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I. A Miracle defined. II. Nature of the evidence from miracles. III. Their

design. IV. Credibility of miracles vindicated and proved.-V. Refutation of

the objection that the evidence for the credibility of miracles decreases with

the lapse of years, and the contrary proved.- VI. Criteria for ascertaining true

miracles. VII. Application of these criteria, 1. To the miracles of Moses

and of Joshua, and, 2. To those of Jesus Christ and his apostles; the number,

variety, design, and greatness of which, as well as the persons by whom and

before whom, and the manner in which, they were performed, are fully con-

sidered, together with the effects produced by them. The miracles of Christ

and his apostles were never denied. VIII. An examination of some of the

principal miracles related in the New Testament, particularly, 1. The con-

version of water into wine by Christ.-2. The feeding of five thousand.—3.

The healing of the paralytic.-4. Giving sight to the man who was born

blind.-5. The healing of a man, lame from his birth, by Peter and John.-

6. Raising from the dead the daughter of Jairus.-7. The widow's son at Nain.

-8. And Lazarus. IX. The RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ, viz. 1. Christ's

prophetic declarations concerning his death and resurrection.-2. The evi-

dence of adversaries of the Christian name and faith to this fact.-3. The

character of the apostles by whom it was attested, and the miracles wrought

by them; all which demonstrate the reality and truth of Christ's resurrection.

-X. General summary of the argument furnished by miracles. - XI. Com-

parison of them with pretended pagan and popish miracles, particularly those,

1. Of Aristeas the Proconnesian. 2. Of Pythagoras.-3. Of Alexander of

Pontus.-4. Of Vespasian.-5. Of Apollonius of Tyana.-6. Pretended mira-

cle at Saragossa.-7. Pretended miracles of the Abbé de Paris. The reality

of the Christian miracles demonstrated.

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§ 3. A Summary View of the Doctrines and Precepts of the Gospel Dispensation.

I. Divine Character of the founder of the Christian religion. II. The Leading

Doctrines of the Gospel, worthy of the character of the Almighty; particu-

larly, 1. The Account of God and of his perfections, and the duty and spiritual

worship which we owe to him.-2. The Vicarious Atonement made for sin

by Jesus Christ.- 3. Forgiveness of sins. 4. Justification by faith. — 5.

The Promise of the Holy Spirit to sanctify and renew our nature.-6. The

Immortality of the Soul; and a future state of rewards and punishments. -

III. The Moral Precepts of the New Testament admirably adapted to the ac-

tual state of mankind. - 1. Summary of the duties it enjoins between man and

man, particularly integrity of conduct, charity, forgiveness of injuries.-2.

The Duties of Governors and Subjects, Masters and Servants, Husbands and

Wives, Parents and Children.-3. The Personal Duties of sobriety, chastity,

temperance, &c.-4. The Holiness of the Moral Precepts of the Gospel, a

proof of its divine origin.-5. Considerations on the manner in which the

moral precepts of the Gospel are delivered; and on the character of Jesus

Christ as a moral teacher.-IV. Superiority of the motives to duty pre-

sented by the Gospel. They are drawn, 1. From a consideration of the

reasonableness of the duty.-2. From the singular favours bestowed by God.

3. From the Example of Christ.-4. From the sanctions of duty, which

the civil relations among men have received from God.-5. From the regard

which Christians owe to their holy profession. 6. From the acceptableness

of true repentance and the promise of pardon.-7. From the divine assistance

offered to support men in the practice of their duty.-8. From our relation to

heaven while upon earth. - 9. From the rewards and punishments proclaimed

in the Gospel.

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