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Twentieth Century



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batteries, the discussion passes to the
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motors; the laws of motor operation;
the laws involved in computations of
speed and power; and the varieties of
motor suited to road carriages. Elec-
tricity meters are described and illus-
trated in a brief chapter; and the prin-
ciples underlying storage batteries, their
construction and care, are outlined.

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ness the peculiar requirements of the
various arts and manufactures, and the
complex array of machinery and me-
chanical devices used therein. From the
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intelligence of all time has found its high-
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terest is devoted to the many attempts
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Mention The Technical World.

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HE ENGINEERING MAGAZINE presents current practice and advance in engineering. This matter is, in the course of time, included in the text books of the technical colleges. The man who wants to advance, however, must be thoroughly informed on the very latest developments, and for this reason a periodical like The Engineering Magazine is indispensable.

It is written by the highest authorities, and the aim is to make every leading article in it so positively practical that it gives a sound idea not only of what ought to be done, but how to do it. That is, all the articles are "working plans" of actual manufacturing and engineering practice-plans that have been built from and proved successful.



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tential and High Frequency. By Nikola Tesla.
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York. Price $1.00.

THIS book consists of a reprint of a lec-
ture delivered before the Institution of
Electrical Engineers of London on the
subject of alternating currents, especially
currents of high potential and high fre-
quency. The experiments were described,
and at the same time illustrated, in the
course of the lecture.

An interesting statement made is that
a most curious feature of alternating cur-
rents of high frequency and potential is
that they enable us to perform many ex-
periments by the use of one wire only.
Among other experiments it was shown.
that a motor could be made to rotate with
a single connection between it and the
generator; in other words, one terminal
of the motor is connected to one of the
generator, the other terminals of the
motor and generator being insulated in
space. To produce rotation it is gener-
ally necessary to connect the free end of
the motor coil to the insulated body of
some size.

This book contains an appendix by the same author on "Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires," consisting of a review of his recent work, illustrated with photographs.

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Omaha, Neb.

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iston's Sons & Company, Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa.
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cal treatment. It is the unexpected that
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be prepared is the better part of wisdom.
The book is abundantly illustrated with
Mention The Technical World.

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