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1890, April

4- Nov. 14

Gift of the Pusussiers.


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The author of this admirable little work has, for many years, been closely connected with Mr. Thos. Edison in his marvellous electrical experiments and inventions.

From his practical standpoint he has felt the need of just such a book as he has been led to prepare,

Boys' of fourteen years of age and upwards will find in the work practical information in the various branches of electrical sciencs.

Six editions have already been sold in America and three editions in England.

"It is not intended, in the slightest degree, to put it forward as a scientific work, but it will probably give to many the information they de sire without requiring too great a research into books which treat more extensively and deepl of this subject."

W. H. M

Mr. Thos. Edison wrires:-"I have the MS. of you 'A. B. C of Electricy,' and find that the statemeof the have made therein are correct. Your treatmepressed subject and management of the matter. have DISON." me favorably.. Yours truly, THOS. A

We will send the book to any add-ss, postage paid, on receipt of 50 cents.

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Price 5 Cents.


A Liberal and Reform Fou and

cating Social 2.

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Devoted to the rational osophy of Freedom, meal. Commands the social, industrial and in America on these pens of the best wr subjects.

Two Dollars per year.

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Large stock of Books in the Foreign and Ancient Languages. Subscriptions to foreign periodicals. American agency for Hachette & Co's (London Branch) publications. Agency for Henry Holt & Co., W. R. Jenkins, E. Steiger & Co., New York. Send for Catalogues.

Carl Schoenhof, 144 Tremont St.,



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Go to E. O. THOMPS N, the only American firm that has a house in London, where they make up their special clothing with even more style than Mr. Chargehigh, and sell it cheaper than Mr. Lackstyle Readymade.


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Descriptive pamphlet free. -*
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200use it contains 3000 more words and can re engravings than any other Ameri2. Becaus Monary.

it comprises a Dictionary, Gazetteer, Biophical Dictionary, and Dictiona ry of Fictio all in one book.

3. Because it iandard Authority in the Gov't Printing Offic and U. S. Supreme Court. 4. Because it is cd in Courts and Legislative Bodies as the fina authority safely to be re

lied on.

5. Because nearly all Shool Books published in this country are based upon Webster. 6. Because it is recommended by State Sup'ts of Schools in 38 States and by leading College Pres'ts.

7. Because it is the only Dictionary purchased for Schools by legal enactment. Over 50,000 have been thus purchased.

8. Because nineteen-twentieths of the newspapers in the U.S. make Webster their standard. 9. Because over 300 leading Booksellers testify that they sell 20 Webster to 1 of any other. 10. Because it is the National Standard and The Best Dictionary of the English Language." Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated Pamphlet sent prepaid.

G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mass.


NO. 1.

Thursday, March 27, 1890.

Published weekly, at 3 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.


J. MORRISON-FULLER, WALTER C. KOSE, Editors. Notice! the Works of Herbert Spencer. Subscribers will receive FREE (to the amount of their subscription) any of the Works of Herbert Spencer they may select. Authorized Edition.

With the permission of the subscribers, TO-DAY will fall heir to Waterman's Journal.

In Congress-In the Senate: Blair Education Bill; Anti-Trust; Interstate Commerce; Pensions; Public Buildings; Boring wells; PorkPacking.

-In the House: Pensions; Interstate Commerce; Fortifications; Federal Elections; Utah; World's Fair; Tariffs; Speculation; Pacific Railroads; Coinage; Lard; Telegraph; Subsidies.

The Blair Education Bill having been disposed of for the present, it is unnecessary to describe its provisions now. It met with an adverse majority of 4 in the Senate on March 20th, 20 Democrats and 16 Republicans voting against its passage. Two years ago the bill passed a Senate smaller by six members than the present, with a majority of 10. The vote then stood at 39 to 29, total 68; now the decision is reversed by a vote of 36 to 32, total 68. Yet four of the new Senators voted for the bill this time, so that, neglecting persons and considering only the states represented, 8 votes have changed sides on the question. The Senators who voted both times with the majority were: Sherman and Payne of Ohio; Sawyer of Wisconsin; Cameron of Pennsylvania; Jones and Berry of Arkansas; Walthall of Mississippi, and Eustis of Louisiana. On March 22d, Mr. Blair introduced another Education Bill, which indicates, perhaps, the abandonment of his avowed intention to move a reconsideration of his defeated measure.

The so-called Anti-Trust Bill introduced by Mr. Sherman, resembles, in its amended form, measures which have been before several Legislatures. Certain combinations are declared unlawful and void, and the kind referred to is

Price 5 Cents

Devoted to the record of the facts and considerations which show that Individual Liberty is good for the people of the United States:

And that, therefore, Legislative Regulation is injurious for them.

defined as "contracts, agreements, trusts or combinations" between citizens or corporations of different States, or between them and citizens or corporations of foreign countries, "made with a view, or which tend to prevent" competition in the "importation, transportation or sale" of imported articles, or of articles of house production. The Attorney General and the District Attorneys are directed to prosecute the parties to such combinations, and something is said about the jurisdiction of the Circuit Courts over cases arising at common law or in equity; from which it may be inferred that the intention of the Bill is to produce criminal prosecutions. Section 2 provides for civil damages, the amount recoverable being double the damage sustained, with costs and fees. This Bill (a substitute for the original one) is reported from the Finance Committee of the Senate, from which it appears that "Finance" is a very comprehensive term.

By Senator Cullom an amendment to Section, 12 of the Interstate Commerce Act was introduced. The Commission is given authority, by this amendment "to inquire into the management of the business of all common carriers, and to keep itself informed as to the method in which the same is conducted." Upon request of the Commission, the District Attorney to whom it may apply, may commence, under direction of the Attorney General, proceedings for the enforcement of the laws.

Pensions came in for their usual share of attention in both Houses.

In the Senate a bill was introduced by Mr. Ingalls "providing that a soldier who has lost both legs or one arm and one leg, may get married at any time he may so desire, to some one to take care of him, and at his death the widow

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