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ăm mu ni' tion, powder, balls, etc. ǎn nealed', made tough by heating, then cooling slowly; as, annealed wire.

awl, a pointed instrument for piercing

small holes.

běl' lows, an instrument for blowing fires.

běn' zine, an oil used for cleaning, etc.

běv'el, a kind of square used by

carpenters, masons, etc.

butt, a hinge used in hanging doors. căn' is ter, a metal box for coffee, tea, etc.

cär' tridge, a charge for a firearm.

chaf' ing-dish, a vessel for cooking on the table.

com' pass ĕs, an instrument for describing circles, measuring figures,


côrk' serew, an instrument for drawing corks from bottles.

eut' ler y, edged tools, such as knives, shears, razors, etc.

ĕn ǎm' eled (-ěld), having a glossy or variegated surface; glazed.

fil' ter, a device for straining impurities from water, etc.

gǎl' vȧ nize, to coat, as iron with zinc.

gauge (gāģe), an instrument used to strike a line parallel to the straight side of a board, etc.

ğim' lět, a small tool for boring holes.

eleav'er, an ax-like knife used by gouge, a chisel with hollow blade; to

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grăn' ite-wâre, a kind of iron ware, | hinge, the attachment upon which a coated with granite enamel. door or cover swings. grind' stōne, a flat circular stone i' sin glass, pure gelatin; a name for

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Consult your dictionary for meaning of words.

It requires great patience1 to attend such discontented patients."
He used the fallen pillar for his pillow on that fatal night.


He unpacked the presents 5 in my presence."

We pitied her because she was so pitted by the small-pox.


If you do not proscribe its use, prescribe some regulations concerning it.


The populace 11 are generally discontented in a very populous 12 city.

Poplar 13 is the most popular 14 timber in our line of work.


Many princes are suitors of the young princess.16


Prophesy 1 a good prophecy.18

Will a dish of suet 19 suit 20 any person in your suite ? 21
The subtle 22 spider weaves a web of subtile 23 thread.
Do not ridicule 24 my old reticule.25

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Hope thinks nothing difficult; despair tells us that difficulty is insurmountable."

ál low' ance, a stated amount or quan- | ȧ skew', awry; out of proper position. tity; toleration. çhà rāde', an acted enigma.

ǎn' çes tõr, one from whom a person com půl' sion, force applied; act of descends.


equ' ri er, a messenger sent in haste. | flăm' beau (-bō), a torch.

eri' sis, a turning point; a decisive im prăc' tỉ cå ble, impossible.


lĕav' en, a fermenting mixture.

de sir à bil' i ty, state or quality of mag nå nĭm' i ty, generosity; largebeing desirable. ness of spirit.

dis coun' te nançe, to look upon with me' di ā tōr, intercessor.


dis ereet', cautious; prudent.

di vēr' sion, turning aside; pastime.
ex çèss' ive, beyond just limits.
ex păn' sion, the act of expanding.
fěl' o ny, a high crime.

fẽr' võr, ardor; intense feeling.

Ŏb' so lete, out of use.

pit' i å ble, deserving pity.

po lyg' ȧ my, marriage with more than one wife or husband at a time. Que bee', a province of Canada; also a city.

su pērb', grand; elegant.



lā' dle, a cuplike spoon with a long rake, a garden, or farm tool. handle.

ri' fle, a gun with a grooved barrel.

lěv' el, a carpenter's instrument; flat; sçiş' sors, a small cutting instrument.


mål' let, a small maul.

maul, a heavy wooden hammer.

mět' al, an elementary substance, such as gold, iron, etc.

mi' ter-box, a box for holding boards, etc., to be sawed at an angle or bevel.

năph thả (năf'- or năp'-), an

scoop, a deep shovel; a ladle.

screw-driv' er, a tool for inserting


shěl lae', a resinous substance used in varnishes, dyes, etc.

sledge, a large heavy hammer. spi' der, an iron kitchen utensil. sprink' ler, a watering pot. oilsteel’yärd (also stil' yërd), a device for weighing.

used for cleaning and heating. nickel-plat' ed, coated or plated with nickel.

tur' pěn tīne, an oil used in mixing paints, etc.

nip' ple, a pipe fitting for connecting twee' zers, pincers; nippers.

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"It ought to be no disparagement to a star that it is not the sun."

af fil' i ate, to unite; to adopt.

ăn' gu lar, having angles; lean.

běn e fǎe' tōr, a friendly helper.

mis' sile, a projectile.

môr' sel, a small portion. něğ' li gent, careless; neglectful.

běv' er age, a drink; that which is Nï eä rä' gua (nēe caw raw' gwa),

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fu' ġi tive, fleeing, or having fled, as pěn i těn' tia ry (-sha-), a prison.

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bǎek' band, part of a harness used to buck' le, an instrument for fastening

hold up shafts of a carriage.

bil' let, a strap or loop which enters

a buckle.

blind' er, a screen on the bridle.

breech' ing (brich'-), the hinder part of a harness.


cheek' rein, a rein to prevent a horse from lowering his head.

chōke' strap, a strap to keep a horse's collar in place.

çinch, a strong saddle girth.

bri' dle, head-gear for governing a erup' per, the loop which passes un


der a horse's tail.

girth, the strap by which a saddle is | pom' měl, the knob of a saddlebow. fastened to a horse.

hal' ter, a rope or strap for leading

or tying a horse.

hāmes, a kind of collar for horses. här' ness, equipments of a horse, etc. hôrn, the high pommel of a saddle. hous' ing, a covering for a horse's saddle; a horsecloth.

rein, strap of a bridle by which the

horse is governed.

săd' dle, part of a harness; seat for a rider.

spûr, an instrument to hasten the speed of a horse.

stir' rup, part of the saddle for the foot.

lǎr' Ĭ at, a lasso; used also in picket- sûr' çin gle, a girth for binding on a ing a horse. saddle, blanket, etc.

mär' tin gāle, a strap to hold down tra' ces, the straps of a harness exthe head of a horse. tending to the whiffletrees; a tug.



"The liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other liberties."-Macaulay.

brit' tle, fragile; liable to break. brōgue, a dialectic pronunciation.

çe ment', an adhesive substance; to stick together.

Ŏm nip' o tence, infinite power.

ōre, native mineral.

pïque (pēk), stinging vexation; to stimulate to action.

eon vert' i ble, capable of being prom e näde', a walk for amusement


eō quětte' (-ket'), a flirt.

de ni' al, refusal.

or exercise.

rā' dĬ ús, semi-diameter of a circle or sphere.

dis tin' guish, to note difference be- răp' tur ous, ecstatic; joyous.

tween; to confer eminence.

fiend, an intensely malicious person.

im mor' al, sinful; dissolute.

re sem' blance, likeness.

rhyme (rime), to correspond in sound; a couplet; poetry.

in dŭl' gent, lenient; prone to in- rhythm (rĭth' m), regular succession dulge.

in' tri eate, complex; complicated.

lăs' si tude, languor.

Ma cau' lay, English historian, essay

ist, poet and statesman.

of motions, sounds, etc.

rōgue, a dishonest person; a rascal. rum' mage, to search by overturning things.

twitch, to jerk.

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