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in all of which these structures were scrutinized. These glands, whose peculiar characteristics appear to have been overlooked by pathologists until 1884, and to have been but meagerly described since, occur principally in the perverted retroperitoned region, although they are found sparingly in other localities. They are ordinarily hardly distinguishable to the naked eye from the other lymph glands. Their number is estimated at from 1-50 to 1-20 of the total number of lymph glands in these regions. Their distinguishing characteristic is the presence of a blood sinus instead of a lymph space beneath the capsule. Their histological structure resembles in a measure that of the ordinary lymph glands, but also shows marked resemblances to the splenic tissue, a gradual transition existing between hemolymph glands on one side to ordinary lymph glands, and, on the other hand, to the structure of the spleen. Warthin subdivides them into two classes, viz.: splenolymph glands and marrow lymph glands. His studies lead him to the belief that their functions are connected with the formation and destruction of blood corpuscles, leucocytes seem to be actively formed in these glands, while the red blood corpuscles undergo destruction through the phagocytic action of the cells of the glands.

The part played by the hemolymph glands in pathology promises to prove a fertile field for future investigations.

TRANSPLANTATION OF TUMORS: -Leo Loeb of Chicago has made a series of interesting experiments in transplanting a sarcomatous growth found in the thyroid gland of a white rat. He worked on the problem for fifteen months, transplanting 360 pieces into about 150 animals. The original growth was a cystic sarcoma. Pieces of it were transplanted into the sub

cutaneous tissues or into the peritoneal cavities of other rats, guinea pigs, white mice and hens. The results of the attempts to cause growths in the guinea pigs, mice and hens were invariably unsuccessful, but the pieces transplanted into other rats were successful.

In some cases the transplanted pieces became necrotic and in a few suppuration occurred, but usually after ten or fifteen days the tumor started to grow in its new surroundings and increased rapidly in size. At first a solid mass formed, which later became cystic in the center, like the original tumor. In some cases only the cystic fluid was injected into the peritoneal cavity. In these cases multiple tumors appeared and gradually developed into large sarcomatous masses. From the first to the last piece examined, the character of the tumor was preserved during the fifteen months even after so many pieces had been transplanted from animal to animal. It remained a cystic sarcom. Neither did its physiological character change. The original tumor formed local, but no general metastases, and this was also true of the tumors resulting from transplantation. The virulence, measured by the rate of growth of the tumor, also remained practically the same, no marked decrease being observed.

THE BACILLUS OF THE PEST:With a view to determine the amount of variability in different cultures of the bacillus of bubonic plague. Wilson, of the Hoagland laboratory, has carried out a series of comparative cultures, using bacilli obtained from five different sources. The germs were tested upon all the ordinary culture media and also on salt agor, and on meat broth to which cocoanut oil had been added, (Hawkins & Haffking methods.)

The results demonstrate the fact that various cultures of the bacillus of the

pest show marked uniformity in their growth. The variations seen in the behavior of different cultures of certain bacteria, e.g., the cholera spirillum, are not observed.

The staining pecularities were also uniform. All of the specimens decolorized by Gram's method. No spores or flagella were discovered, and none of the cultures showed motile bacilli. Hen ce, it will be seen that the bacillus of bubonic plague is fairly constant in its morphology. and cultural characters, and although there is no positive

characteristic by which it can be hurriedly identified, one can be reasonably certain of its identify if a number of facts are taken into consideration. The most important points to be considered in a suspected case are: obtained (1) the stalactite test by growing in broth to which cocoanut oil has been added, the bacilli growing downward from the droplets of oil which float on the surface and producing the appearance of delicate stalactites; (2) the growth on salt agar; and (3) the inoculation of rats or guinea pigs.

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Communications are invited from physicians everywhere; especially from physicians on the Pacific Coast, and more especially from physicians of Southern California.

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A two weeks' stay at Idyllwild in the beautiful Strawberry Valley has made some impressions that I shall carry with me permanently. During the first two weeks of September, which is usually so unpleasantly warm in Southern California, at this ideal spot the temperature was that which is most conducive to comfort. My room at the Sanatorium was provided with steam heat night and morning, but only on two or three occasions during the two weeks did I utilize it. On the other hand a ride in the saddle at midday was not uncomfortable. The impression conveyed to me upon arriving there, where I found all the comforts of a first-class hotel, including porcelain bath, hot water and steam heat,

with the beautiful view as I approached it in the evening afforded by the abundance of electric lights glimmering through the beautiful pines, seemed almost marvelous when contrasted with what I found in going to the valley exactly two years previous. The effective approach through the pines to the beautifully-lighted sanatorium is a picture I shall not forget. My original plan for a stay of a few days was prolonged by reason of the comforts and delights of the place to a stay of a week, ten days and finally two weeks. It was because I had found there, something different from other places that caused the prolongation of the vacation.

During this period I searched the heavens diligenty morning, noon and

night for a cloud, but from the valley proper not one the size of a hand appeared. Only when going to some heighth from which I might view the lower country were the clouds brought to my view. For years I have seen the necessity for an institution of this kind somewhere in Southern California where invalids might go to be cared for properly, but until this time I had not thought of the place as a spot for recreation. After this sojourn it seems to me that no more delightful mountain resort could be found for the well, and it was my pleasure to see not alone sick people but those like myself who go there for recreation.

People who have explored the whole world seek the spot because it is a new place to them. People from all localities were visiting there. Many from widely-scattered States in the Union, from Canada, and some from Europe. No more delightful associates could have been found anywhere. When it was my pleasure to talk with them in order to gain their impression, it was a source of gratification to see that they agreed in saying that in no other place have they found such a combination of advantages, all different forms of recreation in the way of mountain climbing, golf, hunting and like arduous sports.

I cannot fail to express my great delight that the directors of Idyllwild Sanatorium have in so short a time brought about such a change in this wonderful valley endowed by Providence with such magnificent natural advantages.

During the present summer the sick and well have been cared for in the sanatorium proper with the aid of the most comfortable well-floored tents. To me it seems imperative that in the future there should be provided apart from the sanatorium a more or less expensive hotel in which the well can be cared for in as commendable a manner as is now being done for the sick. The large area of land with many beautiful sites for such a hotel, provides abundant locations at a considerable distance from the sanatorium. I understand that the Board of Directors have in mind such an arrangement. I shall look forward with the greatest pleasurse to the fruition of such plans.

For exercise for the overworked urban resident, the one which has the most attraction, as it seems to me, is that taken in the saddle. Every day new canyons to be investigated, creeks to be explored, mountain heights to be scaled, valleys further up in the mountains to be sought, beautiful places within a few rods of the sanatorium, and beautiful places ten miles distant, with the return to the sanatorium ready for the enticing meal, are delights which cannot help but bring rest, strength and recuperation to the visitor, and bring him in mind a little closer to his Creator.

G. L. C.

MARRIAGES BETWEEN WOMEN. This abnormal infatuation of one woman for another that has been noted for centuries from time to time in history, seems if anything, to be more prevalent today than every before. The physician has probably a better oppor

tunity to observe this peculiar state of affairs than any person else. It is nothing unusual for one woman to have a terrible infatuation for another, write most violent epistles of affection and, if need be, in order to be close to the object of her love, to give up position and all other friends. This is more likely to occur where women are thrown together in some avocation that prevents them from coming in contact with men, but still, it does occur sometimes in a woman who is married, and who had previous to meeting this female object of love been happy with her husband.

Our attention has been called to this subject by five cases that have recently come under our personal attention, and also by the case of Dr. John Gorse Simmons of New York City, who declares that the infatuation that exists between his wife, Mary Simmons, and Miss Lea G. Walter has led to an estrangement between himself and his wife, and resulted in their separation. Dr. Simmons is a popular young practitioner, who is a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Baltimore, and a member of the New York County Medical Society, and of the Delaware County Medical Society, and his statement has caused a great sensation in the circles in which he moves.

We believe it would be wise for physicians when in their practice they see two young women develop such undue affection, to warn the mothers of the dangers liable to ensue. This is no chimera, but a reality, and may yet grow to be a serious evil.


In regard to the treatment of the President, we have from our faraway standpoint seen but one thing to criticise, which was brought out in an interview with the nurses in charge.

"They brought him right here from the ambulance," said Miss Morris, placing her hand on the operating table, "and did not even lift him to remove the stretcher during the operation. I stood here and Miss Simmons stood over there," indicating the opposite side of the table, "and Dr. Wasdin gave the anesthetic there," pointing to the white-enameled stool at the head of the operating table.

"He was the most admirable patient I ever saw," said Miss Barnes, as she joined the group.

"When we were taking care of him that first night, sick as he was, there was not the slightest service performed for him that he did not recognize in some way. If he could not speak he would just give a little 'umph-humph, just to let us know that he noticed what we were doing for him.

"I had no idea it was the President who was to be operated upon when Miss Walters told me to get a hypodermic of morphia and strychnia. I looked at the face of the man on the table and said to myself: 'That looks like the President,' but it was some little time before I was quite sure about it.

"When I went to give the hypodermic he looked at it in a rather dis

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