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NOT long ago there was a mule at the

Arsenal Barracks in Washington which had survived the period of its usefulness. In its day it was a pretty good mule, but it had become superannuated. The question was, what to do with it. Something sudden and merciful seemed desirable.

A young lieutenant suggested dynamite, of which there was plenty on hand. It was quicker, he said, than gunpowder. The idea seemed a good one, and a stick of giant powder with a fuse was attached about the neck of the mule, who indifferently awaited his fate, with all the calmness of a veteran.

It certainly was very sudden. A snapshot photograph taken of the animal when the dynamite went off showed it still standing on its four legs, but lacking a head. What became of the head nobody ever found out; but this much was tolerably certain: the mule was no longer alive.


THE manufacturers of an improved

steel window sash have devised a unique test to show the strength of the ventilator frame.

The combined weight of eight men was placed upon the frame, as shown in the illustration, in such a manner as to balance each other. In spite of this unusual strain the frame showed no tendency to break nor was it even sprung sufficiently to crack any of the panes of glass.

This unusual strength is due, it is

claimed, to the method of construction, the frames being formed from heavy sheet steel by means of dies under tremendous pressure. The glass is held in place by small steel clips and a very small amount of putty. This method of glazing requires less time and trouble than the use of iron pins, ordinarily used in such frames, and fifty per cent. less. putty.

It is also claimed that in case of breakage, glass can be replaced without the removal of putty from the surrounding lights as is required when iron pins are used to hold the glass in place.

The ventilator has a peculiarly designed outside frame at top and bottom, insuring an absolute weatherproof condition when closed.

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THLETIC clubs are up to the minute of progress in the installation of modern appliances and novelties for the physical well-being and entertainment of their members.

A famous athletic club of California recently installed in their tank in the gymnasium a shoot-the-chutes, which is a long track-like affair extending from the ceiling into the tank. It takes three seconds to make the trip down the slide, and a considerable bump has been erected in the center, which increases the pleasure and the speed during the second part of the slide.



"SO easy that a child can work it" is more often than not the misleading description applied to certain inventions. which from time to time find their way on the market, but in the case of a new type of sack loader and lifter recently patented in England by a Salisbury agricultural engineer, the description would appear to be fully justified. Tests have shown that one man or a fairly strong boy can raise sacks of corn, grain, manure, coke, etc., into wagons with ease, thus doing the work of three men and often saving the necessity of having to stop the lifting machine usually employed and all hands each time the wagon is to be loaded. The Andrews' patent sack elevator, as it is called, has a unique method of gearing and this reduces the expenditure of energy required to a minimum. The sacks are lifted by means of endless chains, with the result that the carriers do not have to return for the next sack, either one of the steel carriers taking hold of the sacks as they come around. The sacks are securely gripped and cannot possibly slip off in transit; the apparatus is nevertheless free from danger by the use of hooks, etc. The accompanying illustration shows a lad of nine years loading a wagon by means of the Andrews elevator. In this instance he loaded five sacks in two minutes. The elevator is strongly made of pitch pine, steel, malleable iron and endless chain belting.

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HE cactus known as "bisnaga-the water barrel-of the desert," is believed by the Indians of the Mexican plains to be the gift of the rain gods. Within its huge hollow cylindrical fronds the rain water collects and remains there fresh for weeks. Another water-containing cactus has its giant fronds shaped like a huge candelabrum. This cactus also bears an edible fruit much the color of th pomegranate. The natives often make a preserve of it, which looks like raspberry jam. Other cactus fruits are eaten raw or boiled like vegetables.

The photograph is of a giant cactus growing near Lake Chapala-the highest navigable body of water on our continent -in the State of Jalisco, Mexico. This cactus growth is upwards of sixty-five feet in height and over one hundred in girth. It is of the variety known as the organ cactus because of the resemblance of its columnar-like fronds to the pipes of an organ.

QUEER KOREAN GAME THE Koreans prefer stone fighting or throwing to any other game. Travelers soon learn of the art acquired by stone fighters, though there is but one day in the year given over to it. If any one offend a Korean, he answers with a stone. During the war between China and Japan, the latter found their greatest difficulty in dodging missiles from roof tops and trees. All classes indulge in the habit. It is said of a Korean woman she never fails to throw a stone straight. Within bounds she is as expert as a man.

On stone-throwing day, however, mere woman is restricted to curfew time for


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A NEW STYLE OF MERRY-GO-ROUND, AS SEEN IN BERLIN. The people sitting on the turntable are furnished with aeroplane wings, which they wave in a uniform direction until the table begins to turn slowly. As soon as it has started, it is easy to make it revolve quickly by waving the wings rapidly.

her pleasure as upon other days. In the Land of the Morning Calm women are allowed on the streets only during curfew time, between twilight and early

forenoon. During the day they are in seclusion.

In preparing for the fete, towns and villages put aside a goodly sum of money for the wounded, and to buy prizes for the champions. Queer bands, composed of strange instruments, mostly drums and moon fiddles, announce the opening of the festival. The participants are drawn up in two sides like an army in battle. At the signal, stone throwing begins, and soon the rules are laid aside, and the game becomes hot and furious. Game is called by some member of the squirenoble class, a village elder or a court official.



Mme. Renie Furie, a young Parisian woman, nightly draws
a large audience at the Nouveau Cirque. The spool
in which she is carried, rolls along the wire
cable, and finally lands in the net.

DOWNY NESTLINGS OF THE FISH HERON. These little fellows might, at first glance, be taken for some weird little monsters. They certainly bear very slight resemblance to their long-limbed, long-billed, long-necked parents.





SPRINGFIELD, Mass., has the first complete electric fire department in the United States. While gasoline electric fire fighting equipment is used in many places in the country the manufacture of efficient electric propelled vehicles for such work was not possible until recent improvements were made in the storage battery. Electricity is much more dependable than gasoline and as the storage batteries are constantly connected to the charging mains while the apparatus is in the engine house there is no danger of the cells being discharged, as they have a capacity of about forty miles, which could hardly be exceeded on any

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An apparatus for use on express trains that do not stop at small towns. It is the invention of a Swedish engineer.

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