, X. 458.
Hyatt, Thaddeus, imprisonment of,
IV. 426; XIV. 285, 298.


IDEA, absorption in one, dangerous,
I. 208; objections to Free Soil Party
for same, refuted, II. 310; XII.

Illinois, appeal to Republicans of, in
,1856, IV. 359.
Impeachment, privileges of debate in
the Senate on officers liable to, XI.
421, 42). A political proceeding,
XII. 320-325, 412. Character of
offences liable to, XII. 325; au-
thorities on same, XII. 327-331.
Form of procedure in, untechnical,
XII. 332; precedents and author-
ities proving same, XII. 333-341.
Rules of evidence in cases of, XII.
341-348; authorities respecting
same, XII. 342-344.

Income Tax, XIII. 370. McCulloch
on, XIII. 371-373. Sir R. Peel on,
XIII. 373. Reason for, in England,
XIII. 374.

Independence, and those who saved
the original work, XII. 440.

Howe, Timothy O., his attacks on Indians, included under word “

Mr. Sumner, XIV. 254 et seq.
Human Nature, goodness of, I. 107.
Human Rights, sympathy with, ev-
erywhere, a letter expressing, II.
444. No compromise of, X. 282,
312. Dedication of United States
to, XII. 212, 215, 238; XIV. 378.
Any enactment for, constitutional,
XIII. 38.

Hume, David, his account of refusals
of English sailors to serve in unjust
wars, I. 349 et seq. On slavery,
IX. 292. On duration of the Eng-
lish language, XII. 63. On Amer-
ica, XII. 135 et seq.


son" in the Constitution, III. 128;
VI. 415; VIII. 368. Massacre of
Cheyenne, IX. 198.

Industrial Exhibition at London, in
1862, VI. 295.

Inhabitancy, question of, XIII. 341.
Authorities respecting, XIII. 343
et seq., 348. Judicial decision on
admissible evidence to prove, XIII.
345 et seq.
Insane, gentleness in treatment of, I.

International Law, sanctions war, I.
13, 293; II. 188: XIV. 14. Wheat-
on's works on, II, 64, 67, 68, 70-73.

Authorities on supremacy of, II.
187. Object of, II. 198. Modes
of establishing principles of, VI.

Should not be violated, VI.
175; XIV. 219. British preten-
sions under, VI. 179. Needed re-
forms in maritime, VI. 213–217.
Gen. Halleck's work on, VI. 468.
Does not require recognition of a
de facto power, VII. 431; author-
ities declaring same, VII. 432-434.
Morality a part of, VII. 435.
Montesquieu on, IX. 218. Everett's
knowledge of, IX. 219. Lieber's
acquaintance with, IX. 220.
Intervention, belligerent, III. 10:
VII. 410; XIV. 225. Protest
against foreign, VII. 307. Char-
acter of foreign, VII. 374–376, 412.
Instances of, in external affairs,
VII. 377-379; and in internal
affairs, VII. 379-397. Unarmed,
VII. 411. By recognition, VII. 413;
instances of same, VII. 413-420.
Authorities respecting belligerent,
XIV. 226 et seq.

Iowa, resources of, III. 26. Im-
provements in, needed, III. 27.
Iowa Railroad Bill, speeches on, III.
12. Objections to amendment to,
III. 39-42.

Ireland. sympathy with, III. 11.
And Irishmen, III. 276.
Iron-clad Oath, the, for Senators,

VIII. 53. Necessity of require-
ment of, for legislatures of rebel
States, XIII. 226–230.

Isthmus of Darien, a ship-canal

through the, X. 500.

Italy, independence and unity of, IV.
413; XIV. 139, 167. Pretensions
of State sovereignty in, XII. 202.
Numerical size of its legislative
bodies, XV. 3.


JACKSON, ANDREW, on authority of
Supreme Court and Constitution,

III. 146, 375; IV. 253; XII. 391.
Appeals to colored men to enlist,
V. 183. Letter of, on object of
Nullification, V. 434; VI. 80. On
recognition of independence of
Texas, VII. 420. On claims on
foreign powers, VIII. 331. Favors
one term for the President, XIV.
321 et seq.; XV. 158, 221.
Jay, John, on slavery, I. 449; III.
117. His desire for nationality,
XII. 218.

Jefferson, Thomas, his desire for ab-
olition of slavery, I. 312; II. 291;
III. 118,-suggested exclusion of
same from Territories, II. 58, 292;
III. 83; V. 326. On war, II. 247.
On evils of slavery, II. 299; III.
99, 371; V. 52; IX. 292. On

State rights, III. 155. His plan
for a representative system, III.
240; X. 320. On interpreting the
Constitution, III. 376. On British
impressment of American sailors,
VI. 184. On establishment of seat
of national government, VI. 408.
On confiscation of property in war,
VII. 36, 68. On privateers, VII.
462. On subordination of military
authority in United States, VII.
496; XI. 162; XIII. 381. On
Franklin's mission to Paris, VIII.
9. On treaties. VIII. 324. Lin-
coln on, IX. 388. On republican
government, X. 178 et seq. On
future government of Pacific coast,
XI. 232; XII. 162. His other pre-
dictions concerning America, XII.
164, 182 et seq. On rules for ap-
pointment of Senate committees,
XV. 53 et seq. On appointment
of relations to office, XV. 103, 112
et seq.
His inaugural address
quoted, XV. 125. Foresees tyr-
anny of Executive, XV. 224.
Johnson, Andrew, V. 499; IX. 1.
Legality of his seat in Senate, VII.
521; IX. 2. On reorganizing Ten-
nessee. VII. 528; IX. 12. Appeal

the, XIII. 53. Character of, XIII.

Jones, Sir William, on arrangement
of time, I. 200. Compared to John
Pickering, I. 237. On glory, II.
23. His substitute for militia, II.

On complicity with slavery,
IX. 400. His character and career,
XII. 141. His prophecy concern-
ing America, XII. 143; other
verses resembling same, XII. 144.

to, in 1865, concerning Reconstruc-Johnson-Clarendon Treaty, speech on
tion, IX. 474. On Reconstruction,
IX. 501, 540; XI. 17 et seq., 114;
XIII. 231. 66
'Whitewashing" by,
X. 47; XI. 26. His attack on Mr.
Sumner, X. 266-269 (Appendix).
His veto of civil-rights bill, X. 276–
279; and of bill for admission of
Colorado, X. 372. His usurpation
in reconstructing rebel States, XI.
9-12, 70-73, 398; XII. 349-351.
Bestows power on Rebels, XI. 12–
17, 23; XII. 351 et seq. His in-Judges, crimes committed by, III.
consistency, XI. 17; XII. 350, 529.
His accession to office, XI. 19.
Personal relations of, with Mr.
Sumner, XI. 19-25. Criminality
of, XI. 26-28, 168, 423; XII. 349,
383, 405. Scandalous speeches of,
XI. 27, 74; XII. 354, 402-404.
Protection against, XI. 59. Vigi-
lance and precaution against, XI.
168, 350, 371, 420; XII. 250.
Opinion on impeachment of, XII.
318; same a battle with slavery,
XII. 318. Outline of his trans-
gressions, XII. 348-357, 383. His
open defiance of Congress, XII.
355. Impeached, XII. 356. Art-
icles of his impeachment, XII. 357
et seq. Apologies for, refuted, XII.
380-392. Technicalities and quib-Jury, trial by. See Trial by Jury,
bles in impeachment of, XII. 392- Justice, cost of administering, in
401. Guilty on all the articles,
United States, I. 84.
XII. 401-405. Anticipated results
of acquittal of, XII. 409. On the
Declaration of Independence, XIV.

Johnson, Reverdy, Senator from
Maryland, criticisms of, answered,
VIII. 109-113; IX. 35 et seq., 251-
258. His defence of Dred Scott
decision answered, VIII. 237-239.
His interpretation of the fugitive
clause criticised, VIII. 408-412.
Johnson, Samuel, on merchants, III.
485. On American slave-masters,
V. 53; IX. 291. On unlimited
authority of governments, V. 319.

468 et seq. Support of slavery by,
VIII. 380. Authorities for guid-
ance of, in proclaiming emancipa-
tion, VIII. 382 et seq.
Judgments, unrighteous, should be
disobeyed, III. 470-472, 513.
Julian, George W., Free-Soil candi-
date for Vice-President in 1852,
III. 206.
Juries, impanelling of, and trial of
Jefferson Davis, X. 111. Right of
colored persons to serve on, XIV.
442 et seq.

Jurist, Judge Story as the, in Phi
Beta Kappa oration of 1846, I.
258-272. Distinguished from the
lawyer, judge, and legislator, I.
263-265. Examples of the, I. 266.


KANSAS, a liberty-loving emigration
to guard, III. 334. Squatter sov-
ereignty in, IV. 68. First election
and legislation in, IV. 69, 163 et
seg, 179-182. Freedom in, must
be upheld, IV. 72, 123. Reply to as-
saults on emigration in, IV. 121, 194
-205. The crime against: speech,
IV. 125. Description of, IV. 136.
Wrongs of, IV. 139: V. 8; X 41,
motives for same, IV. 140, 183; V.
9. Attempts to convert, into a

slave State, IV. 158, 172. Emi-
gration to, IV. 159; V. 256. Forci-
ble invasious of, IV. 160; V. 256,
-testimony to same, IV. 161–167.
Insecurity of property and life in,
IV. 168-171. Evidence of usurpa-
tion in, IV. 172-178. Illegality of
its first legislature, IV. 185-187.
Plan of secret society to form a
free State in, IV. 193. President's
message on, compared to George
III.'s speech on Massachusetts
Bay, IV. 209 et seq. People of,
should not be disarmed, IV. 211. |
Douglas's bill for its admission as
a State condemned, IV. 212-215.
Reasons for immediate admission
of, IV. 217; X. 355,-objections
to same refuted by historical prec-
edents, IV. 218-232. Proceedings
in, for formation of a new State,
defended, IV. 232-236, —especially
by American authorities, IV. 233–
235. Wrongs of, compared to those
of America before Revolution, IV.
238 et seq. Enemies of, in Senate.
IV. 239-244. Compared to South
Carolina, IV. 241 et seq. Import-
ance of contest in, IV. 247. Re-
lief for, IV. 343, 345, 364, 386, 390.
Duty to vote for, and for Burlin-
game, IV. 366. A last word for,
IV. 400. Adoption of Lecompton
constitution in, V. 198, 221. Colla-
mer's report on. X. 42. See Crime
against Kansas, Nebraska and Kan-
sas Bill, and Squatter Sovereignty.
Kant, labors of, for perpetual peace,
II. 241-243; XIV. 66 et seq. His
definition of a republic, X. 203.
Kent, Chancellor, adopts Bacon's
definition of war, I. 15. Compared
to Judge Story, I. 143. On priva-
teering, VII. 288. On executive
power of Congress, VII. 500; IX.


On seizures in neutral waters,
IX. 145. On retaliation, IX. 210.
On mode of electing Senators, X.
381. On equality of nations, XIV.

XIV. 389.
Kentucky, necessity of colored suf-
frage in, XI. 381.
Kirkwood, Samuel J., Senator from
Iowa, reply to, in regard to Con-
stitution of Iowa, X. 513-515.
Know-Nothing Party, denounced, IV.
74-76, 79.

On duties of innkeepers,

Kossuth, Louis, liberation of, II. 445.
Welcome to, III. 1. His visit to
England, III. 5. Letter on ban-

quet to, III. 10.
Ku-Klux-Klan, the, XII. 383, 535;
XIII. 355; XIV. 133, 245 et seq.,
277. Lawless actions of United
States in San Domingo compared
to, XIV. 246. Power of national
government against, XIV. 278;
sources of same, XIV. 279 et seq.


LABOR, hours of, XV. 79.
La Bruyère, on war, II. 238.
Ladd, William, labors of, against
war, II. 248.
Lafayette, on imprisonment in the
Bistile, I. 170. And Dr. S. G.
Howe in July, 1830. I. 334. His
interest in prison discipline, I. 502.
Incorrectly quoted on Pennsylva-
nia system, I. 512. His opinions
and plans concerning slavery, II.
58; V. 392, 394, 397, 414 et seq.,
417, 425: IX. 301. The faithful
one: address, V. 369. His ruling
passion, V. 373, 378. 393, 426.
Grave and home of, V. 374–376.
His career, V. 376-427. Greatness
of, V. 427-429.

Land States, justice to the. III. 12.
The nation indebted to, III. 18, 22,
25, 34. Annual land-tax in, III.
21. National grants to, III. 22-25.
Should be assisted by United
States in building railroads, III.


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