PAR. 319 270 ARTICLE. Yarns, cotton, imitation silk (T. D. 23110). (See Silk, RATE. flax, hemp or ramie, single or a mixture of 12% Finer than eight lea, not finer than eighty lea hair of the Angora goat, alpaca, and other like 25% 66 270 hemp. (See Yarns, flax.) 267 jute, single, not finer than five lea or number.. 15% Finer than five lea or number mantle, in skeins (T. D. 22489). (See Thread, spool cotton.) 348 270 rabbits' fur (T. D. 2797, 6208, 6306, 7173).... 40% ramie. (See Yarns, flax.) single jute, woven fabrics of, bleached, dyed, 10% 408 single, jute, woven fabrics of, not bleached, silk, artificial or imitation of. (See Silk yarns, waste, cow hair, as yarn, wool (T. D. 323). (See Silk, spun.) 35% or ramie. (See Yarns, (See Thread, cotton.) (See Thread, cotton.) Free worsted, genappe (T. D. 16420), as yarn, wool. wine, containing oil of cognac, containing not more than 10% alcohol (T. D. 10211)...... Yellow berries, advanced in value, if not alcoholic... cadmium (T. D. 13944). 20% 10% Free chrome, dry in pulp, or ground in or mixed metal, copper chief value (T. D. 7151, 12934) 5% prussiate of soda (T. D. 8586, 11298, 11354).c b 335 Yiz plateaus Bleached, dyed, stained, or colored. (T. 15% 20% ARTICLE. Ylang-ylang oil, if not alcoholic. RATE. 20% 10c tb and 20% extract, if containing 20% alcohol or less... Containing more than 20% and not more than 20c b and 20% Containing more than 50% alcohol..40c b and 20% Yolks of eggs (T. D. 21546) of eggs, dried (40 F. R. 662, T. D. 17857). 10c ib 66 204 of eggs, for tanning (T. D. 2889, 7315). 10% 10% Zante currants (73 F. R. 183, T. D. 16004, 16370, 17003) 289 20 Zarapes, as woolen blankets (T. D. 22377). 290 210 Zephyr cloth, wool, as woolen dress goods. RATE. .$2.60 gal 60% Free .12c b 30% 35% .$10.00 M cloth. 252 Zephyrs, fancy cotton (T. D. 7630, 12653), as cotton 288 5 Zidac, as wool manufactures (T. D. Abt. 27278, 32073) 35% 15% 66 167 all articles of, n. s. p. f., if not plated (letter if put up in individual packages of 21⁄2 lbs or bearing ore of all kinds, including calamine, button material, if not plated (T. D. 6904). 20% if put up in individual packages of 21⁄2 lbs or dust (T. D. 3428, 22415, 22438, 23688, 23698)... 15% 20% if put up in individual packages of 21⁄2 lbs or When ground in or mixed with oil or water... 15% 15% PAR. 163 167 ARTICLE. Zinc plates, for lithography, as sheets of zinc (T. D. plates for lithography, polished, beveled, etc., RATE. 15% 20% 61 powder, oxide of (T. D. 13813), dry. 10% Ground in oil... 15% sheets decorated in colors or coated with nickel 109 sheets or plates with layers of other metal or white, lithopone (T. D. 15862, 24615, 25239, 15% 61 white pigment, containing zinc, but not con- if put up in individual packages of 21⁄2 tb or Zoedone, as artificial mineral waters (T. D. 5790). 398 417 (See Mineral waters.) Zoological societies, animals for (T. D. 14704, 13304).. Free Free Foreign Wild Animal and Bird Act....Jan. 1, 1910. 932 Insecticide Act .Apr. 26, 1910. 939 Travelers' Samples, Reciprocity, United (T. D. 32237.) IMPORTED OLEOMARGARINE. Treasury Department, February 10, 1912. To Collectors and Other Officers of the Customs: The following extract from Internal Revenue Regulations No. 9, as revised July, 1907, concerning imported oleomargarine, is published for your information and guidance. Any oleomargarine or articles suspected of being oleomargarine that may be imported, should be reported immediately to the Department, and also to the internal-revenue agent, if any, or if none, to the collector of internal revenue at the port of importation, to whom such samples shall be furnished as he may request, and the shipment detained pending instructions from the Department. FRANKLIN MAC VEAGH, Secretary. Imported Oleomargarine. Section 10 of the Act of August 2, 1886, provides as follows: That all oleomargarine imported from foreign countries shall, in addition to any import duty imposed on the same, pay an internal-revenue tax of fifteen cents per pound, such tax to be represented by coupon stamps as in the case of oleomargarine manufactured in the United States. The stamps shall be affixed and cancelled by the owner or importer of the oleomargarine while it is in the custody of the proper custom house officers; and the oleomargarine shall not pass out of the custody of said officers until the stamps have been so affixed and cancelled, but shall be put up in wooden packages, each containing not less than ten pounds, as prescribed in this Act for oleomargarine manufactured in the United States, before the stamps are affixed; and the owner or importer of such oleomargarine shall be liable to all the penal provisions of this Act prescribed for manufacturers of oleomargarine manufactured in the United States. Whenever it is necessary to take any oleomargarine so imported to any place other than the public stores of the United States for the purpose of affixing and cancelling such stamps, the collector of customs of the port where such oleomargarine is entered shall designate a bonded warehouse to which it shall be taken under the control of such customs officer as such collector may direct; and every officer of customs who permits any such oleomargarine to pass out of his custody or control without compliance by the owner or importer thereof with the provisions of this section relating thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, and imprisoned not less than six months nor more than three years. Every person who sells or offers for sale any imported oleomargarine, or oleomargarine purporting or claimed to have been imported, not put up in packages and stamped as provided by this Act, shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two years. |