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Grand Chief, W. S. Stone, will be at all the meetings. We expect Shandy Maguire and a big turn-out. Any remaining over Sunday and wishing to go through the railroad shop on Monday and see how they build the big engines, etc., will be accommodated. Fraternally,


A MEMBERSHIP meeting representing all the B. of L. E. Subdivisions in New England employed on the Boston & Albany, Boston & Maine, Main Central and N. Y. N. H. & H. systems, will be held in Odd Fellows' hall, 515 Tremont street, Boston, Mass., on Sunday, June 30, 1907.

The Grand Chief and other Grand Officers are expected to be present to address the assemblage, also local speakers, which will make the meeting one of both personal and collective importance, and the committee desires to have all members present who can possibly arrange to do so and assist in making it the best yet held.

The committee of arrangements are Bros. D. R. Parker, chairman B. & A.; C. K. Mitchell, chairman B. & M.; F. W. Littlefield, chairman Maine Central and F. S. Evans, chairman N. Y., N. H. & H.

These Brothers certainly ought to be complimented by a large gathering at this meeting. It will not only be good for the individual member, but a large gathering will show appreciation for the earnest work of these chairmen, and they have a right to expect all who can to come.-EDITOR.

ANY Brother who desires to make fair remuneration for handling “Shandy Maguire's" book of poems can do so by addressing him at Oswego, N. Y., and get terms.

WE, the members of Div. 638, are pleased to announce that our esteemed Bro. Mark Lawlis was elected to the city council of the city of Hugo, I. T.

Brother Lawlis was unable to be at the poles election day, he being at the other end of the road, and we are proud to say that he received more votes than anyone on the ticket. Does this not speak well

for Brother Lawlis and the standing of engineers in general in our city?

GEO. ROSBACH, F. A. E. Div. 638.

BRO. F. E. SECOR, of Div. 205, Hartford, Conn., has been appointed road foreman of engines of the C. N. E. Ry., and its branches.

Brother Secor is a young man, but has had several years' experience on different roads, having been successful wherever he went, and the officials of the C. N. E. have made no mistake in choosing Brother Secor for this position. We wish Brother Secor success. Drv. 205.

ON April 1, 1907, Bro. M. A. Brophy, F. E. of Div. 171, was appointed road foreman of engines on the M. & E. division of the D., L. & W. R. R., with headquarters at Hoboken, N. J.

Bro. M. A. Brophy has been a faithful worker in Div. 171 and holds the respect and confidence of his numerous friends and associates. The members of Div. 171 wish him success and hope for further advancement. Brother Brophy represented Divisions 171 and 30 at the Los Angeles convention. Yours fraternally,

C. A. STEVENSON, F. A. E. Div. 171.

IT affords the members of Div. 98 much pleasure to announce that one of our worthy members, Bro. J. J. Buttery, has been selected to fill the important position of master mechanic for the Burlington at Lincoln, Neb., and as a further evidence of their pleasure, the following letter was addressed to Brother Buttery:

In recognition of the esteem in which you are held by the members of Div. 98, B. of L. E., and the universal satisfaction and pleasure your promotion to the position of master mechanic at Lincoln affords our members, we, in regular meeting this day assembled, have voted unanimously to place you upon the list of honorary membership in our Division.

Congratulating you on your deserved promotion, we bespeak for you a successful administration of your new duties, and a continuance of our pleasant relations. In behalf of Div. 98, I am,

H. WIGGENJOST, F. A. E. Div. 98.

BRO. W. J. HURLEY, of Div. 421, recently elected president of the Traveling Engineers' Association, has been a loyal member of Div. 421 ever since its birth, and has served as C. E. delegate, and in other offices for the Division, always with zeal and success. He was appointed road foreman of engines on the western division of the N. Y. C. & H. R. in 1901, in which capacity he has served ever since with great credit to himself and to the service, giving entire satisfaction to the railroad company and the engineers. We congratulate Brother Hurley on the

BRO. W. J. HURLEY, DIV. 421.

honor bestowed on him by the Traveling Engineers' Association, and the association on the choice they made in electing him president. B., Div. 421.

SUBDIVISION 6, Boone, Ia., will celebrate their 40th anniversary on June 13, Red Men's hall, corner Story and Eighth streets. They were organized in 1867, taking the No. 6, Brotherhood of the Footboard, issued to members employed on the Chicago & Galena Union Ry., Chicago, Ill., in 1863, charter eventually lost through the first strike in our history. Our Boone Brothers have held No. 6 in

line through all the troubled times of the order since the date they received their charter, and now, with their large membership and excellent condition financially and socially, their 40th anniversary ought to call together a large number and make it both pleasant and profitable.-EDITOR.

DIVISION 188, Stratford, Ont., had present at regular meeting, Sunday, April 21, Bro. Charles Wilson who, on the previous Thursday, celebrated his golden wedding. It is needless to say that when the veteran engineer entered the Division room he was the recipient of many congratulations and good wishes.

While it was the fiftieth anniversary of Brother Wilson's wedding, it was also the fiftieth anniversary of Brother Wilson's entry into railway service, he having entered the service of the Great Western Ry. at Hamilton in 1857, where he remained until 1861, when he took service with the G. T. Ry. In 1900 Brother Wilson was compelled, through rheumatism, to retire from active service on the engine. During Brother Wilson's long railroad career he has seen many changes and been in many wrecks, one especially bad collision on the 17th of Sept., 1864, after which his life was despaired of for many days.

Brother Wilson has been a useful and loyal member of our Division for many years. He is now unable to perform work of any kind and, so far as his health will permit, is enjoying a well-deserved rest. We all unite in wishing him many happy returns of the past week.

JOHN BATTLEY, F. A. E. Div. 188. RAINY LAKE DIV. 677 is still alive and prospering and, with the coming busy ore season, we expect to greatly increase our membership. At our regular meeting on March 21 we held an open session at 4 p. m., and an invitation having been sent to Messaba Lodge 654, B. of L. F., the boys responded in fine shape, about 35 attending, and a most enjoyable time was spent. Cigars, speeches and songs were on the bill of fare and a delightful musical program was rendered by Messrs Hare, Culp, McCarthy and Skinner.


Master Eugene McCarthy, son of Bro. Mark McCarthy, accompanied the singers on the piano in a very artistic manner. This young man has certainly a bright future before him.

Bro. J. A. Myers of Div. 559 was elected chairman for this occasion, and every one knows that "Dad" Myers is capable of holding down this position. In his remarks he said he had spent two hours that afternoon tearing up and down the back alleys, and had visited nearly every hall in Virginia trying to find out where the meeting was to be held, and had finally to engage the service of a "tallow pot" to locate him.

We are going to give more of these little social entertainments in the future, as it brings all the members together and also establishes a splendid feeling with our Brother firemen.

Yours fraternally,

F. S., Div. 677

IT IS Some time since Division 61 has sent a communication to the Link column, but it has not been wholly because there has been nothing to contribute. The fact is the corresponding secretary has changed his abode, taken another run, and a few meetings have found him absent, but promises to be a good attendant in the future.

A fixture in the routine of our meetings is the initiation of candidates, also a waiting list and new propositions for membership.

We were entertained for some minutes by Brother Wilson of the Legislative Board, and particularly so when relating the account of a bill in regard to the smoke nuisance. If space permitted we would be glad to see reproduced here a copy of the bill in the original, the many amendments, and the information touching upon the progenitors and some of the supporters of the bill. If the original bill became a law it would be a crime and punishable by law to smoke over six minutes in any one hour of the day in Massachusetts.

Suffice to say that the originator of the bill was a man who knows what it is to

ride on a free pass, yet we do not know of his ever working as a day laborer for a railroad company. He is credited with being a reporter of a daily paper. We are glad the bill is receiving a death blow, for too many of our Brothers, ourselves included, have no objection to a smoke of over six minutes' duration in one hour or of two minutes at one particular time.


Div. 354, in appreciation of the earnest work of Brother Langan, and the honor his promotion conferred both upon him and the division, formulated and presented him with the following letter:

Bro. J. N. Langan:

At a meeting held by Div. 354, Kankakee, Ill., April 1, 1907, the Division drafted resolutions commending your persistent efforts for the welfare of our organization while performing your duty as chairman of the G. B. of A. for your Brother engineers of the Chicago, Indiana & Southern R. R., and congratulating you on your appointment to the position of road foreman of engines. From personal knowledge the members of Div. 354 know you to be a Brother of integrity and unblemished character, always fair and broad minded in your dealings with the locomotive engineers on this system. Therefore, be it

Resolved, That while we very much regret to lose you as our chairman, we congratulate you and assure you of our good will and best wishes for your future success, and all join in a hearty Godspeed in your new field of labor.

Resolved, That these resolutions shall be spread on our minutes.


THE engineers of the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. held a system meeting March 31st in East Hartford under the auspices of Division 205. The meeting was presided over by the Chief Engineer of Div. 205, Bro. Geo. H. Bill. Owing to inability to reach here none of the Grand Officers were present.

Bro. F. S. Evans, chairman of the General Committee of Adjustment, gave a

very interesting talk on the new schedule and prevailing conditions, after which an open discussion followed by members.

One often hears the remark, "An open confession is good for the soul," but, to transpose that a little, we find these "open discussions" are good for us all, soul and body, as it affords an opportunity for each member to openly express his opinion and allow officers and members a chance to learn one another's sentiments.

The engineers of Div. 205 are never overworked, and the arguments and discussion had caused the participants to labor, so the announcement to adjourn for dinner was warmly welcomed by all.

Dinner was served at 1 o'clock in Odd Fellows' Hall, and the 64 engineers that filled tables certainly did justice to the elaborate and appetizing dinner prepared for them by the ladies of the G. I. A., of which Mrs. Dan O'Neil is president.

Ths ladies of the G. I. A. all bear the reputation of being excellent cooks, but that dinner surpassed any ever served by them. Cigars were given as souvenirs and nothing aids digestion like a good cigar, so each member and guest were in the best of humor and ready to declare "the world went very well with them."

After dinner we adjourned to the Division room where discussion was again opened on the general advancement of the system. Brother Osmond of Div. 205 and Brother Shufelt of Div. 312, who were filled with argument before dinner, were speechless at the after-dinner session.

Previous to closing a unanimous vote was passed thanking the ladies of the G. I. A. for so ably assisting Div. 205 in making the meeting such a success. It has been the custom of the B. of L. E. to hold these system meetings every fifth Sunday, and we find they have proven very beneficial to the brotherhood, both in a business and social way.

Div. 205 has a membership of 180, with $600 in their treasury. They also have a sick benefit association with $300 in its treasury, and we are initiating new members every meeting.

I will mail you photograph taken on the day of meeting. G. H. BILL, Div. 205.

THE members of Div. 32, Aurora, Ill., recently treated the Ladies' Auxiliary, Div. 357, to a genuine surprise, while they were holding a meeting in Schoeberlein hall. A large number of B. of L. E. men who trooped into the hall prepared to give the Auxiliary a rousing entertainment and program. They were successful in their designs.

After a program of speech and song the cavalcade marched to Memorial hall where between 150 and 175 covers were laid for an elaborate banquet served by Caterer Fisher. When the last course had been served and a number of short impromptu toasts had been given by guests and hosts, the party adjourned to Schoeberlein hall and spent the remainder of the evening in cards and dancing.

The talks, songs and readings given by the entertainers to their guests were very apt and happy and pleased the hearers immensely. Judge Mangan spoke on "The Brotherhood," a subject which he knows intimately and on which he delivered an eloquent address.

Mrs. Miller, Auxiliary to the B. of L. E., told of the work that the Auxiliary proposes, what it has accomplished and the interest that had been aroused in the work among the women. She was heartily applauded and her explanations of the G. I. A.'s work created a wave of enthusiastic comment.

The Machinists' quartet, W. Keeley, H. Keley, W. Ellis and A. Knight, sang a number of ballads that caught the audience, which demanded encore after


Miss DeHart and Miss Lenahan gave a number of readings and scored hits, that drew enthusiastic applause from all parts of the hall.

The instrumental music was furnished by the Collins & Downs' orchestra, and the rhythm and melodious strains of the waltz and two-step were enjoyed until a late hour. The committee in charge was composed of A. C. DeHart, George Cooper, W. H. Tucker, J. P. Jordan and J. H. Shambo, representing the B. of L. E. Div. 32.

THE twenty-fifth annual May party given by Subdivision No. 88, North Platte, Neb., on May 1, seems to have taken all the people of North Platte, certainly a great compliment to the members of Div. 88. The twenty-fifth annual May party must not be confounded with date of organization, which occurred in 1867. The May parties were established in 1883, when they resolved to have the first May party of the annual held on May 1st, 1907. We glean the following from the North Platte Tribune.-EDITOR.

The twenty-fifth annual May party of Div. 88, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, will go down in history as the crowning social function in North Platte prior to the year 1907, and it is not probable that any future event of like nature will surpass it in splendor, in attendance, and in the arrangement of every detail that goes to make such a function a suc


The May party is to North Platte what the "home-coming" is to Kentucky; it is the magnet which draws to the city for a brief period many who were formerly of us, but are now non-resident. This being true, the May party is not only pleasant as a dancing party, but it brings back those whom we delight to have visit with us; it renews the friendship of by-gone years; we take by the hand again some of the best friends, the dearest relatives, we have; we enjoy every minute of the evening and we heartily thank Division 88 that it has made possible these pleasant things for us.

During the forenoon the Thirtieth Infantry Band, which had arrived from Fort Crook, near Omaha, on one of the night trains, gave its initial concert on the streets, and during the afternoon another program was rendered, and at the close of the latter the band headed the baseball teams and the crowd in a march to the athletic park. The selections by the band were excellent, and were heartily applauded.

One of the features of the afternoon, and one that proved highly interesting, was the drill by the high school cadets. The boys presented a very natty appearance and went through the evolutions with that precision which marks the movements of the best drilled regulars.

The number present at the May party in the evening was by far the largest that had ever attended a similar function given in North Platte. As early as 8 o'clock several hundred people, anxious to gain admission, had assembled in front of the opera house, and when the doors opened

there was a mad rush for the entrance.

The seats and standing room in the balcony were quickly filled, and the two rows of chairs which had been placed around the outer edge of the hall and upon the stage were occupied by 8:30. Those arriving after that hour were forced to stand, the south end of the hall being densely packed by those unable to secure


Under the direction of T. J. Smith, of Omaha, the opera house had been electrically decorated in a manner that delighted the attendants. Departing from the custom of using streamers and a multiplicity of designs, the decorator confined his work to a simplicity that pleased the eye.

Stretched beneath the ceiling from end to end of the hall, and draped between the supporting rods of the balcony, were cables studded with small electric lights with a paper rose between each light. These lights alternated in the railroad colors, white, green and red. On the ceiling were three white star-shaped designs with thickly studded lights, with a similar design over the stage and still another as the center piece on the stage. The facade of the balcony was covered with white cheese cloth trimmed with green, and at points in the hall were the letters "B. of L. E." and "Division 88," worked in green on a background of white. The whole produced a very pretty effect, and Mr. Smith was warmly congratulated upon the success of his work.

At 8:30 the regimental band gave several concert numbers and this was followed by the grand march, led by Master of Ceremonies Chas. E. Ell and Mrs. Ell, and the leading couple were in turn followed by engineers and their ladies, seniority of membership in Division determining the place in line. In this march were L. W. Rollins, of Grand Island, and L. O. Farrington of this city, both of whom were charter members of Div. 88 when organized in Grand Island in 1867.

Not only was the assemblage the largest attending a function of this kind, but it was the most brilliant, including as it did many of the leaders of local society as well as prominent personage of other towns. The ladies as a rule were handsomely gowned; many of the male attendants appeared in evening suits, and amid the brilliancy of the myriad of electric lights, the scene presented certainly proved a pretty one.

Following the grand march came a quadrille, then the waltz and the twostep in succession. The sixth dance on the program was a quadrille dedicated to "The Old Engineers," and prior to dancing it, Judge H. M. Grimes made a short

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