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ise held out at first." The newly introduced drug, euchinin, a derivative of quinine, is mentioned as worthy of trial.

The subject of pleurisy with effusion is treated in a very interesting and instructive manner. The after-treatment, or the treatment following aspiration, where the dullness does not clear up, modified voice sounds remaining, and with diminished movement and breathing, seems commendable. One case is reported where this condition readily cleared up under the following method: "Simply to make the patient lie on his sound side and breathe deeply, and to assist his expirations by well-timed compressions of the base affected."

A very plausible theory is set forth explaining the fact that pleural affections are slow in reabsorbing, while pericardial fluid reabsorbs rapidly and readily. "In the pericardium the fluid

is never at rest, the membrane is constantly washed by it, and the stomata kept clear. In the pleura almost absolute rest prevails, and the stomata and lymph capillaries are likely to become clogged by sedimentary fibrin."

Beginning on page 79, the "surgical treatment of pericarditis" especially purulent pericarditis, reminds us that surgery is still progressing.

Beginning with page 129, "Some special therapeutic agents" forms an interesting chapter.

"Diseases of the Skin" are treated by Henry W. Stelwagon, M. D.

"Diseases of the Nervous System." by William G. Spiller, M. D., is an excellent article.

The last section is devoted to "Obstetrics," and is commendably treated by Richard C. Norris, M. D.

A good index adds to the usefulness of the volume.


Master of human destinies am I;

Fame, love and fortune on my footsteps wait. Cities and fields I walk; I penetrate Deserts and seas remote. and passing by Hovel and mart and palace, soon or late I knock unbidden once at every gate. If sleeping, wake; if feasting, rise before I turn away. It is the hour of fate, And they who follow me reach every state Mortals desire, and conquer every foe Save death; but those who doubt or nesitate, Condemned to failure, penury and woe, Seek me in vain and uselessly implore,

I answer not and I return no more.

-John James Ingalls.


THE TREATMENT OF INFLUENZA. By Eugene C. Underwood, M. D., Surgeon B. & O. R. R., Louisville, Ky. It is altogether probable that we shall not cease to have visitations of influenza

every winter. The visita

tions of influenza which come down on the world so suddenly have since been repeated every year to a greater or less extent. So far this year I have seen a great many cases of influenza and I think that we shall have a great many more cases as the cold season progresses.

In the treatment of influenza we shall make a grave mistake if we allow ourselves to give the patient any opiate. The pain and sleeplessness that are associated with the unfolding of influenza often tempt us to give an opiate. But we should not give an opiate because it will lock the secretions and render all symptoms of the influenza worse.

To overcome the cough, which is often most distressing, the best results have been attained from the following: Sander's Eucalyptol,

Spirit chloroform ......aa 1⁄2 oz. M. Sig. Pour twenty drops on a piece of flannel and dip into hot water and inhale the vapor. This should be repeated every two hours, or even of tener than this, if the cough or sore throat is very urgent.

To fortify the system against the disease and to neutralize the poison which gives the disease activity, the following prescription has afforded me the best treatment. In fact, no remedy has brought me the results I have attained from Sander's Eucalyptol. I employ it in this formula:

[blocks in formation]

This remedy is curative because it neutralizes the disease factors, and it is antispasmodic and it quiets these patients more satisfactorily than do opiates. It is not attended with dangerous or prejudicial results under any circumstances.

I have found, however, that I can get results only from Sander's Eucalyptol. Other preparations of eucalyptus I have found to be in many respects very prejudicial. All the results which I have attained from any preparation of eucalyptus have been from the Sander preparation; and while I rely upon it to a large extent in many other diseases, I find nothing to equal it in the treatment of influenza. The prescriptions I have given will be found to be all that are required in any ordinary case, and they will bring about a most speedy cure. Several epidemics through which Sander's Eucalyptol has been relied upon have convinced me that it is the one rational remedy upon which we can always depend and never be disappointed. It never produces gastric irritation and it overcomes the painful shivering and other distressing symptoms of the disease in a speedy manner. In cases treated with Sander's Eucalyptol I have noticed that we have had no relapse, as is many times the case when other remedies are used.

Some physicians rely upon quinine, but when it is remembered that this agent is very trying on nerves it will be thought that we had better go slow about giving the remedy. In old and very young patients, and those of the nervous temperament, the employment of quinine is in fact often followed by the most serious consequences. Time and again have instances been published in which quinine has brought about fatal results. Nothing of this



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57-59 Prince St., New York.

[blocks in formation]




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COLDEN'S LIQUID BEEF TONIC is invaluable in all forms of Wasting Diseases and in cases of convalescence from severe illness. It can also be depended upon with positive certainty of success for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Malarial Fever, Incipient Consumption, General Debility, etc.


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[blocks in formation]


Physicians have for a number of years recognized the indispensibility of the salicylates and phosphates in this common and troublesome condition. These drugs are our sheet anchor; but to administer them in a palatable form has been quite impossible. We believe that in the peptonized natural juice of the orange a menstrum has been found of remarkable utility. The soapish and most disagreeable taste of these drugs is beautifully disguised and their action made more efficacious, because of the patient's ability to more readily assimilate them and to take them more frequently and in larger doses. This combination does not nauseate, because the medicines are not tasted and are not irritant to the stomach. Vita Aurantii Litholytica is the most palatable uric acid solvent before the medical profession. In conditions causing sluggish livers, catarrhal disease of the bile ducts, gout, rheumatism lithiasis, etc., this tasteless combination deserves the fullest consideration of the profession.

The following endorsement (of the

many received) from leading practitioners throughout the union should commend this valuable agent to the medical profession, the name of the physician is suppressed for ethical reasons, but is on file and at the disposai of any physician desiring further information.

San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 22, 1900. To Whom It May Concern: Mrs. M-, a patient, a sufferer for many years with chronic articular rheumatism, has under my care during the last seven years used all the ordinary remedies, potash, soda, lithia, salicylates colchicum, etc., in numberless combinations, without noticeable benefit. This was partly due to inability to retain the drugs. Several months ago she began taking Vita Aurantii Litholytica, which has worked remarkable changes, both locally and systematically. Her stomach has retained the medicines very nicely after continued use, her pain has been very greatly lessened; her joints have become more supple; her acute attacks have become much less frequent, and a most perceptible change for the better has come over this very great sufferer. ability to retain the drugs has proven a boon of inestimable value.



[Signed] L. M. KUYLA, M. D., Pres. California Pharmacal Co., City.

THE PREDATORY MOSQUITO. Every physician who "keeps tab" on the advances and discoveries of medical science is now aware that there are two kinds of mosquitoesthe good and the bad. We presume, however, that someone will dispute this statement, and say of this insect as the average army officer says of the Indian, "There's no good mosquito but a dead mosquito." It's true that they all sting, but some of them add insult to injury by injecting the malarial virus into her unsuspecting vic

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