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respecting, IX. 210-214, 218-221. !
Recognized, but limited, by laws of
war, IX. 212, 224. See Prisoners

of War and Reprisals.
Revels, Hiram R., speech on admis-
sion of, as Senator from Missis-
sippi, XIII. 336.

Revolution, right of, II. 184; Paley
on same, II. 184; O'Connell on
same, II. 185.

Revolutionary War, opposed by
English Whigs in Parliamentary
debates, I. 340-349. Compared to
Mexican War, 382. Contribu-
tions of Northern and Southern
States to, III. 393 et seq.; Ameri-
can and foreign testimony to same,
III. 395-407. Lafayette's enthu-
siasm for, V. 379. List of statutes
for confiscation of property in, VII.
59-64; same defended by American
diplomatists and courts, VII. 65-
69. Testimony to employment of
slaves in, VII. 217-220. Con-
trasted with our Civil War, VII.
350; VIII. 36-38; IX. 370; XIII.
301. Object of, X. 154, 172; XII.
239. Official history of, X. 464.
Rhode Island, appeal to Republicans
of, in 1856, IV. 355.

Richard, Henry, M. P., letter to, XV.


Right of Search, employed by Great
Britain to impress American sea-
men, VI. 180; testimony to same, VI.
180-183, 189 et seq., - and to oppo-
sition of United States Government
to same, VI. 183-192. Should not
exist, except for suppression of
slave-trade, VI. 216; proposed by
Great Britain for same, VI. 477,
481,-but refused by United States,
VI. 479. Not objectionable against
slave-trade, VI. 482. Exercise of,
by privateers, VII. 282. Should be
employed only by national ships,
VII. 299. See Neutral Rights.
Rights. See Civil Rights, Equal

Rights, Human Rights, Neutral |

Rights, Rights of War, and State

Rights of War, VII. 1, 34, 536; X.
325. especially against enemy
property, VII. 35-44. Authorities
respecting, VII. 36 et seq.; X. 326.
Include liberation of slaves, VII.
43, 71, 131, 146. Have no consti-
tutional limitations, VII. 45, 71,
131-138, 183-185, 216. To be ex-
ercised only in war, VII. 48 et seq.
Policy of exercising, against Reb-
els, VII. 70-72. Not to be exercised
by the President alone, VII. 138–

Roads, policy of, III. 12.
Roberts, Joseph, Rev., his work on

caste quoted, II. 352–356; XIII. 144.
Roscoe, William, labors of, for reform
of prisons, I. 502. Incorrectly
quoted on Pennsylvania system,

I. 510.
Rousseau, treatise of, on peace, II.
239; XIV. 65. His opinions on
equality, II. 336, 367; XIV. 387.
On slavery, V. 25.
Russell, Earl, on Trent case, VI. 173.
On the Emancipation Proclamation,
VII. 346. His unfriendliness to
United States during Rebellion,
VII. 365. On necessity of prize
courts, VII. 456 et seq. On escape
of the Alabama, XIII. 66.
Russia, army of, in 1845, I. 75.
Navy of, in 1837, I. 76. Serfdom
in, restricted to original country,
III. 292. Emancipation of serfs in,
VI. 27; IX. 444-446; X. 57-60,
433; XI. 135. The Emperor of,
and emancipation, X. 432. Cession
of Russian America to United
States by, XI. 181; reasons for
same. XI. 200-203. Friendship
of, for United States, XI. 228-230.
Russian America, cession of, to
United States, XI. 181. Bound-
aries and configuration of, XI. 186–
188. Russia's title to, XI. 188-197.
Discovery of, by Behring, XI. 188-

194. French claim to, XI. 197.
Spanish claim to, XI. 198-200.
Reasons for cession of, XI. 200-203.
Humboldt on, XI. 202, 227 et seq.
Origin and completion of cession
of, XI. 203-210. Documents re-
specting, quoted, XI. 205-209.
Treaty for cession of, XI. 210-212;
questions under same, XI. 212-
215; advantages of same, XI. 216-
230. Sources of information upon,
XI. 234-244. Blodget's description
of, XI. 245. Government of, XI.
245-260. Population of, XI. 261-
274. Climate of, XI. 274-285.
Vegetable products of, XI. 285–296.
Mineral products of, XI. 296–304.
Furs of, XI. 305-321. Fisheries
of, XI. 321-341. New name for,
XI. 347. Other requirements of,
XI. 348 et seq. Necessity of legis-
lation to carry out treaty for ces-
sion of, XI. 376-379.


ST. ALBANS RAID, the, IX. 174.
Saint-Pierre, Charles de, Abbé, labors
of, for peace, II. 235-238; XIV. 65.
Leibnitz on his "Project of Per-
petual Peace," II. 237; XIV. 65.
D'Argenson on, XII. 37.
San Domingo, speech on proposed
annexion of, to United States,
XIV. 89. Character and object of
joint resolution appointing a com-
mission to, XIV. 94-99. Negotia-
tion for annexion of, XIV. 99-103,
189 et seq., 206-209; XV. 144-146,
217 et seq. Belligerent intervention
of United States navy in, XIV. 103,
135, 179 et seq., 212-216, 227. Sen-
timents of people of, on annex-
ion, XIV. 108. Relations of, with
Hayti, XIV. 110-112. President
Grant's message on annexion of,
XIV. 116-120. Arguments against
annexion of, XIV. 122-124, 135, |

248; testimony against same,
XIV. 136. Speech on resolutions
concerning, XIV. 168. Reason
for interest in annexion of, XIV.
172-174. Reannexion of, by
Spain, XIV. 175; Spanish docu-
ments on same, quoted, XIV. 176–
178; result of same, XIV. 181.
Treaty for annexion of, an infrac-
tion of its constitution, XIV. 190
et seq.
Duty of United States to-
wards, XIV. 245, 249, 283.
San Juan Boundary Question, re-
port of Committee on Foreign Re-
lations on settlement of, V. 484.
Sanborn, Frank B., speeches on case
of. IV. 445.

Sandwich Islands, mail service be-
tween United States and, X. 486.
Relations of, with United States,
X. 487.

Scholar, jurist, artist, and philan-
thropist, the, oration on, I. 241.
Defined, I. 249.

Schools. See Colored Schools, Com-

mon Schools, Normal Schools, and
Separate Schools.

Schurz, Carl, Senator from Missouri,
on Secretary Fish's attack on Mr.
Sumner, XIV. 262.

Schwartz, John, Representative from
Pennsylvania, speech on death of,
V. 188.

Scott, Sir Walter, compared to Cob-
bett, I. 198. On morning work,
I. 204.

Scylla and Charybdis, origin and his-
tory of Latin verse on, IX. 503-
512; application of same, IX. 541-

Seamen, wages of, in case of wreck,
III. 520; rule for determining
same, III. 521; abolition of above
rule by England, III. 522.
Secession, pretended right of, VI. 86;
VII. 323. Proposed concessions to
prevent, VI. 87-93. Acts of, im-
potent against United States, VI.
302; VII. 522.

Secretary of State, assistant, office of,
and Mr. Hunter, X. 458.
Security, the national, and the na-
tional faith, IX. 437.
Selden, John, on trial by battle (or
duel), I. 38 (note), 42; XIV. 11.
Self-defence, right of, I. 294, 378.
Restrictions on, II. 182. Dymond,
the Quaker, on, II. 183.
Self-government, local, advantages
of, XII. 243.

Senate of the United States, secrecy


in its proceedings, III. 212; XIII.
339. Functions of, III. 212; X.
347. Origination of appropriation
bills by, a usurpation, IV. 84. Can-
not abrogate treaties, IV. 101, 109.
Usurpation of, in imprisoning a
citizen, IV. 426; XIV. 285. Its
powers of enforcing testimony, IV.
428 et seq., 435 et seq.; XIV. 284.
Cannot enforce testimony in Har-
per's Ferry investigation, IV. 430-
433, in order to aid legislation,
IV. 432, 437; XIV. 293. Attempt
to kidnap a citizen under order of,
IV. 445. Has discretionary power
to expel members, VI. 254. Limita-
tion of debate in, VI. 293. Order
in its business, VI. 299. Loyalty
in the, VI. 346; VIII. 53; XII.
257. Should examine loyalty before
administering oath, VI. 353; XII.
260. Sacredness of its required
oath, VI. 359. Proper despatch of
business in, VII. 110. Constitu-
tional quorum of, VII. 169; IX.
490. Representation of Virginia
in, IX. 266. Limitation of its
business, XI. 369. Obligations of
caucuses of, XI. 369, 387-395.
Privileges of debate in, on officers
liable to impeachment, XI. 421,
429. Right of President of, pro
tem., to vote on impeachment of the
President, XII. 272; authorities de-
nying same, XII. 274. Powers of,
in trying impeachments, not judi-
cial, XII. 321, 412. Testimony to

early want of eloquence in, XIII.
191. Consideration of treaties in
open, XIII. 339. Eligibility to:
the question of inhabitancy, XIII.
341. Cannot continue imprison-
ment of witnesses after end of the
session, XIV. 286, 305; English
and American authorities proving
same, XIV. 286-292. Does not
possess the prerogatives of the
House of Lords, XIV. 288. Argu-
ments and authorities against its
power of arresting witnesses for
violation of its privileges, XIV.
292-301. Power of, to break into
telegraph-offices, XIV. 301. Par-
liamentary law on appointment of
special committees of, XV. 45;
authorities stating same, XV. 49-
54, 56-59.

Senate Chamber, the: its ventilation
and size, X. 495.

Senator of the United States, letters
written during election of a, in
Massachusetts, in 1851, II. 428.
Acceptance of office of, II. 437;
IV. 392, incompatibility of same
with other office, VI. 243. Position
of a, VI. 256, 285. Loyalty a qual-
ification required in a, VI. 346;
VIII. 56; XII. 258 et seqq. Is a
civil officer, VIII. 61; authorities
proving same, VIII. 61-69. Can-
not vote for himself, X. 391; same
proved by natural law, X. 392-395,


and by parliamentary law, X.
396. Inquiry into title of a, to his
seat, X. 502. The first colored,
XIII. 336. Limitations on exami-
nation of a, by Senate committees,
XV. 46; authorities stating same,
XV. 47.

Senators, conditions precedent to re-
ception of, from a rebel State, IX.
340. Majority or plurality in elec-
tion of, X. 377. Mode of electing,
X. 379 et seq.; Chancellor Kent on
same, X. 381. Powers of State
Legislatures in electing, X. 382-

389. Open voting in election of,
X. 481. Monuments to deceased,
XI. 119. Colored, predicted, XI.
400, 403. Constitutional responsi-
bility of, for their votes in cases of
impeachment, XII. 411. Import-
ance of colored, XII. 441; XIII.

Seneca, his prophecy of a new world,
XII. 6.

Separate Schools for colored children,

argument against, II. 327. A vio-
lation of equality, II. 346; XIV.
393. Introduce principle of caste,
II. 350. Not equivalent to common
schools, II. 362-364; XIV. 155,
310, 317, 393, 413. Origin of, in
Boston, II. 367-369. Evils of, II.
369-372; XIV. 393–396.
Separate System of prison discipline.

See Pennsylvania System.
Serenade, address at a, Aug. 9, 1872,
XV. 202.

Servants, indented, in America, VIII.
128-130; XIV. 166.
Service, substituted for "servitude"

in the Constitution, III. 139; V.
116; VIII. 138. See Fugitives
from service.

Settlement, a final, union of good
citizens for, VII. 187.

Sewall, Samuel, Judge, III. 473;

XII. 31. His prophecy concerning
America, XII. 32-36.

Seward, William H., views of, on
pensions for support of Fugitive-
Slave Bill, III. 426. His bill for
admission of Kansas, IV. 216. His
influence on President Johnson,
XI. 18. Letter of, on surplus of
Chinese indemnity fund, XIII. 464

Sharp, Granville, life of, as illustra-

tion of a merchant's duties, III.

Shaw, Robert G., Colonel,, equestrian
statue of, IX. 493. Burial of,
XIV. 398.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, on the

American War, I. 326, 349. On
Slavery, IX. 293. On America,
XII. 156.

Sherman, John, Senator from Ohio,
criticisms of, answered, VII. 99-
104; VIII. 43-46. Reply to his cri-
ticisms in Reconstruction debate,
XI. 112-116, 133-136. Answer to
his defence of appointment of San
Domingo commission, XIV. 94-96.
Shipley, Jonathan, Bishop of St.

Asaph, XII. 82. His predictions
concerning America, XII. 84-88.
Shipping, decay of, in United States,
XII. 473. Effect of taxation on,
XIII. 243.

Ships of War, fitted out in England

against United States during Re-
bellion, VII. 353–355, 458; XIII. 65
-71,- same defended in England,
but condemned by United States
Supreme Court, VII. 355-357.
Policy of United States on fitting
out, as a neutral, VII. 358–361;
liability of England for same, VII.
363-365; XIII. 89, 124, -author-
ity proving above liability, VII.


Sidney, Algernon, author of motto on
seal of Massachusetts, I. 94 (and
note). On government, X. 155.
Slave, origin of word, I. 395.

ster's Dictionary on original mean-
ing of, I. 396. Deed of manumis-
sion of a, in 1776, II. 289; V. 282.
Tintoretto's Miracle of the, II. 410
(see note).
Slave-Masters, number of, II. 312; IV.
42; V. 214; VI. 94. Cannot carry
slaves into Territories, III. 324 et
seq.: V. 105-123. Refuse to work,
V. 30. Character of, V. 50, 209 et
seq.; VII. 103,- testimony to same,
V. 51-56. Their virtues exception-
al, V. 55, 211. In their relations with
slaves, V. 56-61. Their agents, V.
61-63. Their relations with each
other, society, and government, V.
64-84, testimony to same, V.68-

70, 74. Conduct of, in Congress,
V. 84-99. Unconscious of barba-
rism of slavery, V. 99-102. Tour-
gueneff on, V. 103. Livingstone on,
V. 104. Their success in organi-
zing rebellion explained, VI. 95.
Tax on, VII. 93. Testimony to
untrustworthiness of, to legislate
for freedmen, VII. 225; XI. 31-33.
Their pretension to chivalry refut-
ed, IX. 99–110. Untrustworthiness
of, proved by reason, XI. 33. Pre-
tensions of, in regard to slavery,
XII. 418.

Slave Power, necessity of political
action against the, II. 55. Influ-
ence of, II. 59, 80, 140, 296, 416;
IV. 42; V. 200, 213; VI. 8. Union
among men of all parties against,
II. 74; III. 353. Defined, II. 77.
Constitution of United States op-
posed to, II. 78. Its test for office,
II. 80; V. 218. Usurpations of, II.
296-238; IV. 43, 66-71; V. 216 et
seq. Must be overthrown, III.
458; IV. 45, 71; V. 227. Its mad-
ness, IV. 57. Its aims in Kansas,
IV. 70, 140. Attempts to introduce
slavery into free States, IV. 71.
Author of crime against Kansas,
IV. 142. Its influence over Presi-
dent Pierce, IV. 189. Denounced,
V. 219-223. Emancipation of na-
tional government from, VI. 8.
Slave States, compared to Barbary
States, I. 389; V. 47-49, - and to
free States, V. 30-47, 216. Their
ignorance, V. 45; XI. 156. Testi-
mony to violence in, V. 68-70. Free-
dom of press restricted in, V. 72-75.
Outrages on Northern men in, V.
75-77, 79-84. Threat of disunion
by, V. 293; VI. 79-81. Disunion
no remedy for grievances of, V.
301. Not unanimous in desiring
disunion, V. 302; VII. 228,- effects
of same upon, V. 303-305. Passion
for slavery in, VI. 81. Webster on
admission of new, VII. 124 et seq.

Laws of, on exclusion of colored
testimony, VIII. 178-190; eccen-
tric judicial decisions in, on same,
VIII. 191-197. See Rebel States.
Slave-Trade, originally a mark of pro-
gress in Africa, I. 400. In England,
I. 400; XIII. 166. Sanctioned in
West Indies by Charles V., I. 406.
Opposition to early English efforts
against, II. 133; III. 329; IV. 37;
V. 78. Resolutions against, in
Danbury, Conn., in 1774, II. 290.
Abolished in District of Columbia,
II. 401. Compromise on, in Con-
stitution, III. 134; VI. 78. Gran-
ville Sharp on, III. 497. In the
North in early times, no example
for us, IV. 148. Early support of,
by England, IV. 149; VII. 397; X.
313. Final suppression of the,
VI. 474. Treaties between Great
Britain and United States against,
VI. 475, 479. Efforts of United
States and Europe against, VI.
476-479, especially of Great
Britain, VI. 477, 481; VII. 400-
403. Means for suppression of,
defended, VI. 482-485. Abolition
of, in French, Dutch, and Spanish
colonies, VII. 401. Authorities on
illegality of, VII. 434. Abolition
of the coast-wise, IX. 30. Paley's
exertions against, XII. 153. See
Right of Search.

Slavery, the wrong of, I. 149. De-
cision of Chief-Justice Shaw on,
I. 230, 308; IX. 278. Channing's
labors against, I. 290-293. Influ-
ence of, universal, I. 307. Cause of
Mexican War, I. 307, 322, 335, 377.
Exertions of Massachusetts against,
I. 308; V. 281-284: VI. 24. De-
clarations of authors of Constitu-
tion against, I. 312: II. 78. 293;
III. 107-110; V. 115, 201; VIII.
136. Should be constitutionally re-
pealed, I. 309. And the Mexican
War. I. 333. Whigs pledged to
overthrow, I. 336. R. C.Winthrop's

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