Preussische Jahrbücher" for December contains an article by Pastor Lic. Ernst Rollfs, of Osnabrück, upon "The Spirit of 1914"-the spirit which moved the people of Germany at the outbreak of the great war. Through this general religious spirit, the writer states, German Catholics and Protestants and Social Democrats were united and inspired with a willingness to sacrifice their all in the service of duty. Austria, unlike Russia and Germany, permits her Polish subjects to preserve their spirit of nationality-to sing their old songs and to glorify their past. They practically govern themselves, but must pay taxes to Austria and serve in the Austrian army. This comparison is made by William Joseph Showalter, in an article entitled, "Partitioned Poland," appearing in the "National Geographic Magazine" for January. An interesting account of "The Scandinavian Countries and the War" is given by Johan Castberg in the "Contemporary Review" for February. Denmark, the writer states, is still bitter over the tyrannical conduct of the Germans towards a quarter of a million Danes in Schleswig; and there is bound to be a coldness between the Scandinavian countries and Germany until this is changed. On the other hand, all Scandinavia-but Sweden in particular -mourns with Finland in her suffering, and fears Russia. Since the opening of the European war, however, the Scandinavians have felt the Russian danger to be less imminent; and their deep sympathy for Belgium has increased their anti-German feeling. They welcomed British interference in the war, and Germany's defense of her action has had no effect. Louis Bertrand, in "Revue des Deux Mondes" for December 15, discusses "Nietzsche and the War." The works of Nietzsche, M. Bertrand believes, were tremendously influenced by the war of 1870, which made a profound im pression upon the German philosopher's diseased sensibilities. And his writings and others like them produced the present war. Were Nietzsche living to-day, he could say in very truth, "This is my war." 66 In the same number of the "Revue" is a discussion of The European Conflict, According to the Diplomatic Documents," by Professor Guglielmo Ferrero. Professor Ferrero's conclusions are that Germany is to blame for the war; that the war was caused by the pan-German propaganda, which created a situation which the German government could not resist. He suggests that further investigation of the question may prove that "the responsible element in Germany was reduced to playing the role of executors of the will of the irresponsible." John Bassett Moore, in an article entitled, "Is there a Latin America?" ("Independent," January 18) calls attention to the remarkable character of the "A, B, C" mediation of last spring. The efforts of the representatives of the three leading South American republics, he writes, relieved the strained relations between the United States and Mexico, and set a precedent by recognizing those powers as equals of the United States, and admitted by implication that “differences which gravely menace the relations of individual American states are matters of concern to all the American nations." If these principles are adhered to, the relations of the American nations will eventually be placed upon a basis of "confidence, respect and friendly co operation." LIST OF BOOKS ON HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM DECEMBER 26, 1914, TO JANUARY 30, 1915. LISTED BY CHARLES A. COULOMB, PH.D. American History. Abbot, Willis J. The story of our army for young Americans. N. Y.: Dodd, Mcad. 687 pp. $2.00, net. Andrews, Charles M. Guide to the materials for American history to 1783, in the Public Record Office of Great Britain. Vol. and 2, Departmental miscellaneous papers. Wash., D. C.: Carnegie Inst. 427 pp. $3.00. Aurner, Clarence R. History of education in Iowa. 2 vols. Iowa City, la.: State Hist. Soc. 436, 469 pp. $2.00. Bakenhus, Reuben, and others. The Panama Canal, its history [etc.]. N. Y.: Wiley. 257 pp. $2.50, net. Bennett, Charles W., and others. Historical sketches of the 9th Michigan Infantry [etc.]. Coldwater, Mich.: Daily Courier Print. 103 pp. 75 cents, net. Berkeley, Sir W. A discourse and view of Virginia; London, 1633. Norwalk, Conn.: W. H. Smith, Jr., Coleburn Bldg. 11 pp. $5.00. net. Brooks, Robert P. The agrarian revolution in Georgia; 1865-1912. Madison, Wis.: Univ. of Wis. 129 pp. (7 pp. bibl.). Cole, Arthur C. The Whig party in the South. Wash., D. C.: Am. Hist. Asso. 392 pp. (22 pp. bibl.). $1.50. To members, $1.00. de Forest, Emily Johnston. A Walloon family in America, 1500-1848. In 2 vols. Boston: Houghton; Mifflin. 313, 390 pp. (61⁄2 pp. bibl.). $5.00, net. Franciscan sisters of the perpetual adoration. A history of the U. S. for Catholic schools. Chicago: Scott, Free man. 673 pp. $1.00. Hale, William T. History of De Kalb Co., Tenn. Nashville, Tenn.: P. Hunter. 254 pp. $1.00. Harrington, M. R. Sacred bundles of the Sac and Fox Indians. Phila. Univ. of Pa. Museum. 123-262 pp. $5.00, net. Hoffman, Frederick L. The economic progress of the U. S. during the last seventy-five years. [Newark, N. J.: Prudential Press.] 24 pp. Gratis. Kingsley, Nelson. Diary of Nelson Kingsley, a California Argonaut of 1849. Berkeley, Cal.: Univ. of Cal. 178 Pp. $1.00. McKee, Jos. V., and Roemer, L. S. The period of discovery. N. Y.: Century Co. 176 pp. 50 cents. Military Hist. Soc. of Mass. Civil and Mexican Wars, 1861, 1846. Boston [the Society]. $2.50. Russell, Osborne. Journal of a trapper in the Rocky Mountains, 1834-1843. [Boise, Id.: Synes-York Co., Inc. 105 pp.] Not for sale. Siebert, Wilbur H. The exodus of the loyalists from Penobscot to Passamaquoddy. Columbus, O.: State Univ. 43 pp. Ancient History. Caesar, C. Julius. The civil war; with an English trans. by A. G. Peskett. [Loeb Class. Lib.] N. Y.: Macmillan. 369 pp. $1.50, net. Davis, Gladys M. N. The Asiatic Dionysos. N. Y.: Macmillan. 276 pp. (bibls.). $3.25, net. Davis, William Stearns. A day in old Athens. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 254 pp. $1.25. Dio Cocceianus, Cassius. Dio's Roman History. In 9 vols. Vol. 3. [Loeb Class. Lib.] N. Y.: Macmillan. 519 PP. $1.50. Eugippius. Life of St. Severus; trans. into English by George W. Robinson. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. 141 pp. (42 pp. bibl.). $1.50, net. Hall, Harry R. H. Aegean Archeology. N. Y.: Putnam. 269 pp. $3.75, net. Harper, Robert F. Assyrian and Babylonian letters belonging to the Kuoyunjik collection of the British Museum. Pt. 14. Chicago: Univ. of Chic. 16 pp. + pls. $6.00, net. Koldeway, Robert. The excavations at Babylon. N. Y.: Macmillan. 335 pp. $5.25, net. Plutarch. Plutarch's Lives, with an English trans. by Bernadotte Perrin. In 10 vols. Vols. 1 and 2. [Loeb Class. Lib.] N. Y.: Macmillan. 582, 630 pp. Each $150, net. Poebel, Arno. Babylonian grammatical texts. $2.00 Historical and grammatical texts, $10.00. Historical texts, $5.00. Phila.: Univ. of Penna.; Pubs. of Babylonian Section. Procopius. Procopius, with an English trans. by H. B. Denring. In 6 vols. Vol. 1, History of the Wars, Pts. 1 and 2. [Loeb Class. Lib.] N. Y.: Macmillan. 583 pp. $1.50, net. Xenophon. Cyropedia, with an English trans. by Walter Miller. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. [Loeb Class. Lib.] N. Y.: Macmillan. 478 pp. $1.50, net. English History. Brown, Peter H. The Legislative union of England and Scotland. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 208 pp. $2.50, net. Esdaile, Arundell, compiler. The age of Elizabeth (15471603). N. Y.: Macmillan. 120 pp. 35 cents, net. Oman, Charles W. C. A history of the Peninsular War. In 6 vols. Vol. 5, Oct., 1811, to Aug. 31. 1812. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 634 pp. $4.75, net. European History. Baldwin, Elbert F. The world war. N. Y.: Macmillan. 267 pp. $1.25, net. Baudissin, Wolf, Count von. Life in a German crack regiment. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead. 319 pp. $1.00, net. Bourne, Henry E. The Revolutionary period in Europe 1763-1815). N. Y.: Century Co. 494 pp. (16 pp. bibl.). $2.50, net. European War, The. Reading lists. Pratt Inst., Brooklyn. 12 pp. Gratis. Jacksonville, Fla., Pub. Library. 8 pp. Gratis. Golder, Frank A. Russian expansion on the Pacific, 16411850. Cleveland: A. H. Clark Co. 368 pp. (10 pp. bibl). $5.00. Guedalla, Philip. The partition of Europe, 1715-1815. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 311 pp. $1.10, net. Johnson, Rossiter. The war in Europe. N. Y.: Sully and Kleinteich. 416 pp. $2.00, net. Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire généalogique, diplomatique et statistique, 1915. N. Y.: Lemcke and Beuchner. 1253 pp. $3.35. Boyd, John. Sir George Etienne Cartier, a political history of Canada from 1814 to 1873. N. Y.: Macmillan. 439 pp. (bibls.). $5.00, net. Daval, Ralph. A handbook of American pageantry. Taunton, Mass.: Daval Pub. Co. 236 pp. $2.50. U. S. Lib. of Congress. A list of geographical atlases in the library [etc.]. Vol. 3, Titles. 3266-4087. Wash., D. C.: Govt. Pt. Off. 137 +1030 pp. $1.25. Who's Who, 1915. N. Y.: Macmillan. 2375 pp. $3.75, net. Wilson, Woodrow. Letter to Frank E. Doremus, assigning reasons for not participating in the political campaign of 1914. Wash., D. C.: Govt. Pt. Off. 5 pp. Wrong, George McK. The fall of Canada; a chapter in the history of the Seven Years' War. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 272 pp. (4 pp. bibl.). $2.90, net. Biography. Hodgett, E. A. B. Life and character of Catharine the Great of Russia. N. Y.: Brentano's. $4.00, net. Copley, John Singleton, and Pelham, Henry. Letters and papers of John Singleton Copley and Henry Pelham, 1739-1776. Boston: Mass. Hist. Soc. 384 pp. $3.00. Chisholm, Cecil. Sir John French. N. Y.: Stokes. 152 pp. 50 cents, net. Batiffol, Louis. The Duchesse de Chevreuse. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead. 353 pp. $3.00, net. Sears, Lorenzo. John Hay, author and statesman. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead. 150 pp. $1.00, net. Oster, J. E. The political and economic doctrines of John Marshall. N. Y.: Neale Pub. Co. 369 pp. $3.00, net. Moore, Walter W. Appreciations and historical addresses. Richmond, Va.: Presby. Com. of Pub., 6-8 N. Sixth Street. 167 pp. 75 cents. Yorck von Wartenberg, Maximilian, Count. Napoleon as a general. In 2 vols. N. Y.; Dutton. 373, 427 pp. $10.00, net. Russell, Charles E. Wendell Phillips. Chicago: Kerr. 185 pp. 50 cents. Government and Politics. Aurner, Clarence R. History of township government in Iowa. Iowa City, Ia.: State Hist. Soc. 266 pp. (32 pp. bibl). $2.00. Bernhardi, Gen. Frederick von. Britain as Germany's Cook, Silas A. The essence of the ethics of politics. N. Y. Holt, Lucius H. An introduction to the study of govern- Secrist, Horace. An economic analysis of the constitutional restrictions upon public indebtedness in the United States. Madison, Wis.: Univ. of Wis. 131 pp. (5 pp. bibl). Stockton, Richard. Peace Insurance. Chicago: McClurg. 214 pp. $1.00, net. Outline Maps of Europe Will help teachers and scholars to visualize the European struggle, and make possible the depicting of alliances and army movements. Desk and Wall Sizes of Europe and all its principal divisions, showing the physical features in each case, can be procured in the well-known series of McKinley Outline Maps Write for samples of these maps and of others suitable in the study of any period of history or any phase of geography, to the publishers. MCKINLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY 1619-1621 RANSTEAD ST. PHILADELPHIA, PA. The History Teacher's Magazine Published monthly, except July and August, at 1619-1621 Ranstead Street, Philadelphia, Pa., by MCKINLEY PUBLISHING CO. EDITED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, composed of: PROF. HENRY JOHNSON, Teachers College, Columbia University, Chairman. PROF. FRED. M. FLING, University of Nebraska. MISS ANNA B. THOMPSON, Thayer Academy, South Braintree, Mass. PROF. GEORGE C. SELLERY, University of Wisconsin. DEPARTMENTS. Reports from the Historical Field-WALTER H. CUSHING. Periodical Literature-MARY W. WILLIAMS. Book Reviews-WAYLAND J. CHASE. Recent Historical Publications-CHARLES A. COULOMB. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, two dollars a year; single copies, twenty cents each. REDUCED RATE of one dollar a year is granted to members of the American Historical Association, and to members of local and regional associations of history teachers. Such subscriptions must be sent direct to the publishers or through the secretaries of associations (but not through subscription agencies). 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The maps on the development of the West, the growth of population, immigration, railways, etc., are especially useful. I think that no school history room is complete without this series. P. M. MELCHOIR, Head, History Dept., Girard College, Yours very truly, O. M. DICKERSON, Head, History Dept., State Normal A. J. NYSTROM & CO., Publishers Very truly yours, ROBERT A. MAURER, Head, Dept. of History, Washington, D. C., High Schools. U. S. Agents for W. & A. K. JOHNSTON'S MAPS, GLOBES, CHARTS and ATLASES 623-629 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill. ........ ........ ........ A. J. NYSTROM & CO. 623 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, III. GENTLEMEN: You may ship on approval 1 complete set of 32 Sanford American History Maps with Teacher's Manual and tripod supporter. If satisfactory we shall keep and pay $24.00 for same. If unsatisfactory we shall return at your expense. Magazine EDITED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. An attractive new history course that gives the needed background for the interpretation of present events Outlines of European History In the present state of European affairs, schools desire, for class or reference use, some authentic work that will shed light on the origin and development of the great European powers as to-day constituted, and the relations that these powers bear to each other. OUTLINES OF EUROPEAN HISTORY, written by authorities in their subjects, not only fills this need admirably, but is in full accord with the new spirit in the teaching of history. With these two volumes in hand, the teacher can cover general European history satisfactorily in two years, leaving the third year for American history. 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Newer Features: Agricultural Extension, College Administration for Women, Diagnosis and Training of Atypical Classes, Festivals, Fine Arts, Geology and Geography, German House, Journalism, Manual Arts, Moral Education, Physical Education and Play, Rural Sociology, Scientific Photography. Favorable Climate-Lakeside Advantages One fee for all courses, $15, except Law (10 weeks), $25. For illustrated bulletin, address, REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY, Madison, Wisconsin University of Pennsylvania SUMMER SCHOOL Term: July 6 to August 13 Courses in the following subjects credited toward undergraduate and graduate degrees: Anthropology; Architecture, Bacteriology, Chemistry, Drawing, Economics, Education, English, Finance and Commerce, German, Greek, History, Italian, Latin, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physical Education,, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish and Zoology. The following Courses in History will be offered: The Era of the French Revolution and of Napoleon; American History from 1789 to 1830; Recent American History since 1877; Europe since 1814; The History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Peloponnesian War; The Teaching of History. All laboratories, Library, Gymnasium and Swimming Pool open to students. Accommodations for men and women in University Dormitories. For circular and information, address Box 23, College Hall, University of Pennsylvania |