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depression, though in full doses a brief period of depression may precede its physiological action. This indicates the employment with Coca of a diffusible stimulant which after an evanescent period speedily gives place to the influence of the drug. The difference between the action of alcohol and Coca is well illustrated in the anecdote of the Andean Indian, who, given a first taste of whisky and asked his idea of its effects compared with Coca, replied: "Coca helps a man to live, but whisky makes him row a boat."-(Mortimer's Peru: History of Coca, p. 224.) Thus the combination of wine with Coca such as in the well known Vin Mariani, is not only purely scientific, but a commendable preparation that presents an agreeable means of exhibiting the positive merits of properly preserved Coca.

THERMIC FEVER.-In summarizing the cases of thermic fever (sun-stroke and heat exhaustion) coming under charge of the Pennsylvania Hospital during the hot spell of July, 1901, in all ninety-one cases, it was found that all cases in which the temperature did not exceed 106° F. recovered, whil no case that showed a temperature of 111° F. survived. The main treatment consisted in rubbing the surface of the body with ice, the use of the ice cap, the cool bath, absolute rest, stimulants (the aromatic spirit of ammonia, strychnia and alcohol), bleeding in a few cases and the intravenous injection of salt solution.-Clinical Review.

GONORRHOEAL OPHTHALMIA.-Protargol, in 20 per cent. solution, has largely superseded the old nitrate of silver solution in this affection. The results have been better, so low a figure as but 2 per cent. of failures being set against a large series of cases.-Clinical Review.

SANDER & SONS' Eucalyptol (pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract.)— Apply to Dr. Sander, Belle Plaine, Iowa, for gratis supplied sample and literature of Sander's Eucalyptol. It is invaluable in inflammations of the mucous membranes and in all septic and infectious diseases. Meyer Bros. Drug Company, St. Louis, Mo., sole agents.

LINEN SEWING MACHINE THREAD FOR LIGATURES AND SUTURES.-Arthur E. J. Baker says that this material can be obtained everywhere, and that it is relatively very cheap. It can be easily sterilized by boiling in plain water, and then stored in methylated spirit. It is enormously strong, and ties a most uncompromising knot. It is easy to work with, and runs through the eye of any suitable needle easily, having been spun with special care in order to travel evenly through the sewing machine neeale. He has used several sizes, and now limits these to three, viz., No. 40, which is as thick as need be desired for the abdominal wall or ligature of the larger arteries; No. 60, which is thinner, but still very strong; and No. 90, which is as fine as can be desired, say for a suture of the intestine. He finds it convenient to procure No. 40 as a white thread, No. 60 in red, and No. 90 in black. He has prepared it by simply boiling it for an hour in ordinary water, and then keeping it in spirit. A little of the dye comes out of the finer sizes in boiling, but does not appear otherwise to alter the thread, which can be boiled over and over again without rotting it.. It is well borne by the tissues, and altogether seems to be an ideal article for the purpose named.-Medical Record.

DIETETIC APHORISMS FOR INFANT LIFE.-The following are the aphorisms which are offered:

1. Nature's way and nature's food are the best. The possibility of the improvement of the quality or quantity of the mother's milk should always be considered before putting the child on artificial feeding.

2. We should do the best we can with what we have. Here Griffith protests against the adoption of any one fixed formula for infant feeding. The mixture must be made to meet the special requirements of the child.

3. Keep up with the times. What is unscientific will not pass muster. He gives formulas and equations of infant food giving the most recent and from experience the most suitable. Know what you want. We should know why we give this or that mixture to certain children and should not be lazy or too adherent to old ways.


5. Go slow and do not increase the strength of the milk too rapidly or introduce too much starchy food. The age of the child should not be the guide, but its general condition, especially its weight, should be.

6. Lastly, he mentions the starvation treatment, meaning by this the judicious temporary reduction in the amount and strength of the food given, to meet the necessities of the case.— Journal American Medical Association.

GELATINE INJECTIONS IN HEMORRHAGE.-Grunow (Berlin Klin. Woch,) details the results of the extensive use of gelatine subcutaneous injections to arrest hemorrhage. He used a 2 per cent. solution in saline solution, and injected twice, two grammes (that is, 200 c. cm., or about seven ounces of the solution) in one or two sites. The hemorrhage was caused by the following conditions: Phthisis, gangrene of the lung, gastric ulcer, typhoid fever, hematemesis in hemophilia, intestinal hemorrhage due to leukemia, etc., bladder trouble, nephritis causing kidney and pelvis of kidney hemorrhage, and aneurism of the pulmonary organs. Referring to the cases of hemoptysis in phthisis, one patient dled, but he considers that the treatment was begun too late, and was insufficient both as regards the quantity of gelatine injected and the number of times the injections were made. In all the other cases he believes that the effect of the injections was a beneficial one. The case of gangrene of the lung ended fatally, but the hemorrhage was arrested thirteen days before death from secondary putrid abscess. He found it advisable to combine the gelatine treatment with morphine and acetate of lead or ergot. He observed good results in all the cases of hematemesis and also in kidney bleeding. In one hemorrhage from the bladder, however, it appeared to have no effect at all.

Although he does not find the treatment attended with any danger to life, he noted the following side-effects, which are undesirable: (1) Pain in the site of injection-this was at times considerable, and lasted from a few minutes to twenty-four hours, or even longer; (2) fever, not exceeding 103° F.; (3) urticaria, and (4) circumscribed, deep-seated swellings in the musclesin one case.

He concludes from his observations: (1) That gelatine injections exert some beneficial action on hemorrhage of the internal organs; (2) that the injections are accompanied by some unpleasant side-effects, which, however, do not contra-indicate their application; (3) that the injections should be continued until hemorrhage has ceased for a definite space of time; (4) that as the coagulating power of gelatine does not suffice alone to arrest bleeding in some cases, other hemostatics should be combined with it.-Indian Lancet.

ICHTHYOL IN TYPHOID FEVER.-Dr. Soet (Aerztliche Praxis, XIV. No. 1) tried ichthyol in nine cases of typhoid fever. In one case the drug was given in the last stage of the disease, for the weakness and anemia, and with good effect. The patient took daily from three to eight pills, each containing 2 to 1 grains of ichthyol.

The author administers the remedy in pills or in solution, with plain or peppermint water; five to twenty drops of the solution are given thrice daily before meals in one-third glass of water. The patients soon learn to drink without tasting. Το cover the unpleasant flavor, a piece of chocolate may be taken immediately after the dose. This method corrects the taste of all unpleasant drugs. The headache promptly disappears and the appetite improves noticeably after the first few doses. Of all symptoms, says the author, only the fever shows that the disease is still there. Since the drug is absolutely harmless, the author recommends further trial of it in typhoid fever.-Medical Age.

PUERPERAL HEMORRHAGE.-G. Seymour (Medical News, May 24, 1902) says that the following are the principal causes of antepartum hemorrhages: 1. Atony of muscles, blood vessels, and nerves of the whole system, especially of the uterus and its adnexa. 2. Accidents giving rise to such physical disturbances as may come from excessive cohabitation, intense mental emotions and violent passions, injuries from falls, blows on the abdomen, coughing, vomiting, lifting heavy weights, etc. 3.

Criminal or accidental abortions, with a retention of a whole or a part of the placenta. 4. Abnormal insertions of the placenta, with the varied forms of placenta previa, from the simple adhesions of the placental border down to the inner cervical ring to the implantation of the placenta centrally over the os internum, so that after dilatation of the os the placenta only can be felt. 5. Neoplasms of the uterine body, especially fiibroids. 6. Ectopic pregnancies and hematoma.-Medical Age.

THE PATHOLOGY OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE.-In Bright's disease the texture of the kidney is so changed as to modify or suspend its function, which is to eliminate the toxins from the blood brought to it by the renal artery and returned purified through the renal vein, while the waste passes off through the uriniferous tubules. The cardio-vascular change of Bright's disease is one of degeneration, and results in a weak heart and soft, compressible pulse, which must not be confounded with the rigid, wiry pulse of arterio-sclerosis, which often complicat s the incipient stages. Dropsy is influenced by three conditions: Albuminuria, by withholding the globulin of the red cells, causes anemia and hydremia. The capillaries altered by inflamation or lack of nutrition are more permeable, especially by the diluted blood. Vasomotor weakness due to innutrition favors exudation and retards absorption. Uremia is a mixed form of poisoning, no single element accounting for all the symptoms.Medical Record

A NEW METHOD OF LOCAL ANESTHESIA FOR SURFACE OPERATIONS.-This method, claimed as a novelty by E. A. Smith, is nothing but the application of cataphoresis to a surface covered with lint dipped in a solution of cocaine and adrenalin. He uses a current of 15 to 30 milliamperes passed for from five to ten minutes.-Med. Record.

SULPHUR, even in such a minute quantity as the fraction of a grain, will increase the efficacy of a purgative pill or powder, by increasing the flatus in the intestine, thus facilitating the expulsion of its contents.-Med. Herald.

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