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perfectly willing to work upon that if we can do so legally, but if our Constitution provides one thing, can we, before we amend our Constitution, act upon a recommendation that is not in conformity with it?

Mrs. HILL. May I ask if there is anything in our Constitution which requires Chapters to have a charter. Many of them existed for several years before they had a charter, because they did not feel at liberty to pay the $5 for it. Every Chapter is entitled to a charter. No Chapter can be forced to have a charter. I understand this provides for the acceptance of charters.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. This recommendation is a mendation to amend the Constitution.


Dr. MCGEE. I think you will understand it in this way. Two societies cannot come together by the action of the one Society. Both must take action in the matter, and both must agree. Now, this is nothing more than taking the concensus of opinion of this Congress as to what we think we might be willing to agree to, if the other Society should also be willing to agree to it. We have not committed ourselves to adopting it next year, because we cannot adopt it this year, and we cannot bind absolutely the next Congress. Amendments to the Constitution will be offered this year which will come up next year. If those amendments are adopted, we should then be able to carry out this proposition if it is agreed to by the other Society. This proposition made to-day is not a final proposition, and cannot be a final proposition until our Constitution is amended next year.

Mrs. MCLEAN. Then can we act to-day upon any possible amendment which will pass next year?

PRESIDENT GENERAL. This is merely recommendation, Mrs. McLean.

Mrs. MCLEAN. Then it requires no action?

PRESIDENT GENERAL. Not at all; it is not final action. It simply requires action so far as the point of recommending it is concerned.

Mrs. GREEN. May I ask if the President and the Board of Management would sustain the Registrar General in admitting a body of women of any number in a body? Would

they not require that every paper should go through an examination just the same as if they never had entered a Society?

PRESIDENT GENERAL. The President General, no matter who she is. I am very sure. and the Board of Management, will abide by the By-Laws and Constitution of this Society. Mrs. LINDSAY (reads):

"No charter fees shall be exacted from Chapters admitted from the Daughters of the Revolution Society."

Mrs. WARREN. I move that that clause be accepted.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. The motion is already before the house to act upon it. Are you ready for the question? All in favor of this clause will please say "aye;" contrary, "no." Carried.

Mrs. LINDSAY. (11) "The Constitution of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution shall be so far amended as may be necessary to ratify, confirm and fully carry out this agreement or plan.”

Mrs. BALLINGER. Will the Committee inform us, when that Constitution is amended, which we will be under, the Daughters of the American Revolution, or the Daughters of the Revolution?

PRESIDENT GENERAL. I hardly think, Mrs. Ballinger, the Chair is obliged to answer that question. It is made very plain to us.

Mrs. LYON. I move the adoption of that clause.


PRESIDENT GENERAL. All in favor will please say "aye;" contrary, "no." The motion is passed.

Dr. MCGEE. I move the adoption of this report as a whole, except the proposed amendment, of course.

Mrs. BALLINGER. I object; and one voice nullifies it. I object to that report being accepted.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. All in favor of accepting this report will please say "aye;" opposed, "no." It is carried.

Mrs. LINDSAY. I may be a little bit out of order, but as it would assist the understanding of the Congress I would like to read what the amendment is which I wish to offer to the

Constitution. Is it the wish of the Congress that it be offered? (Cries of "Yes.")

Mrs. LINDSAY. This is a separate article, coming at the end of our Constitution. A motion to amend the Constitution by adding an article to be Article X. "The plan or compact through which the consolidation of the National Societies of the Daughters of the Revolution and the Daughters of the American Revolution has been consummated, is hereby ratified, confirmed, and adopted; and the Constitution of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, so far as its provisions may conflict with said plan or compact, is to that extent modified, such modification being for the sole purpose of carrying into complete execution said plan or compact."

Mrs. MCCARTNEY. There is nothing said about the charter in that.

PRESIDENT GENERAL. This not debatable. This is simply a notice that will be read to-morrow. It is not debatable now. Miss HARVEY. May I be recognized now? Madam President, ladies of the Congress, I am very sorry I was not present when I was expected to speak before. Unfortunately, I was not very well, and the lady who was with me was not very well either, but we will try and survive long enough to do our duty the best we can before the day is over. Miss Forsyth has spoken to you about this matter already. This flag was the gift of Mrs. Benjamin Thompson, of Wayne, Pennsylvania, a member of Merion Chapter. This flag she sent to General Miles. It was the first American flag raised over Porto Rico. After that General Miles returned it to Merion Chapter to be kept as a souvenir. I take great pleasure in exhibiting it in this Congress, and I ask the privilege of introducing Mrs. Thompson, as she has a proposition to make concerning this flag, which I think will meet with general approval. Well, ladies, we are very sorry that we do not feel quite as well as we should. I am afraid Mrs. Thompson has been obliged to go home, but in behalf of Merion Chapter she wishes to offer this flag to our representative, Mrs. Daniel Manning, to be used in the unveiling ceremonies of the Lafayette monument, in Paris, in 1900. [Applause.]

PRESIDENT GENERAL. Suspension of the rules for one moment. Ohio has just discovered that there is a noted woman on the floor of this house, as Regent of a North Carolina Chapter, the widow of General "Stonewall" Jackson. [Cheers.] I have the honor of presenting to the Daughters assembled Mrs. "Stonewall" Jackson. [Applause. All rise

to greet her.]

PRESIDENT GENERAL. The next thing on the program is the report of the Franco-American Memorial Committee.

Mrs. HATCHER reads report; is interrupted by President General, who says, "It is hoped no voters will leave the house. We will have to vote over again." Mrs. Hatcher resumes reading report.


Madam President and Ladies: Our Society having been invited by the Lafayette Memorial Committee of the United States Paris Exposition Commission to assist in raising funds towards the erection of a monument to Lafayette in Paris in 1900, and, as our interest in the project for the presentation of a statue of Washington to France in 1900, by the women of America, has been in abeyance for some years past, the National Board of Management took action upon the subject of our participation in these projects, and, as a result, the Franco-American Memorial Committee was named by your President General, in November last, and it now has the honor of reporting the following:

The committee prepared and issued circulars to all the Chapters in the country, relative to these projects, and in response, Daughters all over the land are contributing most enthusiastically and liberally to these two great enterprises.

The circulars sent out read as follows:

Franco-American Memorial Circular.


HEADQUARTERS N. S. D. A. R., WASHINGTON, D. C., December 13, 1898. The people of France have given to this country a signal proof of their friendship, the statue of "Liberty Enlightening the World," situated in the harbor of New York. Thus far, however, our Nation has not made its gratitude to France visible to the world by any similar memorial.

An association of American women has been formed for the purpose of presenting to France a bronze equestrian statue of George

Washington, since his character symbolizes all that is most valuable in our national life. The officers of this association, all women of national reputation, are: President, Mrs. Stephen J. Field; VicePresidents, Mrs. Garrett A. Hobart, Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, Mrs. James McMillan.

An appeal for the needed funds was made some time ago, and a large part of the required amount collected. The selection of the eminent American sculptor, Daniel French, to design and execute the statue, is a guarantee that the production will be appropriate and a work of art in which all Americans can feel entire satisfaction.

Most fittingly it is proposed to present this statue to France during the Paris Exposition of 1900, where the United States will occupy a position more prominent than has ever been accorded it at any previous foreign exposition. At the present time but fifteen thousand dollars are needed to complete the work.

The Seventh Continental Congress expressed a lively interest in this project, and referred it to the consideration of the National Board of Management. This circular is therefore issued in the hope that each member of our Society will not only feel proud to contribute to this cause, but will interest the women in her locality in this glorious enterprise.

During the coming session of the Eighth Continental Congress, Daughters of the American Revolution, a final report of the funds collected will be made, and the proceeds transferred to the "Association of American Women for the Presentation of a Statue of Washington to France."

All contributions should be sent to Mrs. Robert S. Hatcher, Chairman of the Franco-American Memorial Committee, Room 52, 902 F street, Washington, District of Columbia, not later than February 1, 1899.






Franco-American Memorial Circular.


HEADQUARTERS N. S. D. A. R., WASHINGTON, D. C., December 13, 1898.

The immortal Lafayette lies buried in a small but historical cemetery, in an obscure part of Paris, in the rear of the Convent of the "Petit Picpus." Few Americans know the place, few visit it, and in all France there is no visible token that our Nation, which he

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