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"Others are demanding that new legislation be enacted, while executives and legislators are declaring that in the coming winter they will see to it that laws are passed to drive anarchism from our borders. I may not discuss the terms of proposed legislation, as no one foresees either what it may do or what questions may arise out of it.

"But there are lessons to be drawn from the assassination of President McKinley by an anarchist which I wish to notice. One which should be borne home to every citizen of the nation, whether in or out of office, is the necessity of a personal respect for law. We denounce the assasination as a horrible crime. We denounce anarchism as the spirit of lawlessness and its followers as outlaws because they look upon all forms of government as wrong and all men in office as their enemies.

"But while anarchism may be the extreme of lawlessness, and anarchists the worst of outlaws, every breaking of the law breathes, though perhaps in a slight degree, the same spirit of lawlessness. Example is better than precept, and every one may well remember that he does something toward checking the spirit of lawlessness and preventing the spread of anarchism when, in his own life, he manifests a constant and willing obedience in letter and spirit to all the mandates of the law. "Again, the anarchist declares that all government is wrong. He professes to be the enemy of all rulers. Social institutions, as they are, he denounces, pleading that they are unjust and oppressive. Now, if the workings of the social order are made such as to insure justice and peace and comfort to all, slowly the spirit of anarchism will disappear, for all will feel that society as it exists is a blessing rather than a curse to them.


"And each one of us may in his place and life help to make all those workings of society cleaner and better, gentler and purer-more helpful to those who need, less burdensome to those who toil and richer in all things to all men.

"If the American people shall not spend all its energies in denunciation of this awful crime, or in efforts by force to remove anarchism and anarchists from our midst, but, moved and touched by the sad lesson, shall strive to fill the social life with more sweetness and blessing, then will it be that William McKinley, great in life, will become, partly on account of the circumstances of his death, greater and more influential in the future; an enduring blessing to the nation of which he was the honored ruler."


By invitation of General Horace Porter, the United States ambassador, the resident and traveling Americans met at his residence to adopt

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resolutions on the assassination of President McKinley. ance was numerous, including many ladies dressed in mourning. General Porter presided at the meeting. Senator Lodge, Secretary Vignaud and Consul-General Gowdy were the vice-presidents.

General Porter, in feeling terms, announced the purpose of the meeting. Senator Lodge, in moving the adoption of the resolutions, eloquently outlined the career of the late President and his administration. The senator alluded in grateful terms to the touching manifestation of sympathy shown by the people of Paris and France at the sorrow of the American republic. The following resolution was voted:

"William McKinley, President of the United States, is dead. He was an eminent statesman, soldier and patriot, and a great chief magistrate, whose administration will stand out as one of the most eventful and illustrious in American history. He has fallen at the zenith of his fame, in the height of a great career, by the hand of an assassin. The enormity of the wanton crime, measured by the grievous loss, has brought sorrow to the republic and all her citizens,

“We, Americans, now in Paris, desire to make a public record of the feeling which at this hour of grief we share with all our countrymen. With them we unite in profound sorrow for the untimely death of President McKinley, as well as in admiration of his character as a man and his great public services, which have brought so much honor to the republic.

"We wish to declare our utter abhorrence of the foul crime to which President McKinley fell a victim and of the teachings which produced it. "To her whom the President gave a lifelong devotion as pure as it was beautiful, we offer our deepest, heartfelt sympathy.

"To President Roosevelt, called so suddenly and under such sad conditions to the presidency, we present our sincere and respectful sympathy, and would also express our generous confidence, in the hope and belief that his administration will redound to his own honor and to the general welfare of our country.

"We are profoundly grateful to the president and people of our sister republic for their quick sympathy and touching expressions of condolence at this moment of great national sorrow of the United States."


"In these great hours of a nation's distress we have forgotten our debates, and the one thing heard from all our hearts is that our martyred President was a good man; that he loved the people, loved his country, loved God, and was trying to lead in the ways that he and the majority of the people thought best."


"President McKinley had a habit of leaning on public opinion. It has been called a weakness. It may be a weakness in a reformer or a prophet. But in a president it is strength, as Lincoln knew. For being slow to go to war, in the recent affair with Spain, he was brutally denounced by those who are his eulogists today. In holding back the government from war until he felt sure that the people insisted on war, the President acted as a friend of peace and obeyed the letter and the spirit of the constitution.

"McKinley's Buffalo speech, his last message to his countrymen, he could not have made ten years ago. It is more than a lesson in economics. It teaches that an American statesman must have an open, receptive mind. He must be willing to be taught by events. His political wisdom is to ascertain and express the sober second thought of the people."


The Rev. Father Kelly, chaplain of the Seventh Regiment, pronounced a beautiful eulogy at the great Auditorium meeting in Chicago. Father Kelly, among other things, said:

"The universal and heartfelt sorrow in the untimely death of our noble President is ample evidence of the Christian and manly virtues which have placed him in the esteem and affection of his fellow men. The more good a man does in this world to the greater honor and glory of God and for the benefit of God's children-his neighbors-the more he is esteemed and the more general is the grief when the hand of death is laid upon him.

"Judging by this standard, great must have been the moral worth and magnificent beyond compare the acts of kindly brotherhood performed by our lamented President during his life. His qualities as Fi dent, as husband, and as man, can stand the searchlight of any scrut and will leave their impression on the pages of our history.

"McKinley's standard of manhood was not measured by dollars. His ideal was not arrogance of power and authority. Imbued with these high ideals and living up to them in public and private life, he never worshiped at the shrines of the false gods of modern progress and avarice He never believed that the end justified the means. He never did a wrong that good might follow, but strove on all occasions to follow the laws of the Great Ruler-'do good and fear no one."


"The title that is most likely to come to our martyred President is that of 'The Well Beloved.' Washington had a dignified severity that

left a space between himself and the people. Lincoln was loved by only half the nation when he died. The old animosities between the North and South had not expired when Garfield passed away. But since McKinley came into office the blue and the gray have been united. He won the hearts of the southern people and cemented a nation.

"His was the average American life in a glorified form. He was pure, simple, genial and kind. So long as he dominated our affairs he could be dealt with by foreign powers with sincerity, and this is the secret of the great influence of this nation in the administration of foreign affairs."


"President McKinley undoubtedly will pass into the history of the United States as one of the great Presidents. None of his predecessors ever showed so broad and thorough a knowledge of the main questions relating to our industry and commerce.

"On all subjects in these fields he showed not merely talent but genius. A high evidence of this was given in his speech at Buffalo just before he was shot. Having done more than any other to build up the great industries of the nation, he then and there showed how new markets could be found and how our industries could be made more effective in multiplying our relations with other powers.

"During his lifetime, in the heat of partisan strife, he was charged with being devoted to the interests of capital, but when viewed hereafter by the historian it certainly will be seen that his care for the interests of capital was the result of his devotion to labor and to the deepest interests of the plain people, from whom he sprang. He knew that the interests of capital and labor cannot be disassociated. Never has a President planned more wisely or toiled more earnestly for the laboring man."


Senator Hoar made the principal address at the memorial in Worcester. He said in part:

"The voice of love and sorrow to-day is not that which cometh from the lips. Since the tidings came from the dwelling at whose door all mankind was listening, silence, the inward prayer, the quivering lip, the tears of women and bearded men have been the token of an affection which no other man left alive has inspired.

"This is the third time within the memory of men not yet old that the head of the republic has been stricken down in his high place by the hand of an assassin. Each of them was a man of the people.

"We shall, I hope, in due time, soberly, when the tempest of grief

has passed by, find means for additional security against the repetition of a crime like this. We shall go as far as we can without sacrificing personal liberty to repress the doctrine which in effect is nothing but counseling murder.

"We shall also, I hope, learn to moderate the bitterness of politica! strife, and to avoid the savage attack on the motive and character of men who are charged by the people with public responsibilities in high places. This fault, while I think it is already disappearing from ordinary political and sectional controversy, seems to linger still among our scholars and men of letters.

"The mora is, not that we should abate our zeal for justice and righteousness, our condemnation of wrong, but only that we should abate the severity of our judgment of the motives of men from whom we differ."


As a last tribute to their beloved President, who was borne to his final resting place on September 19, the Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association of Chicago adopted fitting resolutions which are eulogistic of the life of that noble statesman and strongly condemnatory of the outbursts of anarchy, whose adherent made a martyr of the nation's chief. The resolutions were framed and presented by a committee composed of Francis A. Riddle, Judge Richard S. Tuthill, Charles Fitz Simmons, W. L .B. Jenney and John C. Black.

The memorial as it was unanimously adopted follows:

"William McKinley, the twenty-sixth President of the United States of America, was cruelly slain on the 6th day of September, 1901.

"The universal grief caused by the malicious deed which took from the world this good, wise, courageous and lovable man is sincerely shared by the members of the Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association of Illinois. We come, as loyal citizens of our beloved republic, to this temple dedicated to patriotism, recognizing the authority as well as the necessity of human government, with an unfaltering trust in the supreme reign of moral laws and in the final triumph of righteousness throughout the earth in this hour of humiliation and grave anxiety, deepened by inexpressible sorrow, to manifest our loving regard for a departed comrade, to emphasize our unmeasured respect for one who was lately the honored and beloved chief magistrate of the nation, to acknowledge the priceless benefits which have resulted to our common country from the faithful services of an exalted character, and to express our sense of indignation for the malign influences and malevolent purposes which led to the most inexcusable and villainous assassination known in the history of civilized man.

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