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-Whole number of pupils attending College is 1,420; Academies 35,355, and Private Schools 54,345.

VERMONT.-The Vermont State Teachers' Association, com. menced its sixteenth annual session in the Town Hall, in Brattle boro, on Tuesday, January 30th, at 74 o'clock in the evening. Gen. Phelps presided, in the absence of the president, Dr. Newman. The session lasted three days. There are in the State, twentyfour thousand four hundred and eleven children between the ages of four, and eighteen, who have attended no school during the past year.

RHODE ISLAND.-The annual convention of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, met in Providence, January 26th. Presi dent Mowry called the meeting to order. Dr. Swain gave the teachers from abroad an earnest address of welcome. Professor Dunn, of Brown University, lectured upon "The Study of English Literature." Professor L. S. Green, on "Teaching as answering an Internal Want of the Pupil." Professor J. Lewis Diman, on "Political Education in Public Schools." The lecture was endors ed by the following resolution:

Resolved, That in the subject of Political Education in Public Schools, as presented in the polished and impressive lecture of Prof. Diman, we recognize one of the most important wants yet to be supplied in our excellent system of public instruction, and that we will gladly improve all available facilities for carrying into practice its timely and important suggestions.

FOREIGN.-The Superintendent of Public Instruction of France has proposed a grand exhibition of the different modes of education as used by all Nations and also an exposition of such education as is evinced in their scientific progress. France has appointed her most prominent educators on committees and intends to do herself justice. The exhibition is to be held in 1867. So says the Paris correspondent of the New York Evening Post.

NOTICE. Any school officer desiring a teacher or any teacher desiring a school, on communicating their wants to us, will be aided to the utmost of our ability through the columns of the JOURNAL, -ED.

MITCHELL'S OUTLINE MAPS.-We are requested by the publisher

to state that CAMP'S GEOGRAPHIES (not White's Hand Book on Geography) are designed to accompany Mitchell's Outline Maps.

INDIANA. Total apportionment of Public School money, $993,254 13. Amount to each child between 6 and 21 years of age $1,80; an excess of 20 cents and 6 mills over last year. The revenue is sufficient this year to keep the schools open at the same expense as last, 5 months.

The following we take from the Pennsylvania School Journal: CALIFORNIA. The monthly wages of male teachers is $73 88, and of females $64. The subscription price of the Teacher has been raised to $2 00 a year in legal tender notes, or $1 50 in gold.

GEORGIA. Free schools for all classes are being opened in Georgia, all the teachers of which are required to take the oath of allegiThey meet with the greatest favor.


MASSACHUSETTS.-The schools were open 7 months and 19 days the past year. The average wages of male teachers was $46 73 per month, and of females $19 37. The whole cost of the system was $1,679,700. There were 561 students in the normal schools, of whom 155 graduated.

NEW YORK.-Victor M. Rice was re-elected Superintendent of Public Instruction in April by the Legislature, after having held the office during two full terms.

Indiana now maintains a Teachers' Institute annually in each county.

Iowa is moving to secure a permanent State agent to visit schools and lecture on education throughout the State.

NEW HAMPSHIRE.-The Board of Education of the Granite State urges the appointment of a state superintendent, and the support of Normal Schools and Teachers' Institutes.

Pennsylvania has established numerous schools for soldiers' orphans. Up to July 1, 1865, one thousand one hundred and eightythree of these orphan children have been "ordered to be admitted to the different schools and institutions." All the schools are required to have twenty acres of ground to be cultivated by the male

pupils, under proper instruction and supervision. Thomas H. Burroughs, LL. D., is the State Superintendent of the soldiers' orphans.

The United States Naval School has been removed from Newport to Annapolis, and again re-opened in the "old quarters."

Kansas has a State Teachers' Association, a good educational journal, an efficient State superintendent, and a State Normal School.

VERMONT. Of the 85,795 children between 4 and 18 years of age in the State, 73,259 have actually attended the schools. Less than one tenth of the pupils of the State have attended any other than the public school. The number of teachers was 4,841 and the average wages of males was $20 48 and of females $8 16-the teachers all "board round" we suppose..

The following items we clip from the Massachusetts Teacher: Maryland has recently advanced the salaries of the teachers gen. erally in all parts of the State. The Maryland journal comes now greatly improved both in form, type and matter.

TENNESSEE. The public schools of this State, which were generally interrupted during the war, are starting again. Many of the school-houses have been burned during the last four years. The people are waking up in some degree to the necessity of general education. A State Educational Convention was held at Knoxville during the summer, which was well attended.

VASSAR FEMALE COLLEGE, at Poughkeepsie is now in full operation, with a President, Dr. Robert H. Raymond, nine professors, with several assistants, and nearly 400 pupils. The course of study is thorough, and after the most approved plan. The building is 300 feet front, with a depth of 171 feet in centre, and 165 in the wings. The chapel will seat 500. There are rooms for 400 pupils, art gallery, professor's rooms,. chapel, etc. A gymnasium is in process of erection.

THE HOMESTEAD OF HENRY CLAY was sold the 12th of January ultimo, to the Regents of the University of Kentucky for $90,000. The farm consists of 325 acres, and is to be used for the State agricultural college.


CAMP'S SERIES Of Geographies.—Published by A. H. Andrews, Washington Street, Chicago.

We have received a set of Camp's Geographies and are wel pleased with them. The Primary Geography, prepared to accom pany Mitchell's Outline Maps, is designed for Primary Schools. It has a course of introductory lessons on objects and terms to be learned in studying geography. Instead of terms given to be defined, the object is brought before the child in nature, and when properly understood, it is defined.

The Intermediate Geography is designed for pupils who have been through with the primary. The maps contain all the countries, capitals, chief towns and the more important bodies of land and water. All the places marked correspond with the outline


Camp's Higher Geography includes those facts and principles which are important for the advanced student, so arranged and presented as to suggest classification, generalization, and philosophical study. The maps are as full as is desirable for a school or for the private student. It contains only what is to be learned, and is designed for study rather than for reference. The map questions and general questions are so related to each other and to the key and descriptive geography, that they secure complete reviews of both. The chapters on Physical Geography are an important addition to the work. It contains a full pronouncing vocabulary and complete statistical tables. The books are all prepared with especial reference to accompanying the outline maps, and they furnish a complete key to those maps. Still each book is complete in itself and may be used independently.

NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW for April is received. It contains many interesting articles, among which are:

"Military and Martial Law;" "The Error of De Tocqueville;" "The New York Herald ;" "Our Diplomacy during the Rebellion." "The President on the Stump." The article on "the New York Herald" contains a brief history of the paper and its proprietor, James Gordon Bennett. It should be read by all journalists as it explains very plausibly how a journal may be successful-how the

New York Herald became the leading journal in America and why it continues to be so. The reviews and criticisms are valuable. The book contains 324 pages all filled with choice reading.

BEADLE'S MONTHLY.-A Magazine of to-day, Published by Beadlo & Co., New York. Price $3 00 per annum.

This new magazine is what it purports to be-a magazine of today. We consider it a valuable acquisition to our list of exchanges.

THE LITTLE CORPORAL.-A child's paper by Alfred L. Sewell, Chicago. Price $1 00 per annum.

The mind must be fed as well as the body. Until recently there were but few papers published, which were adapted to the wants of children. The Little Corporal affords agreeable and healthy food for the minds of children. We cordially commend it to every child in the United States.

EVERY SATURDAY is gaining fast in popular favor. The editor displays excellent judgment in his selections.

OUR YOUNG FOLKS with its freshness and variety is ever a welcome visitor.

KERL'S SERIES OF ENGLISH GRAMMARS.-Published by Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman & Co., New York.

Kerl's Elementary English Grammar is designed for beginners and is very simple and complete. It is so nearly identical with the first part of the larger work as to enable the pupil to begin that book at Part Second.

Kerl's Comprehensive English Grammar is a thorough practical grammar and is designed for the use of Common Schools. It contains many things new and interesting. We prize the book par ticularly for its valuable treatise on Analysis.

Kerl's Common School Grammar. This book is an intermediate grade between the two foregoing ones.

Kerl's treatise on the English Language. This book is designed for High Schools, Colleges, and Private Students. We have not seen the two last mentioned works but if they are equal to the first two, we do not hesitate to recommend them.

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