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superior agent of like form, whose powers, whether exercised or not or whether more or less developed, properly belong to and sound in the preservation and use of simple ideas or truisms apparent and really pictured on the intelligent Tapestry.

Here begins the work of spirituosity that manipulates and deals among abstract numbers, unity and decimalties, points, lines and spaces, right proportions and their antithetic verities real or contingent, moral good and its reversals, true or false, with all the simple and compound deductions attributive to boundless ratiocination.

It has been well said the "undevout astronomer is mad," but without further extending these remarks, I will close my letter by adverting to a few more sound authorities in reference to ancient chronology.

Modern researches into ancient lore, with the cheap plans of printing give late inquiries many advantages over former comparisons in chronology. Censorinus, the Roman, A. D. 239-240 alluding to the various plans of keeping civil years states, the Egyptian Sethoic year consisted of three hundred and sixty-five days, without intercalation of a day, every fourth year, whereby the quadrennium so adjusted itself that the 1461st year was intercalated in order to reach true time.

He says Varo divides historic time into three parts, the first from the beginning of mankind to the Cataclysm, but its duration was covered in mystery.

The second period extended from the flood 1600 years to the first Olympiad (774 B. C. perhaps rather, the Nabonazer Era 746 B. C., this being the exact year referred to by the term of 1600 years.)

Concerning the third historic period from the last, to the date when Varo wrote, some debate existed, to the extent of six or seven years, but, says Censorinus, that historian with his usual sagacity compared backward the annals of many countries and at last demonstrated the true time.

According to him this year (239-40 Anno Domini) is the 1014th summer from the first Olympiad year and the 991st year of building Rome in April, and is the 283d Julian year from the Kallends of January.

This year is also the 265th Augustan year counting from 15th February; but the Egyptians begin this era from the battle of Actium and flight of Cleopatra nearly three years before Augustus was made Emperor, at which time the Roman estimate began and therefore the Egypto-Augustan year is now the 268th.

The Egyptians he says also used the Nabonazer Era, of which this year is the 986th, as well as the Phillippic, of which, this is the 562d year since Alexander's decease.

Censorinus likewise says, 100 years ago the Sothic cycle began, Cannicula then rising with the Sun on the first of the month Thoth, which day corresponded to 12th of August, but now, Cannicula rises on 17th July, being a change of twenty-five days in the aforesaid 100 years.

If Censorinus wrote in the 240th year after Christ then was the Nativity in the 774th Olympiad year, 745-46th of the Nabonazer era; the 751st of building Rome; the 322d Phillipic year; the 43d Julien year and 25th Augustan at Rome or 28th in Egypt, for the reason above assigned; and was in the 1320th current Sothic year.

Theon Alexandrinus, however, states that the years of the Sothic Cycle to Augustus added to 285 years of the Augustan era make together 1605 years, causing the 1320th Sothic year to be even with the first year of the Augustan Era, so that according to this estimate the birth of Christ was in the 1345th Sothic year and that Cycle would close A. D. 115 instead of the 140th as I understand Censorinus to show.

The discrepancy between these authorities is 25 years of Sothic dates changing the first year of that Cycle from the 31st year of Memnon's Reign of 311 years, to the 6th of his reign.

Censorinus was giving his views with special reference to chronological accuracy and says that he gives these eras with their mouths and days of beginning, because some commenced at the summer or winter solstice and others at the vernal or autumnal Equinox and some date from the rising or setting of the Pleiades or Sirius:

Alexandrinus on the other hand, is giving a formula for finding the rising of the star Cannicula, and may

not have been so accurate or well acquainted with actual time as Censorinus.

Besides, Censorinus is sustained by Manethos' years of the reigns of the 85 Pharaohs in regular descent from 2344 B. C. to 520 B. C. when Cambysis invaded Egypt; according to which Canon, the Sothic Cycle began the 12th year of Menophres throwing the 1320th year on 25th of Augustus and first year of the Christian Era.

The Augustan Era in its 285th year, when a total Eclipse occurred at Rome was closed by the new era of Dioclesion and this connecting year, seems counted into both, thus giving an unreal year to the Western church while the Egypto-Augustan Era had three years too much, making, after the year 600 A. D. when Christians began to use their own era, a difference of four years between the dates of the nativity of Christ in the west and eastern charches.

In sketching the foregoing principles and facts in early philosophy, I am not pretending to assail modernized infallible theories in chronology and astronomy and in suggesting opinions upon several subjects more interesting than have been touched upon, in this and my five preceding letters, I must look forward to such leisure hours as I may have the ensuing winter for again trespassing on your patience.

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From the Farmer and Mechanic of Nov. 26. 1846. THE WEATHER.


On Wednesday, the 18th of November, at 4 P. M., a dark ble cloud, in a roll, v as visible in the South-west, ex ending hut a few degrees above the horizon. The entire atmosphere in sight, was elsewhere perfectly clear; in less than fifteen minutes the whole vis be atmosphere was overcast with wo stralas of net work clouds. Such a display I rever before saw. The charge was so sudden, that it must have len produced by some refrigerent swifter than the wind, passing through thi h gher regions of the air. I surveyed the a mosphere as far as the eye could reach, to the East. to the North and to the South and the appearance in every direc tion was the same as overhead. The temperature of the at mosphere at the time, 4 P. M., was 58 1-2; at 9 P. M., 54—and continued at that and in an equilibrium state until six next morning. The accoun s from Lake Erie s are that a ve y s vere gale was experienced there, and continue during the 13th; several vessels were wrecked and many lives lost. Baltimore a severe storm was experienced on Thursday night. At Phils de phi rain fell on Thursday evening. On Long Is land Sound, the gale was so severe that the Steamers Atlantic and Governor, were obliged to anchor. On Brooklyn Heights ran commenced falling at 6 P. M., on Thursday, and at 7. the wind blew very hard. I apprehend that a dir tant disturbance ruced this extra rdinary atmospheric phenomenon, which resulted in an equilibrium temperature followed by an extensive storm. The temperature of the atmosphere. from the morning of November 18 t the morning of November 25, both inclusive, has been as follows Wednesday, November 18, 6 A M., 499; 7, 50; 8, 51; 9," 53; 10, 56; 11, 59; 12, 60; 1, P M., 61: 2, 62; 3, 61; 4, 584; 5, 58; 6, 56; 7, 554; 8, 55; 9, 54. Equil brim began. Thursday, November 19, 6 A. M, 54; end of Equilibrium, and snow clouds overhead; 7, 55; 8, 56; 9, 58; 10, 59; 11, 61; 12, 62; 1, P. M, 61; 2, 61; 3, 60 1-2; 4, 60 1-2; 5, 60 1-2; 6, 61; 7, 61 1-2; heavy rain and high wind; 8, 62.'

Friday, November 20. 6 A. M.. 51; 7. 51; 8, 52; 9, 53; 10, 55; 11, 54; 12, 54 1-2; 1, P. M., 54; 2, 51; 3, 53; 4, 52; 5, 50; 6. 49; 7, 49;, 51; 9, 49; 10, 50; near an equilibrium., Saturday, November 21, 6, A M, 49; 7. 48; 8. 51; 9, 51; 10 54; 11, 55 1-2; 12, 56; 1, P. M., 56 1-2; 2, 55; 3, 54; 4, 54 12; 5, 54 12; 6, 50; 7. 49; 8, 49; 9, 48; 10. 49; equilibrium. unday. November 22, 6, A. M, 49; 7, 49; end of equilib rium; snow clouds in the West before sunrise; 8, 52 12; snow clouds overhead; 9, 55; 10, 55; 11,56; 12, 60; 1 P M., 691-2; 2, 60, 3, 5; 4 58; 5, 57; 6, 56; 7, 56; 8 55; 9, 53 1-2; 10, 53; rain 8, P. M, followed by a gale of wind.

Monday, November 23, 6, A. M., 48; 7. 48; 8, 48; 9, 49; 19 50; 11, 52; 12, 52; 1, P. M. 51; 2, 51; 3, 51; 4, 49; 5, 49; 6, 48; 7. 49; 8, 48; 9, 48; 10, 48; equi ibrium.

Tuesday, November 24, 6. A M., 48, equilibrium; 7,51, 8, 51; 9, 52; 10. 52; 11, 53; 12, 53; 1, P. M., 54; 2 55 12; 3, 54; 4, 53 1-2; 5, 52; 6, 50; 7, 50, 8, 49; 9, 49; 10, 50, 11. 50; Wednesday, November 25, 6, A. M., 49; and a rain storm s cceeding an quilibrium.

The equilib iums are becoming very frequent of late, as are also the storms.

I have before me a meteorlogical record, kept by Captain Freemont in his tour among the Rocky Mountains, which presents some interesting facts, which I will endeavor to make a synopsis of in a few days E. MERIAM.

From the New York Farmer and Mechanic of Dec, 3d, 1846.

The Weather.

In the Farmer & Mechanic of the 26th ult., I noticed the appearance of an extraordinary cloud bordering the South-western horizon, at 4 P. M., on Wednesday, the 18th of November, during a bright, clear afternoon, and the almost instantaneous curdling of the high atmosphere in view, by some refrigerant, switter than the wind. On Saturday last, I received

a letter from my correspondent at Nashville, Tenn., dated Thursday, November 19th, in a postscript to which, he adds as follows:-"Within the last 24 hours much lightning and rain from the South-west has cleared the smoky sky which has lasted for 30 days past-many trees of our town are renewed with a spring foliage which will strongly resist the effects of the frosts now close at hand."

Mr. Milnor, in his letter to me dated Saltville, South-western Mountains of Va., November 19th and 20th, says:

"This morning (the 19th) was ushered in with an Equilibrium. My thermometer stood at 5610, when I first observed it in the morning at 6 o'clock and remained at that until 10, when it rose one-half a degree and from that hour until 8 P. M., gradually fell to 390, at which it remained till my latest observation 10, P. M., viz., 6 A. M., 56 1-2; 7, 56 1-2; 8, 56 1-2; 9, 56 1-2; 10, 57; 11, 55; 12, 51 1-2; 1, 51 1-2; 2, 49; 3, 46; 4, 44; 5, 43; 6, 42; 7, 41; 8, 39; 9, 39; 10, 39. The morning commenced calm and cloudy-a drizzling rain all day—at 10, A. M., the wind commenced blowing very fresh from southwest and continued at that the remainder of the day, and all night. November 20th, Clinch Mountain in view from my house has its summit this morning partly covered with snow, the first that has fallen in view of this place this season. I anticipate a severe spell of weather will follow."

It will be seen by the above that I present another proof that our snow storms are the offsprings of the lightning.

I now give the record of my observations upon Brooklyn Heights, commencing at 7 o'clock on Wednesday, November 25, my last memorandum having included the hour of 6 o'clock that morning.

METEORIC, ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC WIRES.— Wednesday, November 25, 7 A. M., hard rain 49; storm; 8, 49; 9, 51; 10, 52; 11, 52; 12, 52; 1, 51; 2, 51; 3, 49 1-2; 4, 49; 5, 47; 6, 47, 7, 47, snow storm; 8, 44; 9, 46. The thermometer was as follows. 9 A. M., 39; 3 P. M., 39; 5 P. M., 38; 9 P. M., 29.

Thursday, November 26. Thermometer 6 A. M., 26; 9, 28; 12, 32; 1, 32; 2, 32; 3, 32; 4, 29 1-2; 5, 28; 6, 28; 7, 27; 8, 26 1-2; 9, 26 1-2.

M. M. AND E. WIRES.-6 A. M. to 12 M., 46, 1 to 4 P. M., 42 1-2; 5, 44; 6, 45; 7 to 9, 46.

Friday, November 27.-Thermometer 6 A. M., 24 1-2; 7, 24 1-2; 8, 24; 9, 25; 10, 26 1-2; 11, 28; 12, 28 1-2; 1, 32; 2, 31; 3, 30; 4 to 8, 31 1-2, 9, 32.

M. M. AND E. WIRES.-6 A. M. to 9 A. M., 46; 10 to 11, 47, 12 M. to 5 P. M.. 49 1-2; 6 to 8, 49; 9, 50. Snow clouds in the west before sunrise.

Saturday, November 28.-Thermometer 6 A. M., 36; 7, 37 1-2; 8, 37 1-2; 9, 39; 10, 41; 11, 44; 12, 44 1-2; 1, 46; 2 to 3, 48, 4, 47; 5, 46, 6, 45; 7,44; 8, 43; 9, 42 1-2; 10, 43.

M. M. AND E. WIRES.-6 A. M., 50; 7, 52; 8, 51, 9, 52; 10 to 11, 53; 12, 54; 1 to 2, 54; 3, 54 1-2; 4, 53; 5, 52; 6 to 7, 51; 8 and 9, 50; 10, 50 1-2.

Sunday morning, November 29.-Thermometer 6 A. M., 42 1-2; 7, 43; 8, 41; 9, 41; 10, 43; 11, 44; 12, 46 1-2; 1, 49; 2, 47; 3, 47; 3 h. 35 m. 39; 3 h. 40 m. 38; 4, 40; 5, 48; 6, 38; 7, 38 1-2; 8, 38; 9, 37; 10, 37; 11; 37.

M. M. AND E. WIRES.-6 A. M, 50 1-2; 7, 50; 8, 49; 9, 50; 10, 52; 11, 53; 12, 53 1-2; 1 to 3 P. M., 54; 3 h. 35 m. 48; 4, 48; 5, 51 1-2; 6, 48; 7, 49; 8, 49; 9, 48 1-2; 10 and 11, 48. Rain commenced falling at 3 A. M., accompanied by heavy thunder and lightning. Rain also fell at 7 A. M. At 3 P. M., lightning snow and rain descended together. The tem

perature fell on the wires 6 degrees in 35 minutesand by the thermometer 9 degrees during the same time, and what is also extraordinary, after the lightning and snow clouds had passed, the temperature on the wires rose suddenly 3 1 2 degrees, and by the thermometer 10 degrees, and the next hour returned again.

Monday, November 30.-Thermometer 6 A. M. to 7, 37; 8 to 9, 36; 10, 38; 11, 36; 12, 36 1-2; 1, 35 1-2; 2, 35; 3, 34; 4, 32 1-2; 5, 30 1-2; 6, 301-2; 7, 30 1-2.

M. M. AND E. WIRES.-6 A. M., 48; 7, 48; 8, 49 1-2; 9, 48; 10 to 12, 49; 1, 49 1-2; 2, 48; 3, 47 1-2; 5 to 8, 47; 9 to 11, 46.

Tuesday, December 1.-Thermometer 6 A. M., 26; 7, 26; 8, 26; 9, 27; 10, 29 1-2; 11, 32; 12, 33; 1, 35; 2, 35; 3, 35 1-2; 4, 39; 5 to 7, 32 1-2; 8 to 9, 32.

M. M. AND E. WIRES.-6 A. M., 46; 7, 46; 8, 45 1-2; 9, 46; 10, 48; 11, 49 1-2; 12, 50; 1, 52; 2, 49; 3, 50; 4 to 8, 48; 9, 47.

Wednesday, December 2d.-Thermometer 6 A. M., 30.

M. M. AND E. WIRES.-6 A. M., 47. Snow during the night. Moist atmosphere during all the morning.

The temperature noted by me and stated in the two last numbers of the Farmer and Mechanic, from Nov. 13 to Nov. 25, part of both days inclusive, was that indicated by the magnetic meteoric and electric wires.

At Oswego, on Lake Ontario, a cold storm of wind and snow was experienced there on Wednesday Nov. 25 and Thursday, Nov. 26, during both days, and also during Wednesday and Thursday night.

At Boston the storm commenced from the North East, on Wednesday the 25th with rain and sleet, then snow and rain again.

At Albany a snow storm set in from the West, on Wednesday morning. Thermometer at 8, A. M. 320. At Hartford, Conn., a snow storm commenced on Wednesday morning and continued through the day.

At Washington City, a rain storm Wednesday, and a cold North-wester Wednesday night and Thursday.

At Baltimore, rain all day Wednesday, and snow Wednesday evening.

At Poughkeepsie, snow fell to the depth of ten inches on Wednesday.

The fall of rain and snow in the month of October as indicated by the rain guage kept by Dr. Strong, of Flatbush, was seven inches and 12-100 of an inch. In New York city a greater quantity of rain fell during the same time; by the New York Hospital guage, 8 inches and 12-100ths of an inch.


From the New York Farmer and Mechanic of Dec. 10, 1846.

The Weather.

My last notice under this head, published in the Farmer and Mechanic, of December 3d, chronicled a snow storm on Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 25th and 26th, ult., at several places. I have now to add to that catalogue a fall of snow on the same day, at Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio, Maysville, Ky., Saltville, Virginia, and Syracuse, New York. It is a remarkable fact, stated by Mr. Spencer, in his letter of 29th, ult., that the storm brought immense flocks of Pigeons to the mountains of South-western Virginia. The district in which they were located must have been greatly disturbed, or the mast must have failed, which last is the most probable.

The temperature and state of the atmosphere at my place of observation, has been as follows:

Wednesday, December 2. Thermometer, 7, A. M., 30; 8,31; 9 to 10, 32; 11 to 12, 33; 1, 35; 2, 351; 3, 37; 4, 40; 6 to 7, 45; 8 to 9, 47%. Snow during Wednesday night.

Thursday, Dec. 3-Rain storm before daylight.— 5, A. M., to 6, 52; 7, 55; 8, 55; 9, 53; 10 to 11, 54; 12 to 1, 53; 2, 52; 3, 50; 4, 49; 5, 47; 6, 46; 7, 44; 8, 431; 10, 40. Rain at half past 8, A. M. Clear, the residue of the day.

Friday, Dec. 4-Snow cload in the South-west at daylight-6, A. M., 39; 7, 38; 8 to 9, 39; 10 to 12, 38; 1 to 4, 39. Here is a vibration from an Equilibrium from 10, P. M., of yesterday, to 4, P. M., of this day-5, 37; 6, 36; 7 to 10, 350.

Saturday, Dec. 5-Snow clouds in S. W. before day. Ice in the streets. 6 A. M., to 7, 34o; 8, 33; 9, 34; 10, 36; 11 to 12, 37; 1, 38; 2, 40; 3, 38; 4 to 5, 37; 6 to 7, 36; 8, 351; 10, 35. Snow cloud in sight, at 3, P. M.

Sunday, Dec. 6-Snow cloud in sight everywhere except in the North; 6 to 8, A. M., 340; 9 to 10, 36; 11, 38; 12, 37; 1 to 2, 38; 3, 37; 4, 35; 5, 34; 6, 33; 7, 32; 8 to 10, 30; 11, 28. At Boston, temperature at sunrise, 24o.

Monday, Dec. 7. Snow clouds over head, East, West and South. Red clouds at the North. 6 to 8, A. M., 29; 9 to 10, 31. Snow falling. 11, 31; 12, 32; 1, 34; 2, 35; 3, 36; 4 to 5, 38; 6, 38; 7, 40; 8, 40; 9, 441.

Tuesday, Dec. 8. 4, A. M., to 5, 443; 6 to 7, 49; 8, 50. Dense fog about break of day, and still continues. A rise of 6 degrees after sunset, succeeded by an Equilibrium, less half a degree.

MAGNETIC, METEORIC AND ELECTRIC WIRES.Dec. 2; 6 to 8, 470; 9 to 10, 48; 11 to 12, 49; 1 to 2, 50; 3, 52; 4, 53; 6 to 7, 55; 8, 551; 9, 55.

Dec. 3; 5, A. M., to 6, 58; 7, 59; 8, 60; 9, 57; 10, 58; 11, 57; 12 to 1, 56; 2, 55; 3, 53; 4, 52; 5, 501; 6, 50; 7, 491; 8, 48; 10, 48. Equilibrium commenced.

Dec. 4; 6, A. M., to 7, 58. Equilibrium ended; 8, 50; 9, 50; 10 to 12, 49; 1 to 2, 50; 3, 49; 4, 50; 5, 48; 6 to 8, 47; 9 to 10, 48.

Dec. 5; 6 to 7, 47; 8, 461; 9, 48; 10, 50; 11 to 2, 51; 3, 50; 4, 49; 5, 481; 6 to 7, 48; 8, 47; 10, 48. Equilibrium commenced.

Dec. 6; 6 to 8, 48; 9 to 10, 49; 11, 51; 12, 49; 1 to 2, 491; 3 to 4, 49; 5, 48; 6, 47; 7 to 10, 464; 11, 46.

Dec. 7; 6, A. M., 46; 7 to 9, 47; 10 to 11, 48; 12, 49; 1, 49; 2, 50; 3, 50; 4 to 5, 52; 6, 51; 7 to 8, 52; 9, 53.

Dec. 8; 4, A. M., to 5, 51; 6 to 7, 49; 8, 50. A fall of 2 degrees in night.


From the New York Farmer and Mechanic of Dec. 17, 1846.

The Weather.

The temperature and state of the atmosphere at my place of observation has been as follows:

Tuesday, Dec 8.-Thermometer 9 a m 42; 10, 43; 11, 44; 12, 44}; 1, 461; 2, 491; 3, 47; 4, 46: 5 to 6 45; 7, 44; 8 to 9 46. Foggy in the morning. Hea; vy rain at Albany in the morning.

Wednesday Dec 9, 6 a m 40; 7, 39; 8, 381; 9, 391; 10, 41; 11, 42; 12, 42; 1 to 2 43; 3, 421; 4, 40; 5,381; 6, 37; 7, 36 1-2; 8 to 9 34; 10, 33 1-2; 11, 32. Rain before daylight in the morning: at sunset an intense brightness in the southwest.

Thursday Dec 10, 6 am to 7, 30; 8, 31; 9, 32; 10, 33: 11 to 12 34; 1, 35; 2 p m to 8 o'clock on Friday morning 34 deg-being an equilibrium of 18 hours. Thursday morning, snow clouds overhead and an open clear sky in the west at daybreak. At 2 pm on Thursday snow commenced falling and at 5 rain set in and continued. Snow fell 12 inches deep near Providence, R. I.

Friday Dec 11, 9 am to 1 p m 36; 2, 35; 3 to 4 34; 5, 32; 6 to 9 30 and 30 1-2.

Saturday Dec 12, 6 a m 34, being a rise of 3 1-2 degrees in the night; 7 to 10, 33; 11 to 12 34; 1, 33; 2 32; 3, 30; 4, 29; 5, 26; 6, 24; 7, 22; 8, 21; 9 to 10, 20.

Sunday Dec 12, 7 to 8 a m 21, a rise of one deg: in the night 9, 24: 10, 25: 11, 26: 12, 27: 1, 28: 2, 29: 3, 27: 4, 25 1-2: 5, 24: 6, 23: 7 to 8 22: 9 to 10 22 1-2: 11, 24.

Monday Dec 14, 7 am 21: 8, 22: 9, 23 1-2; 10, 26 1-2. 11, 27: 12, 28: 1, 29: 2 to 3 30: 4, 29: 5 to 6 28: 7, 27: 8, 25 1-2: 9, 24: 10, 23.

Tuesday Dec. 15, 6 am to 7 20; 8, 20 1-2. A fall · of 3 degrees between 10 p m and 6 a m, but whether a gradual or sudden depression, cannot be ascer tained.

Meteoric, Magnetic and Electric Wires. Dec 8, 9 am 50: 10 50 1-2; 11 to 12, 52 1-2: 1, 54: 2, 55: 3 54: 4 and 5, 53: 6, 52 1-2: 7 to 9 52.

Dec 9, 6 a m 48: 7,47 1-2: 8, 48 1-2: 9, 49: 10, 51: 11, 51 1-2: 12 to 2 52: 3 to 4 49: 5, 48 1-2: 6, 47: 7 46 1-2: 8, 46: 9 to 11 47. Equilibrium.

Dec 10, 6 am to 8 47, Equilibrium: 9, 48: 10, 48 11 to 1 49: 2 to 4 48: 5, 49: 6 to 8 48: 9 pm to 8 in the morning of the 11th, 49, equilibrium.

Dec 11, 9 a m 50: 10, 49: 11, 49 1-2: 12, 50: 1 49 1-2: 2 to 4 48: 5, 47: 6, 46 1-2: 7 to 8 46: 9, 47. Dec 12, 6 to 10, 48, being a rise of one degree in the night: 11 to 12, 49: 1 to 3, 47: 4, 46: 5, 45: 6 to 10 43.

Dec 13, 7 to 8 45: rise of a degree in the night: 9: 46: 10, 47: 11, 48: 12, 47: 1, 48: 2, 49: 3, 46 1.2: 4, 45 1-2: 5, 45: 6, 44 1-2: 7 to 8, 44: 9 to 10, 45: 11, 46.

Dec 14, 7 to 8, 45: 9, 46: 10, 46 1-2: 11,47: 12, 48; 1, 49: 2, 48 1 2: 3, 48: 4, 47: 5 to 7, 46: 8, 45: 9 to 10 44 and the same at 8 o'clock next morning, making an Equilibrium with a snow cloud in the distant South west before sunrise. E. MERIAM.

THE VILLAGE OF SCHLEDORFF DESTROYED BY LIGHTNING.-The Journal des Debats publishes the following letter, dated Munich, 20th Oci., 1846:

"On Friday, the 16th October, a terrible storm accompanied by lightning fell on the village of Schledorff, situated at three leagues distance from our capitol, and in less than two hours it completely destroyed that large and handsome village, of which no trace remains. The greater number of the houses were broken to pieces by the tempest, and the remainder were set on fire by the lightning and totally consumed. The flames communicated to the neighhoring forests, which continued burning for four days. During this disaster the thermometer marked at Munich 24 deg. Reaumur, and suffocating heat was experienced, an extraordinary fact in the month of October. The sky was of ashy hue.


Several shocks of earthquake have recently been felt at Marseilles, France. Dates not ascertained.

Lake Superior Copper.-Phelps, Dodge & Co., of New York, received a consignment of 30 tons of Copper recently from Eagle Harbor. In the lot are five boulders of the pure metal, weighing 8,700 pounds. Lake Superior Copper is now used at the Sheet Brass Factory, at Waterbury, Conn., and is of very rare quality, being free from Arsenic. Most of the foreign copper contains sulphurets that make it expensive to purify.




The following is a copy of the bill recently reported by Messrs. James Robinson of the 18th Ward, Isaac B. Smith of the 9th Ward, and J. D. Oliver of the 15th Ward, a Special Committee, to whom the subject was referred in the Board of Assistants. It is absurd to suppose for one moment that the Legislature will pass such a law as the one here proposed.

This bill is to apply to the whole State-and the thumb-screw is to be applied to inhabitants of cities. APPENDIX A.


The People of the State of New-York, represented
in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
1. Every person who shall be employed or car-
ry on and contract his ordinary business, whether on
his own account, or for any other person or any Cor-
poration, within any County of this State, and shall
reside out of such County, shall be assessed and tax-
ed for personal property in the same manner as resi-
dents in such County, in town or ward where he shall
be so employed or transact his business, except as to
such part of his personal estate as shall be invested
or used, and assessed and taxed, in the Connty of his
residence, and shall only be assessed or taxed for per-
sonal property, in the County of his residence, for
such part of his personal estates as shall be actually
used or invested in the County of his residence.

2. Every Keeper of a Hotel or Boarding-house, in any City or Village, shall, on or before the first day of February in each year, report in writing to the Assessors of the Ward or Town in which such Hotel or Boarding-house shall be situated, the names and places of business of each and every boarder in such Hotel or Boarding-house, residing or being employed, or engaged in business, in such City or Village, under the penalty of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars for each and every person neglected to be so repored, to be sued for and recovered by the Assessors of the Town or Ward in which such Hotel or Boarding-house shall be situated, for the use of the County Treasury.

3. In cities every person liable to assessment for personal property shall, on or before the first day of February, in each year, make out and present to the Assessors of the Ward in which such person shall reside, or be employed or carry on business, an affidavit, subscribed and sworn to before some Officer authorized to administer oaths, stating the amount and value of his personal estate, over and above his debts, and in default thereof, the Assessors shall assess every such person, so in default, according to the best information they can obtain, and add fifty per cent. to to the amount of such assessments.

4. The Assessors in every city or village may make out and complete their assessments, between the first day of January and the first day of May, in each year, instead of the times heretofore prescribed for that purpose.

§ 5. The Assessors shall not be required to reduce the amount of assessments on any person for real or personal estate, upon the affidavit of such person, as to the value of his real or personal estate, unless such affidavit shall be sworn to before the Assessors, and accompanied by an oral examination of such person, and the Assessors shall be satisfied that such reduction will be just; and if it shall appear from such examination that such person has been assessed too low, the Assessors shall increase the amount of the assessment, as shall appear just.



The following is a copy of a bill reported by the Special Committee of the Board of Assistants, which Committee consisted of Messrs. J. D. Oliver of the 15th Ward, James Robertson of the 18th Ward, and Isaac B. Smith of the 9th Ward. The Wharves in the City of New-York, which are public property, belong to the County of New-York. and have been paid for by a county tax, and the land on which they are built has been granted by the State for the use of the public. A wharf tax on merchandise and produce landed, would be as much out of place as to put up toll gates on the county roads and bridges. There is another view of this question as respects the City and County of New-York-it is this: - In 1727, the East River, at Burling Slip, extended to Pearl street; and where the Journal of Commerce office now is, the water of the East River formerly was several feet deep. The North River extended nearer to Broadway than what is now called Greenwich street; thus thousands of buildings which produce great income, and pay a large county tax, are on ground once called wharf property. It is the wharf fronts that gives value to these buildings, and the lots upon which many are erected. The large real-estate owners, as well as large wharf owners, are opposed to a wharf tax.

His Honor Mayor Mickell, in his annual Message to the Common Council, on page 10 of that document, uses the following language :

"The better and safer policy for diminishing the burthens imposed to support the government, would be by exacting a RETRENCHMENT of the current expenses, and a thorough and equal assessment on the actual value of property, personal and real, within the county, rather than a resort to new schemes of taxation, usually of an inquisitorial nature, and from which, from the interference that would result to the most perfect freedom of the citizen, ought not in our government be tolerated. I allude to propositions of the character of the one now before the Legislature, proposing a plan of wharfage charges upon merchandize, which, after remunerating a new class of officers required to collect the tax, would leave a product so insignificant, as poorly to compensate for the vexation and trouble of its collection."



The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

1. The Corporation of any City or Village may authorize the levy and collection of a wharfage tax, on all goods shipped or landed over all wharves, piers and slips, owned by such Corporation, or by any individual, or other Corporation, sufficient, to gether with such wharfage as may be lawfully collected from vessels using the same, to raise a revenue of seven per cent. per annum, on the capital invested in such wharves, piers and slips, within such City

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or Village, over and above the expense of keeping the same in repair, for the benefit of the owners, respectively, of such wharves, piers and slips; and may, by ordinances duly passed for such purpose, prescribe the manner of levying and collecting such tax, and create and appoint such officers as they may deem necessary for the collection thereof.


The following is a copy of a draft of a bill proposed and reported by the Special Committee of the Board of Assistants, consisting of Messrs. J. D. Oliver of the 15th Ward, Isaac B. Smith of the 9th Ward, and James Robertson of the 18th Ward. Had this Special Committee looked at the 13th section of article 7 of the present Constitution, they would have seen that a bill framed like this cannot be passed by the Legislature.

The records of the Colonial Assembly, contain acts for the encouragement of emigration from abroadthis bill is intended to discourage it. The United States Congress alone can pass such a bill as this, and that body will never do so foolish an act.

The emigrants who go into the interior, cultivate the soil and enrich the Country, and the City of NewYork will reap the benefit of their trade. This is an odious bill, and should not be passed. APPENDIX C.


The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

1. The Mayor, (or in his absence or inability to act, the Recorder) of the City of New-York may, in his discretion, require from the owners, masters and consignees of all vessels arriving at the port of NewYork, from any foreign Country, or having passengers on board of the same, not citizens of the United States, the payment of not less than One nor more than Three Dollars for each passenger not a citizen of the United States, who shall be brought to such port in such vessel, for the purposes, and in liew of the bonds authorized by the Second Section of the Act hereby amended; and may also, in his discretion, require such bonds for all such passengers who shall be sick, lame or otherwise unable to labor; and for every neglect or refusal of any such owner, master or consignee, to pay the said sum of One Dollar or more for each and every such passenger, within three days after the arrival of such vessel at such port, such owner, master and consignee thereof shall be liable, jointly and severally, to the same penalty as prescribed by the said Second Section, for neglect to give the bond thereby provided.

2. The sureties in any bond to be taken under the Act hereby amended, shall justify by affidavit, accompanied by an oral examination under oath, before the Mayor or Recorder mentioned in the Act hereby amended, that they are citizens and residents of the City of New-York, and are each worth double the amount of the penalty of the bond, over and above their debts, including all other bonds executed by them, and uncancelled, at the full amount of their penalties, and such bond shall not be approved unless such officer shall be satisfied of the truth of such justification.





The next great question is the Court of Chancery. Mr. T. here adverted to the rise of the court of chancery-the conquest of England by the Normans-and of a division of the land and property among the soldiers and followers of the victorious monarch. For a long time the power of arms and of physical force was the only guarantee for the security of property. As time progressed these things changed, and men were found in conflict with the King.

When the court of chancery was first organized in this state, it was composed of one man of energy sufficient for the limited business which then found its way to that court. But from the causes to which he had alluded, that court had now become blocked up and overwhelmed with business, for the disposition of which the judicial strength with which it was originally invested, was wholly inadequate. His friends around him had instanced cases of great delay. To some of the many causes which led to the great accumulation of business in this court, especially to the non-imprisonment act, and various other acts of legislation, he had before alluded. The chancellor, especially, had toiled with uncommon industry, and the several vice-chancellors, he believed, had also performed their duties-yet it was too apparent on this floor and elsewhere that public opinion demanded the abolition of the court, or its entire reorganization. It had thus become unnecessary to remark on the alleged causes of the public opinion. My plan, therefore, would be, to transfer the jurisdiction of the courts of chancery to the supreme court. The twelve judges, divided in the four districts, would bc adequate to the performance of the business, this being simplified, as trials at law. The county courts could aid much in the business otherwise pressing on the supreme court.

He (Mr. Tallmadge) had been appealed to in the early part of this discussion to explain why the convention of 1821, had abolished the then supreme court, and removed the judges, whose tenure of office had been guaranteed to them till they were sixty years of age. Mr. T. said it was not his purpose to undertake to explain the causes. Different members might have acted from different reasons; it was due to himself, however, to say that he had remained silent whilst this convention had already exhausted two days in the enquiry, why the convention of 1821 did not receive written reports of the reasons for the action of the respective committees. It was not his purpose to explain, but it was sufficient to remark as a curious and interesting fact, that that convention had assembled in times of high party excitementthat there the lion and the lamb appeared to have lain down together, and united in purpose and in action-they had with unity and unanimously torn away three of the great pillars of the governmentthe council of revision-the appointing power-and the judicial power,-without assigning any cause for an action so extraordinary. Yet, those who lived in that day could not but well understand the causes which then influenced public feeling and those who wished to make inquiries would find abundant reasons. Whilst history was written by the penny-aliners of the day, with the pen of the goose, and the hope of a special reward, the story of the development of that mysterious action would not take place. But when history should be written by the pen of truth, guided by intelligence and the hand of integrity, the causes would be made to stand forth in all their deformity, and present a great moral lesson for posterity. It was not his pupose to anticipate that coming event.

But to return again to the report of the committee, which he thought, with the modification of the court of appeals to which he alluded, and a liko ineligibility to take any other office during the term, to be extended to the supreme court, it would be, all things

considered, the best system of judiciary we could now adopt.

A few moments more on the subject of the court of chancery. He approached the subject with a great deal of anxiety, and begged leave to tender his thanks to the judiciary committee for their enlarged and liberal project of bringing equity and law jurisdiction to the same tribunal and to a jury.

My learned friend from Essex (Mr. Simmons) poured forth volumes of learning the other day, in eulogies on the court of chancery. I go with the committee in its abolition of that court. My learned friend has shown us and read to us the eulogies that have been pronounced on this court from age to age, and hence he would adduce to us, that we had better keep it a separate and individual system. The learned gentleman ought to have remembered that when we read a eulogy of a man, and above all when you read the eulogy of a system, you must read it with the attendant circumstances. You must read it with the attendant circumstances of the age in which it existed and happened. When the British government had little or no parliament, and the great leading effort of the day was to guard the people against the usurpations of the crown-when operating under that principle, the court of king's bench was provided with a writ of habeas corpus, it was a great tribunal of liberty. But at that age legislation was not so far matured as at present. Legislation at that time had not got strong enough to prevent abuses in the rights of the people; and in no other way but by an appeal to the court of chancery could a man get his just dues. Therefore, when the gentleman reads these eulogies let him read them with all these ciacumstances in view, and they fall to mediocrity.


Now, legislation was powerful enough, was clear enough, to guarantee to individuals and to society equal rights and equal justice. The very principle to which the gentleman referred, was, in my judg ment, irrelevant and inapplicable to his argument, and by no means proves that the court of chancory should be adopted, but directly the opposite. We of the present day have undertaken to make new orders in society. We want new civil institutions, and above all a new judicial system. We must have them. What came next in the progress of the history of this proceeding? The King himself sat in majesty, he dispensed justice in person-when the suitor came to complain against you for having wronged him, the king sent his mandate to bring you before him. What he did was right. His imperial majesty could do no wrong-he was not obliged to summon a jury. So for a long time stood equity in the hands of majesty. What next? The subject comes complain of his neighbor to the king-that he had broken his bargain-not paid him his money-or not executed his deed. These claims became frequent, and the king found it a grest tax upon his time and patience. What next? He then appointed first a clerk of the court, and afterwards one of his nobles, to do this business for him: thus was the court of chancery ultimately established. At first it travelled with the king whereever his tent was pitched; until at last the accumulation of business required that it should be made stationary. The court at last grew a necessary and convenient thing to the king as head of the country. It became a source of revenue to him. There were guardianships, dowers and estates, under its keeping, which were convenient in seasons of need; and he was at the head of all the charities of the nation, Such was the beginning of the court of chancery.

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His imperial majesty was particularly careful that the property of suitors, infants, the widow, the orphan, and femme coverts, should be properly held. It was a mode of filling the coffers of the state, particularly useful in the dark ages-suitors delayed, and infants sent to the army, disposed of all claimsthe femme could thus be easily plundered-his majesty could take her estate and give her away riage to one of his dependants, and thus cancel the debt. Such were the early stages from which chancery and equity arose. It has progressed through time until it has reached its present condition. It will be safe to bring it out to light, and a jury, and an open trial The rise, progress and history of this court, is truly told, in the reply of a Booby, who had got into a Sunday school; and to the question, "Who made you?" he answered, with a look of contempt,

"He wa'nt made by nobody; he'd growed himself up."

He then adverted to the court of chancery in this country, and this state, and to the immense amount of funds in that court; the chancellor showing in his possession $3,000,000; and then tells you that he had not got any returns from his subordinate officers as to the other amounts in their possession. This goes to show that this court, even here, retains some of the powers for holding on to money which distinguished it in the other country. Again, this court was a vestige of monarchy-without a jury-repugnant to the principles of our institutions. If the Convention did nothing else but abolish that court, it would deserve the thanks of the community.

Mr. T. here went into an examination of the present manner of proceeding in the court of chancery, and of the mode of taking testimony-its great ex pense and delays, and the complication of its proceedings; all of which he considered as entirely useless, and as a remnant of the past. Dollars were expended where cents only were necessarily required.

It ought to be remembered that the legislature have, on several occasions, attempted to reform, to simplify and economise the proceedings in this court of chancery, and also in the supreme court. Finding themselves involved in the labyrinth and darkness, they have some years directed that the chancellor and the judges of the supreme court should perform this duty, and reform and simply their respective proceedings. The result has been, that when the present chancellor came into office there were about sixteen rules of the court, and now they were simplified into about 220. A simplication of somewhat like nature has been provided by the supreme court. In truth, much of the blame and public dissatisfaction of the present day, in relation to the courts of justice, may well be charged upon the respective judges, for their omission in the exercise of their powers, and in not accommodating the proceedings of their respective courts, to keep up and in accordance with the advance of public feeling. The parliament of England had some time since abolished by one act 54 ancient and obsolete writs, and the courts thus had wiped away much of their lumber of antiquity. The legislatures and courts of several of these states had long since reformed and simplified their respective proceedings, and eradicated the ponderous forms and usages of the dark ages. It is in the intelligent and enlightened state of New-York, where reforms are defeated, and the adaptation of its legal proceedings to the condition of the age, have been unsuccessful. Had a judicious regard been observed in relation to these matters, the present convention would never have been convened-charged with a reformation and new organization of the courts of justice.

It has been asked in the course of this debate, why is it that our people have so much litigation? They are certainly not naturally a litigious people; yet, the truth is, that in the state of New-York, with a population of three millions, we have as much litigation as England, Scotland and Wales, with a population of seventeen or eighteen millions.

It is a remarkable fact, which at the first view should make us shudder and hang our heads with shame. But this was a mistaken view to give of the subject, and yet it was proper. In England the laws of business and property are fixed and stationarythey have very little new legisiation: and none of local effect. They have passed their age of experimental improvements. With us, instability in legislation, inventions, new experiments, continued and improvements, are the passions of the day. It makes the character of a new people, yet unsettled in their pursuits. To illustrate, look at our larger commercial or manufacturing establishments-in proportion to the number and to the capital, very little litigation is found. In its agricultural districts, society is fixed, and properly stable and distinct. With this class of people there is very little litigation; men of wealth are never litigious. It is the mediocre ranks of society, struggling for wealth and advancement, that have their strifes, and generate controversies. May we not turn for an example to Lowell, which has perhaps its hundreds of millions of annual business, with thousands of persons employed, and yet it would be found to have less litigation than, perhaps, the livery stable and its accompaniments, in the adjoining village.


Letter from W. P. MILNER, Esq.

SALTVILLE, Va., September 7th, 1846. DEAR SIR;-Within I hand you my meteorlogical table for August-that for the preceding month was forwarded you by Mr. Spencer, in which I think the notices of thunder were omitted. I send them herewith.

Your esteemed favor of 28th August is to hand. Its contents shall be noticed hereafter.

Mr. Spencer wishes me to say he will write to you next week.

Agreeable to your suggestion we have made the desired experiments with the water, with as much accuracy as our poor means would admit.

1 Gallon of saltwater, at temperature 59°, and specific gravity by salometer 96-100 weighed avoirdupois 9 lb. 15 oz. 8 drams. 1 Gallon of rain water at temperature of 71°, weighed 8 lb. 3 oz. 4 drams avoirdupois-difference, 1 lb. 12 oz. 4 drams.

The salt-water had been pumped about 15 minutes when the temperature was taken, which will account for its being 3 warmer than reported in other places. I find it varies very little from 56° when tested at the

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Letter from THOMAS SPENCER, Esq.

September 13, 1846.

DEAR SIR:-Your letter of August 25th was duly received. Mr. Milnor sent you his meteorlogical table for August, at the close of the month, which I presume you have received by due course of mail. I think you will perceive by it that on the 25th August there was an equilibrium in the temperature of the atmosphere at this place which was on the same day that a shock of an earthquake was felt at Newburyport, Mass., which I suppose is another evidence to confirm the truth of your theory, concerning the influence of the earthquake upon the atmosphere, and to establish which you have been at such vast pains in your observations and research.

I frequently receive from you New-York and Brooklyn newspapers, for which, accept my sincere thanks. Amongst the papers sent me is the New-York Farmer and Mechanic, which I regard as one of the most valuable papers published anywhere. It is filled with well selected, practical and useful matter, calculated to benefit those who read it; and I have seen some single numbers that are worth the subscription price of a whole year.

You say that you are unable to account for the high temperature of the brine of our salt wells. I suppose that our brine is the produce of under currents, or veins of fresh water, which come in contact with and percolate through crevices in the vast body of salt rock which underlays this place. This salt rock lays two hundred feet beneath the surface of the ground, and it has been penetrated 160 feet without passing through it. It is overlayed with sulphate of lime in quality and appearance like the Nova Scotia plaster, reaching within twenty feet of the surface. We have no fresh water wells here, but are supplied with excellent water by springs, which gush from the mountain side. I have just returned from testing the temperature of two of them, one on each side of the valley. That on the South side is at the base of a steep mountain, about 400 feet high. The temperature is 54°. The spring on the north side of the valley also proceeds from the base of a mountain not quite as high as the other, its temperature is 60°. The two springs are about a half mile apart, and the salt wells are between them in the valley, but nearest to the north side. The last time I tested the temperature of the brine as it was pumped from the well it was 59° which is a variation of but one degree from the fresh water spring nearest to it.

Since I wrote you we have weighed a gallon of the

brine, at 590 degrees temperature, it weighed 9lb. 15 1-2 oz. A gallon of rain water by the same measure, at a temperature of 71°, weighed 8 lb. 3


You speak of the practicability of manufacturing solar salt at this place. I see nothing in the quantity of rain which falls to prevent it, but there is a very great humidity of atmosphere, which I think would be a heavy drawback upon that branch of business. During the night time of the summer months, we are almost uniformly enveloped in a dense fog, which does not generally disappear until eight or nine o'clock in the morning.

This I think would be very unfavorable to evaporation.

I think there can be no question that the rock I alluded to, in a former letter, is Sulphate of Barytes. It is of great density, I think nearly of the specific gravity of cast iron. It is white and chrystaline, but opaque. I have some beautiful specimens which I have laid aside for you.

I fully agree with you in the belief that wood to be used as fuel under evaporating vessels should be split fine. It is uot, however, good economy to purchase wood by the cord that has been split fine before it is measured. The purchaser, if he consults his own interest, will buy coarse, heavy wood, and split it afterwards, and the more rapid the combustion the greater will be the amount of heat produced from a given quantity of fuel. And to accomplish the best effect a forced blast, by means of a bellows or revolving blower, is better than a single chimney draught. I have found by experiments, which I have made in the manufacture of salt, that a cord of hard wood will produce seven bushels of salt more, by the application of the forced blast, than when the chimney draught is

used alone.

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SYRACUSE, Sept. 8th, 1846. Dear Sir,-Since I last wrote you I have visited the Lake,' which I spoke of in my last. I was accompanied by Maj. Wm. C. Brown, who had previously engaged to accompany me on this expedition. We arrived at the lake about 10 o'clock. This sheet of water is almost entirely round, and covers an area (I should judge) of about twelve acres, and is almost surrounded by rocks, whose elevation we ascertained by actual measurement, to be, one hundred and sixtyeight feet above the surface of the water. While Major Brown and myself, were engaged in measuring the height of these rocks, our company, who were composed of gentlemen and ladies, amused themselves with fishing, and other sports on the water. After we had finished our measurement, we then proceeded to the water, to join our company, whom we found in fine spirits-enjoying themselves apparently to the height of their pleasure, judging from their appearance they had been visited by a water-spout, or a mighty shower-bath had been administered to a considerable extent, of which, themselves and their boat, bore good evidence. The sport, no doubt, was refreshing, for the sun poured its scorching rays upon the water, which was felt with much inconvenience to us all, while the thermometer in the shade, ranged as high as 86°. After rowing out into the lake, we commenced sounding for its bottom, which we found to be only 50 feet deep. There are, undoubtedly, holes much deeper, but not three hundred feet, as I stated to you in a former letter. We drew from the bottom of the lake, several bottles of water, which varied in its temperature, from 46° to 52. We also, from accident, drew from the bottom, some mineral water, which, when first drawn up, and corked, effervesces so much, as to throw a cork out of a bottle with considerable force, and run out like soda-water fresh drawn from a fountain. This water is highly charged with gas, its properties I am not able to describe to you, as I have no means of getting it analys ed.

Major Brown informed me that he found one of these springs farther to the east of the one just mentioned, some two or three years since. The water in this lake, is very clear, and made up entirely of springs. Several rods east of this lake, is a small stream, which makes out from the fissures of the rocks, its source no doubt, is from the lake. West of

this lake, eighty or a hundred rods, is another cavity, which is very similar to the one just described, except in its bottom, nature has reversed its order, and permitted trees, and plants to grow, while the water flows through the fissures of the rocks far beneath them.

On the South side. and about two hundred feet above this natural excavation, is an isolated rock called table rock. Upon this observatory, you have a fine view which is truly wonderful and sublime to those who are fond of observing the works of Him who has caused the trees to stretch their lofty heads above the rocks which surround this aqualogical reservoir. On the other side of this rock, and not more than twenty feet from the precipice, is a large fissure of great depth. Major Brown and myself, provided ourselves with a lighted candle, and attempted the descent of this fissure, which we found to be nearly perpendicular, and requiring in us a philosopher's steadiness of brain, and a rope dancer's dexterity of balance. After descending to the depth of about one hundred feet, (measured as we descended,) we found the rocks so steep and slippery, that we were obliged to defer the descent to some future time, in consesequence of the insecurity of the ladder, which was formerly used for that purpose. Here we renewed one of the recreations of boyhood-we dissengaged successively several large stones. which swept their restless course in muttering wrath to the bottom. When they reached their destination, they sent up a crash of echoing thunder, that lingered long in sullen, reverberating among the rocks, which caused a great commotion among a numerous family of bats which we found to be the only inhabitants of this dark and lothesome place.

Major Brown, who has made the descent several times. thinks that the fissure reaches to the depth of three hundred feet. This range of rocks is made up of the grey lime which is so celebrated for building stone. North of this ledge, is another range of rocks of a different character, made up of the blue lime, and full of fissures, and bears the resemblance of having once been shattered by some convulsive force. The very tops of these rocks are covered with a thick growth of cedar, with now and then a lofty pine. These mighty lords of the forest, have stood as if naught but time could bow them, but a thunderbolt, in its resistless course, has caused one of them to bow its head beneath the rocks, which has so long formed the foundation of its growth. The ravine which separates the two ledges, commences near the Onondaga Creek, and runs east about three miles, and ends at Butternut Creek. The west end of this ravine is dry, and under fine cultivation; near the middle the soil grows thin, sandy, and is mixed with shells, and bears the resemblance of once having been the bed of some large stream. It then emerges itself in a dense cedar swamp, and terminates in a gulph at the Creek. We finished our exploration about 4 o'clock, and then proceeded to the house of Mr. Brown, where we found a sumptuous repast; awaiting our return, prepared by Mrs. Brown our interesting friend and host.

I will now give you a sketch of the weather for the week ending September 7. The sun has poured down its rays with unexampled severity. The thermometer has ranged as follows: Tuesday, Sept 1sunrise. 68°: 9 A. M.. 81; 3 P. M., 86; 9 P. M., 74. Wednesday, sunrise, 67; 9 A. M., 81; 3 P. M., 89; 9 P. M., 80. Thursday, sunrise, 73; 9 A. M., 80; 3 P. M., 86; 9 P. M., 72. Friday, sunrise, 71; 9 A. M., 82; 3 P. M., 87; 9 P. M., 79. Saturday, sunrise, 75; 9 A. M., 82; 3 P. M., 88; 9 P. M., 75. Sunday, sunrise, 71; 9 A. M., 80, 3 P. M., 86; 9 P. M., 78. Monday, 7th, sunrise, 74; 9 A. M., 84; 3 P. M., 91; 9 P. M., 81; average for the week, 82, 50-100 degrees. During the time, we have had rain three days in succession, the aggregate amount which fell, was 2: 50-100 inches, with an unlimited quantity of lightning and thunder. The hygromatic state of the atmosphere has also been very high, ranging from 66 to 74. which has not been equalled this season. I have also noted the temperature of some of our springs, wells, &c. The fresh water springs vary but little; the temperature are uniformly. 50; wells, 50; with but one exception, which was 49; cisterns

vary from 67 to 72. The salt-water springs at Syracuse, are 52; strength of brine by the salometer, 74. The salt-water springs at Salina, and Liverpool, I have not yet been able to get, but will furnish you with the result soon. Respectfully yours,



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