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nõn på rěil', a size of type smaller pro spěe' tus, summary; outline of a than brevier (6-point).

plan or scheme.

oe tā' vo, consisting of sheets folded quad' răt (ab. quạd.), a large blank

into eight leaves.

păm' phlět, a printed work of a few

sheets of paper stitched together, but not bound.

paste' board, paper pulp compressed, or paper pasted together and rolled, into a stiff sheet.

type-metal lower than the letters, used for spacing.

quar' to, consisting of sheets folded into four leaves.

quoin (kwoin), a device for holding

type securely while being printed. ream, twenty quires of paper.

reg' lět, thin strip of wood used in sup' ple ment, an appendix; matter

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NOTE: The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

e răd' i cāte, to root out; to destroy. | com měn' su rate (-shu-), adequate. prop' à gate, to increase; to generate.

děs o la' tion, waste; ruin; havoc.
pros pěr' ĭty, thrift; welfare.
loy' ǎl ty, devoted allegiance.
trea' son, disloyalty; treachery.

e lu' çi date, to explain.
mys' ti fy, to puzzle; mislead.
hăz' ard, chance; risk; venture.
çer' tain ty, surety; without doubt.
per pěn die' u lar, vertical; upright.
hør i zŎn' tal, on a level.

in suf fi' cient, scanty; inadequate.

ex ǎs' per ate, to provoke.
eon çil' i ate, to appease; to win.

ĕm' bry o, first state; the germ.
de věl' op ment, growth; maturity.
ǎl lē' vi ate, to allay; to lighten.
åg' gra vāte, to vex; to augment.
eon çen' trate, to condense.
dis perse', to diffuse; to scatter.
jõe' u lar, sportive; jocose.
měl' an chol y, gloomy; sad; dejected.

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"Reason is the soul of the law, and when the reason of any particular law ceases, so does the law itself."-Legal Maxim.

ǎp pûr' te nançe, a minor improvement; a right or privilege belonging to any property and passing with it; an appendage.

lănd' lord, one who owns real estate

and leases it to another. lease, to let; a contract for rent. les sēe', one to whom a lease is given.

bō' nus, a premium given on a loan, môrt' ğage (môr'-), a pledge of real or for any favor shown.

chăt' tel, any movable property. deed, a written contract under seal, usually transferring the ownership of real estate.

ease' ment, a right or privilege of

one person in the property of another.

fee-sim' ple, an absolute fee; a fee

without conditions or limits.

fix' tures, permanent appendages; fixed furniture.

grant ēe', a person to whom a grant

or conveyance is made.

grant' ôr, the person by whom a grant or conveyance is made.

or personal property for the payment of a debt.

môrt ga gee', one to whom a mortgage is given.

môrt' ğa gôr, one who gives a mort

gage upon his property.

nō' tå ry, an officer empowered to note protests, administer oaths, take depositions, etc.

prèm' is es, propositions admitted; a piece of real estate.

quit' claim, to release a claim to by deed, without covenants of warranty.

re lease', to let go; a discharge from a debt or claim.

hêir, a person to whom property will seal, an engraved stamp for making descend by inheritance.

in den' ture, a written contract under seal.

in eŭm' brançes, burden or charges upon property.

an impression; wax stamped; to ratify with a seal.

u'şu ry, demanding and accepting interest beyond the legal rate. war' ran ty, surety; to warrant.

Correlative terms:

occupancy and dispossession

landlord and tenant

rental and removal

purchase and option

permanent and transient

mortgage and release

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à lign' ment, act of adjusting to a prin' çi pal, chief; a leader or head; line.

property or capital.

ȧ măn u ĕn' sis, one who copies what prin' çi ple, a maxim; a source, or another writes or dictates.

băl' ançe, weigh; adjust; to poise.

ĕs' ti må ble, valuable; worthy of esteem.


read' ily, quickly; cheerfully.

re çede to retreat; to move back. sǎl' à ry, a recompense for services.

ex pěnse', outlay; a spending or con- sep' ȧ rate, to sever; to come between. suming.

ex traôr' di na ry (-trôr'-), unusual. fôr' ty, sum of ten and thirty; four times ten.

su per in tĕnd' ent, inspector; super


till, as far as; to cultivate. un til', to; up to; till.



ǎn' thra çite, a hard variety of coal. | heat, a single heating, melting or Běs' se mer, a process of making steel,

invented by Bessemer.

bi tū' min ous, containing bitumen and mineral pitch, as soft coal. breaker, a place in which coal is

broken and prepared for market. căn' nel cōal, a coal which burns readily with a bright flame.

eär' bon, pure charcoal.

chär' coal, coal made by charring wood.

smelting operation.

hěm' a tite, a variety of iron ore. Lăck' a wạn na, a variety of coal. Le' high, a variety of coal. peat, a kind of vegetable substance, dried, used for fuel.

pig-iron, blocks or bars of cast-iron as it comes from the smelter.

păd' dling, the operation or process of transforming pig-iron into wrought


chute (shoot), an inclined trough or Read' ing, a variety of coal.


eōke, mineral coal, from which the volatile substances have been removed by heat.

Sie' mens (see'-), a process of making steel invented by Siemens. slag, the earthy matter separated during manufacture of metals.

eru̟' çi ble, a vessel used for melting smelt, to extract iron or other metal ores, etc.

from the ore.

děr' riek, an apparatus for lifting and tǎek' le, appliance for hoisting ore. moving heavy weights. trăm' way, railway for the transportation of ore.

grăn' u lāte, to form into grains.



"Never excuse a wrong action by saying that some one else does the same thing."-Ben Franklin.

ăn' ti qua ted, out of use; old-fash- | çhär' là tan, an impostor.


com păr' i son, act of comparing.

băl' lad, a short, popular narrative de lin' e ate, to describe; to draw in

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