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con và lès' çent, recovering from dis- ĕr y sip' e las, a febrile disease of the ease; improving in health.



erē' o sōte, wood-tar oil used as an e' ther, a drug used to produce insenantiseptic and deodorizer. eroup, a disease of the throat, especially prevalent among children. eu' běb, small spicy berry used medic-| inally.

dăn' druff, a scurf on the head.

flu' id, not solid; capable of flowing. fôr' çeps, surgical tongs or pincers. fôr' mu là, a recipe for the preparation of medicine; a prescription. frăe' ture, the breaking of a bone.

di ǎg nō' sis, determining disease by glyc' er ine, a softening, healing


diz' zi ness, giddiness; vertigo.

drop'sỹ, an abnormal collection of serous fluid in the tissues of the body.

dys pěp' si ȧ, indigestion.


head' ache, pain in the head.

hem' or rhage (-rěj), discharge of blood.

hō me op' ȧ thy, a school of medical practice.

ē lix' îr, a cordial; a compound tinc- hy' dro ġen, a gaseous element withture of medicine.

out color, odor or taste.

ē mā' çi āte (-shi-), to waste away in hy' giēne, science of preservation and flesh.

improvement of health.

ěp í děm' ie, any wide-spread dis- hy po der' mie, application of medi


cine under the skin.

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There is always a best way of doing everything, even if it be to boil an egg."—Emerson.

ae eli' mate, to adapt to a different | däw' dle, to trifle; to saunter. in' få mous, base; disreputable.


ae cŭs' tom, to make familiar by use; in vol' un tâ rì ly, not intentionally to inure.

ǎr is toe' ra çy, nobility; government of nobles; chief persons.

au'to erat, a despot; a supreme ruler.

or willingly.

ir ră' tion al, void of reason; absurd. mo not' o noŭs, wearisome; without change or variety.

myr' i ad, very many.

Băp' tist, a member of the Baptist non com mit' tal, forbearance or re


beau (bō), a lover; a fop.

fusal to commit one's self.

Ŏb lïque' (-leek'), slanting.

çärte blänche', unlimited authority; ôr' de al, a severe trial or test.

with no restrictions.

eon' ffiet, strife; contest; struggle. eon' ju gal, relating to marriage. con nu' bi al, pertaining to marriage.

pär tie' û lar ly, in a particular manner; distinctly.

pěn' e trate, to pierce; to discern. que' ry, a question; to inquire about. ree' re ate, to divert; to create anew.

coun' te nançe, the face; to approve. | sôught, did seek.




The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it."-Emerson.

an' gěl, a celestial being.

ǎs çend ́ançy, power; paramount as çend' en çy, S Sinfluence. beach, shore; strand.

be něv' o lĕnçe, charity; love to mankind.

con' scious (-shŭs), having the power

of knowing one's own thoughts. děg rå dā' tion, baseness; the act of being lowered in rank.

děs' ti tute, entirely lacking. ea' ger, zealous.

ĕn' er gy, inherent force.

ë nun' ci ate (-shi-), to utter with the organs of speech.

e pis' tle, a letter; written communication.

hos' tile, unfriendly.

im pos' tõr, one who deceives by false pretenses.

in ef fi' cient, not competent.

lu' çid, clear; easily understood.
mǎe ǎd' am ize, to pave with small
broken stone.

ō' ȧ sis, fertile spot in the desert.

Ŏb liv' i ous, lost in thought; abstracted; forgetful.

pǎl' pi tate, to pulsate or beat quickly.

|phe nŏm' e non, a prodigy; an un-
usual occurrence.

sçen' er y, a landscape view.
Seine (sāne), a river in France.
sew' er (su'-), a drain.

sew' er (sō'-), one who stitches.
un prin' çi pled, wicked; destitute of
conscientious scruples.



in grē' di ent, an element; a constit-mås såġe' (må såzh'), to treat by uent part. rubbing or kneading. in ter mit' tent, periodic; ceasing for mea' sles, an eruptive contagious disa time; recurring.


i' o dine, an element used in medi- me diç' i nal, healing; having curacine. tive properties. jäun' diçe, a disease characterized by měd' i çine, anything that cures; a yellowness of the skin.

lăç' er ate, to tear; to mangle.

lau' då num, tincture of opium used as a sedative.


měn in ġi' tis, inflammation of the membranous covering of the spinal cord or brain.

liq'uõr, any liquid; an intoxicating men' thōl, an extract of peppermint. drink.

mer'eu ry, a metallic salt.

lõz' ĕnge, a small cake of medicine or môr' phïne, a narcotic.


lymph, pure fluid; serum.

môr' tar, a vessel in which drugs, etc., are crushed.

măl' ȧ dy, sickness; a living disor- myrrh, a strong oriental perfume. der.

mà là' rĩ à, miasma; noxious exhala

tions giving rise to fever and ague. må lig' nant, tending to produce death.

na' sal, pertaining to the nose.
neu răl gi à, a disease seated in a

nerve, accompanied by acute pain. nie' o tïne, the essential element of tobacco.



"Good order is the foundation of all good things.-Burke.

ǎn' å lýze, to resolve into its ele-Ŏs' trȧ çīze, to banish from society; to


ǎp păr' el, garments; dress.

exile by popular vote.

pro trude', to project or stick out.

ĕv o lū' tion, development; act of un- qual' i fied, fitted by accomplishments or endowments; limited.

folding. ĕx pō' nent, a representative; an ex- rès' pite, a putting off; postponepounder.

ment; relief.

ex trǎe' tion, the act of drawing out; rē vēre', to regard with respect minlineage. gled with awe.

hei' noŭs (hā-), atrocious; very ro sette', a bunch of ribbons.

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ō' pi ate, a narcotic; a medicine in- păr e gor' ie, a medicine that mitiducing sleep.

gates pain.

ō' pĬ ům, a powerful, sleep-producing păr' Ŏx ysm, a convulsion; a fit.


Ŏs te Ŏp' ȧ thy, a system of medical practice.

Ŏx' y ġen, a gas; vital part of air.

pěp' per mint, a pungent, aromatic herb.

pěr i to ni' tis, inflammation of the peritoneum.

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pōul' tice, a soft application to reduce rheu' mȧ tism, a painful inflammapain, etc.

tory disease.



NOTE: The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

rŏl' liek ing, frolicksome.

se date', staid; calm.

dis' eôrd, clashing; dissonance. här', mo nỹ, concord; melody. ǎe ela mā'tion, loud applause. de nun çi a' tion, arraignment. çès sa' tion, a stop; a rest. con tin u a' tion, a constant succession. di min' ish, to lessen; to reduce. măg' ni fy, to enlarge; to extol. per di' tion, ruin; loss of the soul. săl va' tion, deliverance; redemption.

glutinous loose


pěr ni' çious, malicious; harmful.

săl' u ta ry, healthful; wholesome. vā' ri à ble, inconstant; changeable. un change' à ble, unwavering. nat' u ral, not acquired; regular. ar ti fi' cial, not real; made by art. in çes' sant, unceasing; constant. Ŏe ea' şion al, casual; incidental. eon sol' i date, condense; incorporate. dis solve', to sunder; to melt. in gen' ious (-yus), skillful; clever. un skill' ful, awkward; bungling.

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