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From Pre Angell

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thion Panic Balled,

57 Woodward Ave. DETROIT, MICH.

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The Great Merits of this Line are

Buffet Smoking and Library Cars

Double Drawing Room Pullman Sleeping Cars Pullman Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte

Fast Time

Ordinary Sleeping Cars

Elegant Day Coaches

Union Depots

Pintsch Light

Steam Heat, Etc.

For complete information relative to this line, time of trains, pamphlets descriptive of the country traversed, etc., etc., call on your nearest ticket agent, any agent of

this line shown on third page of cover, or address E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A., AHA, NEB.





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By E. L. LOMAX, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD,


From Pres Angell

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