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Dunbar's Serum




Its ten year history; great relief in most cases, complete in many, throughout attended by lessened susceptibility to hay fever after successive years use of the serum.

Is a logical treatment for reason of being the product of the toxin obtained from the goldenrod, ragweed and rye pollen injected into the blood of specially selected horses.

Is only placed on the market after complete response to certain applied tests made upon hay fever suscepts, has been met.

The percentum of benefits derived from Pollantin, during this period of ten years, as compiled from the reports of thousand and more physicians, averaged eighty-five.


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No physician can afford to take any risk of substitution, if he values his good name.



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A HOMELIKE SANITARIUM, providing home comforts, home pleasures and home life, and aiding high grade unfortunate girls and women in protecting their reputations and social standing; rooms meeting the expectations of the most fastidious as well as others to accommodate patients limited in means; room furnishings in the new building elegant and sanitary, and harmonious with the work handled. The location is centrally situated and yet delightful and commanding privacy.

MODERN SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT and Methods are employed in the care of both patient and baby. Some of the hospital equipment is: Two confinement chambers, two sterilizing rooms, three drug rooms, massage room, seven bath rooms, silent electric nurse-signal system, intercommunicating telephone system, steam heating and hot water storage system, dumb waiter, dining room for sixty guests, modern equipped kitchen and diet department, two large parlor-lobbies furnished with handsome leather-upholstered davenports, rockers and chairs, library tables, pianos, etc.

ENTERING early is important for preparing the patient for accouchement through systematic hygienic methods and massage. Special massage for preventing striae gravidarum, and as an aid to labor, can be arranged for. Capable, specially trained nurses care for both mother and child.

ADOPTION of babies when arranged for. ONLY HIGH GRADE patients acceptable. Open to the practice of the Regular Physician.

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When Writing to Our Advertisers. Please Mention The Medical Herald.


O be honest, to be kind, to earn a little, and to spend a little less, to make upon the whole, a family happier for his presence, to renounce when that shall be necessary and not to be embittered, to keep a few friends, but these without capitulation; above all, on the same condition, to keep friends with himself, here is a task for all a man has of fortitude and delicacy.-Robert Louis Stevenson.

Notes on Reliable Remedies

"Prejudice is the child of ignorance."-Haslett.

You Can See New York City in a Day.-The Green car automobile trips uptown, downtown, "Seeing New York after Dark, and the yacht trip around the city is the most perfect sight-seeing service in the world. A lecturer with every party. Write for illustrated descriptive folder. Green Car Company, S. E. corner 23d street and Broadway, New York City.

Neurosine is composed of drugs recognized by the profession as of standard medicinal properties. Unexcelled in insomnia, hysteria, epilepsy and neurasthenia. Neurosine is presented in a most permanent and palatable form, an elegant and efficient combination of well-known and long tried remedies, the virtues of which, in the diseases and conditions indicated, there is absolute unanimity of expression among all observers and authors upon this subject. Neurosine contains no morphin, chloral or other habit forming drugs. The Dios Chemical Co., St. Louis, will send samples by mail to physicians on request.

Diamond Antiseptics (Lilly).-Diamond antiseptics (Lilly) are justly popular among physicians and surgeons because they are rapidly soluble, accurate in grainage and safest in office use or in leaving with patient. The presence of citric acid hastens solution, prevents precipitation of insoluble mercury in neutral solutions, in hard water or when brought in contact with albuminous liquids. Diamond antiseptics (Lilly) have in addition to the advantages noted, a characteristic shape which minimizes the possibility of error in using them. In addition the nature of the tablets is at once apparent because each one is marked "poison" and they are packed in diamond-shaped bottles, with serrated corners, plainly labeled "poison." Bichloride of mer

cury available as diamond antiseptics (Lilly) is the most generally useful germicide at the physicians' command.

A Sedative Which May Be Relied Upon.-So many sedative agents have disadvantages of one kind or another that the physician oftentimes is in a quandary as to just what drug or combination to employ. This is particularly so if the patient be a woman or child. In pasadyne (Daniel's concentrated tincture of passiflora incarnata), the clinician will find a soporific product which meets every requirement. It not only produces prompt sedation, but furthermore is free from disagreeable after-effects. The sleep se

cured through its administration is tranquil and refreshing. It is especially adapted for use with women and children for it is free from the dangerous possibilities of other agents so widely employed for the same purpose. Whenever you wish to produce sedation use pasadyne (Daniel). A sample bottle may be procured by addressing the laboratory of the John B. Daniel, Atlanta, Ga.

Vasomotor Derangements. The part played by the vasomotor system in countless diseases is at last thoroughly recognized. As a consequence, circulatory disorders are among the most common functional ailments that the modern physician is called upon to correct. Various heart tonics and stimulants are usually employed, but the effect of these is rarely more than temporary. To re-establish a circulatory equilibrium that offers real and substantial relief from the distressing symptoms that call most insistently for treatment requires a systematic building up of the whole body. Experience has shown that no remedy at the command of the profession is more serviceable in this direction than Gray's glycerine tonic comp. For nearly twenty years this standard tonic has filled an important place in the armamentarium of the country's leading physicians. Its therapeutic efficiency in restoring systemic vitality and thus overcoming functional disorders of the vasomotor or circulatory system is not the least of the qualities that account for its widespread use. The results, however, that can be accomplished in many cases of cardiac weakness have lead may physicians to employ it almost as a routine remedy at the first sign of an embarrassed or flagging circulation.

The Effect of Stimulating Cell Nutrition.-In many conditions of a chronic character improvement may be expected to follow the use of agents calculated to influence nutrition of the individual cells. Thus, if the cells be stimulated to better assimulation and elimination, diseased states due to interference with these normal functions of the cellular constituents of the vital organs must of necessity undergo a change for the underlying and continuing cause is being altered. The drugs usually employed for this purpose are those termed the alteratives, an efficient representative of which class is iodia (Battle). Iodia is a combination of iodide of potash with the active principles of the green roots of stillingia, helonias, saxifraga and menispermum.


The Drummers will be at League Park, St. Joseph, September 1, (two games), 2 with Des Moines; September 17, 18, 19 with Lincoln; September 20, 21, 22 with Denver; September 23, 24, 25 with Wichita; September 26, 27, 28 with Topeka. All games called at 3:30 p.m.


K Springs, president.

ANSAS CITY will entertain this society on October 7-8,1913, Dr. W. T. Wootton of Hot Dr. J. A. Witherspoon, president A. M. A. will deliver an evening address. Sessions will be held at the Coates House, which will also be headquarters. Clinics will be held in the hospitals before and following the meeting. A cordial welcome extended to visiting physicians.

It has been found in severe clinical tests to exert an influence on the vital functions, the explanation of its favorable effect being sought for in the stimulating action of its several constituents on the normal processes of the body's cells. In chronic gout and rheumatism, glandular diseases and chronic affections of the skin iodia will offer evidence of its therapeutic value.

Comfortable Catharsis.-As a rule, the more efficient the cathartic, the greater discomfort to he user. The griping and nausea following the older cathartic pills and fluid preparations, are well known and need no one to bring the pictures before the mind. In prunoids, however, we have an exceedingly pleasant remedy that is as surely effective, as it is devoid of unpleasant effect, when its action has been secured. The removal of intestinal obstruction after excessive eating, or from sluggish, incompetent peristaltic action of the bowel, is one of the delightful and prompt offices of prunoids. The cathartic action is secured in six or eight hours, and the evacuations are not only remarkably complete but entirely painless. The feeling of relief and comfort is pronounced and there being no unpleasant aftereffects, patients welcome the remedy with decided satisfaction. There is usually a slight but decided aperient action following the cathartic action, which lasts several days, and tends to promote permanent regularity in the movements of the bowels. This is somewhat different from most cathartic or laxative remedies, and is a prominent reason for the popularity of prunoids with physicians and their patients who have used the remedy. Samples will be sent to any physician unacquainted with prunoids, by applying to the Sultan Drug Company, Saint Louis, Mo.

To Promote Digestive Tone. When the functional activity of the digestive tract has been impaired by concomitant diseases, and on this account, the nutritive processes are unable to serve the body effectually, seng is indicated. This preparation is derived from panax (ginseng) and is pleasant to take as well as promptly active in enticing an appetite, gently stimulating the flow of digestive secretions, and giving tone to the organs of digestion generally. Seng acts along the line of "physiological suggestion" rather than a substitute for the digestiue ferments. In other words, it promptly stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines, so that there is a speedy return to normal physiological functionating The dose, one to two teaspoonfuls, may be administered before or during a meal. When given alone, it is preferably administered in a small amount of water. The signifi


cance of loss of appetite as a forerunner of many serious diseases, is well appreciated by the astute diagnostician and clinician. It is in such instances that seng is valuable in greatest measure as a dependable prophylactic. By stimulating flagging digestive and assimilative functions in the beginning, it often prevents what would surely be serious and intractable nutritional disorders later.

Functional Disturbances of the Liver.-When one stops to think of the work the liver is called upon to do in the human economy and the excessive burden so frequently placed upon it by errors of diet, faulty methods of living, etc., it is really surprising that this great organ-the largest in the body-does not become deranged more often than it does.

Clinical study has shown, however, that the liver is much more subject to functional disturbance than is generally realized. The opinion has been growing for some time, therefore, that not a few obscure conditions of the intestines, particularly those grouped under the term "auto-intoxication," should be attributed to sluggishness or torpidity of the liver processes.

In view of this there is an interesting demand for a cholagogue that can be relied upon to stimulate the functional activity of the liver without at the same time producing a degree of catharsis that is neither necessary nor desired. Many and various are the drugs that have been tested with this in view, but practically the only one that has met the situation is that long known and widely used preparation Chionanthus Virginica, chionia.

This product is exceedingly effective as a stimulator of hepatic processes, and administered in proper dosage it is not only an effective cholagogue, but what is especially important, it can be relied upon to produce its effects without causing undue activity of the bowels. The prompt influence of chionia on hepatic functions consequently gives it a broad range of usefulness, not only in overcoming liver disorders themselves, but also the various affections that are dependent on hepatic deficiency or derangement. It is indicated in acute and chronic hepatitis, catarrhal jaundice or cholangitis, biliousness, chronic intestinal catarrh, intestinal putrefaction, auto-intoxication and all maladies caused or aggravated by derangement of the liver.

The significant feature attending the use of chionia is that it always acts by promoting or augmenting natural processes-never by superseding them. It belongs, therefore, to the class of remedies aptly designated as physiologic, for its whole action is to restore and maintain normal or physiologic conditions of the liver.

Directory of Trained Nurses


BRYANT, MISS SALLIE, 2708 Monterey.

HALES, MISSES LORENA and ROSE, 2008 Monterey.


KAPPREL, MISS MARY C., 1009 Powell..

Telephone No. Main 1173





Diarrhea of Infants

Mellin's Food, 4 level tablespoonfuls
Water (boiled, then cooled) 16 ounces

Analysis of above mixture:
Proteins (cereal)

Carbohydrates (no starch)

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4.33 a

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Calories per fluidounce=6.2

Maltose and Dextrin

Furnishes ample body-heat and energy

Spares the body-proteins

-Maltose-most assimilable of all sugars Maltose-least fermentable of all sugars

Give one to three ounces every hour or two, according to the age of the baby, continuing until stools lessen in number and improve in character.

Milk, preferably skimmed, may then be substituted for water-one ounce each day until regular proportions of milk and water, adapted to the age of the baby are reached.

The use of this diet in diarrhea is a rational procedure and is in accord with present teachings.

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No physician can afford to be indifferent regarding the accurate filling of his prescription.


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