I. The writers of the Old and New Testaments had a perfect knowledge of the
subjects they relate; and their moral character, though rigidly tried, was
never impeached by their keenest opponents. II. If there had been any
falsehood in the accounts of such transactions as were generally known, they
would have been easily detected: for these accounts were published among
the people, who witnessed the events related by the historians. 1. This proved
at large concerning the Old Testament; and, 2. Concerning the New Testa-
ment; the writers of which were contemporary with and eye-witnesses of such
events, and have related such actions as could not have been recorded if they
had not been true; they were, moreover, neither deceived themselves, nor did
or could deceive others, in their relations, not being either enthusiasts or fana-
tics, but, on the contrary, men of the strictest integrity and sincerity. - III.
The credibility of the Scriptures further confirmed by the subsistence to this
very day of monuments instituted to perpetuate the memory of the principal
facts and events therein recorded. - And, IV. By the wonderful establish-
2. Testimonies of Profane Writers to the Credibility of the New Testament.
I. Testimonies of Jewish and Pagan authors to the account of princes and go-
vernors mentioned in the New Testament. II. Testimonies to the character
of the Jewish Nation, which are either directly mentioned or incidentally_al-
luded to therein. - III. Similar testimonies to the character of Heathen Na-
tions. IV. Testimonies of Jewish adversaries to the name and faith of Christ.
--- 1. Of Josephus. 2. Of the Talmuds. V. Testimonies of heathen adversa-
ries to the character of Jesus Christ.-1. Pontius Pilate.-2. Suetonius. - 3.
Tacitus.-4. Pliny the younger.. -5. Elius Lampridius. - 6. Celsus. - 7.
Porphyry.-8. Julian.-9. Mohammed. - Testimonies of heathen adversa-
ries to the doctrines, character, innocency of life, and constancy of the first
Christians in the profession of their faith. 1. Tacitus, confirmed by Sueto-
nius, Martial, and Juvenal. — 2. Pliny the younger and Trajan. — 3. Celsus.
4. Lucian.-5. Epictetus, Marcus Antoninus, Galen, and Porphyry. — 6.
Julian.VI. Refutation of the objection to the credibility of the Scripture
history, which has been raised from the silence of profane historians to the
facts therein recorded. That silence accounted for, by the facts, -1. That
inany of their books are lost. 2. That others are defective.-3. That no
profane historians now extant take notice of all occurrences within the period
I. A Miracle defined. II. Nature of the evidence from miracles. III. Their
design. IV. Credibility of miracles vindicated and proved.-V. Refutation of
the objection that the evidence for the credibility of miracles decreases with
the lapse of years, and the contrary proved.- VI. Criteria for ascertaining true
miracles. VII. Application of these criteria, 1. To the miracles of Moses
and of Joshua, and, 2. To those of Jesus Christ and his apostles; the number,
variety, design, and greatness of which, as well as the persons by whom and
before whom, and the manner in which, they were performed, are fully con-
sidered, together with the effects produced by them. The miracles of Christ
and his apostles were never denied. VIII. An examination of some of the
principal miracles related in the New Testament, particularly, 1. The con-
version of water into wine by Christ.-2. The feeding of five thousand.—3.
The healing of the paralytic.-4. Giving sight to the man who was born
blind.-5. The healing of a man, lame from his birth, by Peter and John.-
6. Raising from the dead the daughter of Jairus.-7. The widow's son at Nain.
-8. And Lazarus. IX. The RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ, viz. 1. Christ's
prophetic declarations concerning his death and resurrection.-2. The evi-
dence of adversaries of the Christian name and faith to this fact.-3. The
character of the apostles by whom it was attested, and the miracles wrought
by them; all which demonstrate the reality and truth of Christ's resurrection.
-X. General summary of the argument furnished by miracles. - XI. Com-
parison of them with pretended pagan and popish miracles, particularly those,
1. Of Aristeas the Proconnesian. 2. Of Pythagoras.-3. Of Alexander of
Pontus.-4. Of Vespasian.-5. Of Apollonius of Tyana.-6. Pretended mira-
cle at Saragossa.-7. Pretended miracles of the Abbé de Paris. The reality
of the Christian miracles demonstrated.
kiel's prediction of the calamities of the Jews, inflicted by the Chaldeans. -
9. Daniel's prediction of the profanation of the temple by Antiochus Epipha-
nes, &c.-10. Hosea's prediction of the present state of the Jews. CLASS II.
Prophecies relating to the nations or empires that were neighbouring to the
Jews.-1. Tyre. — 2. Egypt. — 3. Ethiopia. - 4. Nineveh. — 5. Babylon. — 6.
The four great monarchies. -CLASS III. Prophecies directly announcing the
Messiah, their number, variety, and minute circumstantiality. — 1. That the
Messiah was to come.-2. The time.-3. The place of his coming. -4. His
birth and manner of life and doctrine.-5. His sufferings and death. — 6.
His resurrection and ascension.-7. The abolition of the Jewish covenant by
that of the Gospel. The certainty with which these prophecies can only be
applied to Christ.-CLASS IV. Prophecies delivered by Jesus Christ and his
Apostles.1. Prophecies of Christ concerning his death and resurrection,
the descent of the Holy Spirit, the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple,
and the spread of Christianity. Refutation of objections drawn from its re-
jection by Jews and Gentiles, and from the existence and prevalence of Mo-
hammedism.-2. Prophecies of the apostles concerning the corruptions of the
Gospel by the church of Rome, and the spread of infidelity.-V. Refutation
of objections from the alleged obscurity of prophecy. - Concluding observa-
tions on the evidence afforded by prophecy.
§ 3. A Summary View of the Doctrines and Precepts of the Gospel Dispensation.
I. Divine Character of the founder of the Christian religion. II. The Leading
Doctrines of the Gospel, worthy of the character of the Almighty; particu-
larly, 1. The Account of God and of his perfections, and the duty and spiritual
worship which we owe to him.-2. The Vicarious Atonement made for sin
by Jesus Christ.- 3. Forgiveness of sins. 4. Justification by faith. — 5.
The Promise of the Holy Spirit to sanctify and renew our nature.-6. The
Immortality of the Soul; and a future state of rewards and punishments. -
III. The Moral Precepts of the New Testament admirably adapted to the ac-
tual state of mankind. - 1. Summary of the duties it enjoins between man and
man, particularly integrity of conduct, charity, forgiveness of injuries.-2.
The Duties of Governors and Subjects, Masters and Servants, Husbands and
Wives, Parents and Children.-3. The Personal Duties of sobriety, chastity,
temperance, &c.-4. The Holiness of the Moral Precepts of the Gospel, a
proof of its divine origin.-5. Considerations on the manner in which the
moral precepts of the Gospel are delivered; and on the character of Jesus
Christ as a moral teacher.-IV. Superiority of the motives to duty pre-
sented by the Gospel. They are drawn, 1. From a consideration of the
reasonableness of the duty.-2. From the singular favours bestowed by God.
3. From the Example of Christ.-4. From the sanctions of duty, which
the civil relations among men have received from God.-5. From the regard
which Christians owe to their holy profession. 6. From the acceptableness
of true repentance and the promise of pardon.-7. From the divine assistance
offered to support men in the practice of their duty.-8. From our relation to
heaven while upon earth. - 9. From the rewards and punishments proclaimed
in the Gospel.
§ 4. On the Objections of unbelievers to the doctrines and morality of the Bible.
I. Mysteries, no ground for rejecting the Scriptures. II. The Scripture doc-
trine of redemption not inconsistent with the generally received ideas con-
cerning the magnitude of creation. III. The doctrine of a future judgment
not improbable, and the two-fold sanction of rewards and punishments not of
human invention. IV. Christianity does not establish a system of priest-
craft and despotism over the minds and consciences of mankind. - V. Does
not prohibit free inquiry, but invites it. — VI. The objection, that its morality
is too strict, obviated. VII. And also that some of the Moral Precepts of
Jesus Christ are unreasonable and impracticable. - VIII. Christianity does
not produce a timid spirit, nor overlook the sentiments of friendship or pa-
triotism. IX. The assertion, that the Bible is the most immoral book in the
world, disproved by the evidence of facts.-X. Intolerance and persecution
not inculcated in the Scriptures.
Page 428
SECTION II. The wonderful Harmony and intimate Connexion, subsist-
ing between all the Parts of Scripture, is a further Proof of its Di-
vine Authority and Original.
SECTION IV. The Tendency of the Scriptures to promote the present
and eternal Happiness of Mankind, constitutes another unanswerable
Proof of their Divine Inspiration.
I. Appeals of Christian apologists, and testimonies of heathen adversaries, to the
beneficial effects of the Gospel in the characters and conduct of the first
Christians. II. Summary Review of its blessed effects on society, especially
in private life. - III. On the political state of the world. IV. On literature.
-Christianity not chargeable with the crimes of those who have assumed the
name of Christians, while they have been utterly destitute of every Christian
feeling.V. Historical Facts, further attesting the benefits conferred by the
Gospel on the world. VI. The effects respectively produced by Christianity
and infidelity in private life, contrasted, particularly under adversity, afflic-
tions, and in the prospect of futurity.
No. IV. A Table of the Chief Prophecies relative to the Messiah.
CHAPTER I. The Principal Prophecies relative to the Messiah, with
their Accomplishment, in the very words of the New Testament.
SECTION I. Prophecies relative to the Advent, Person, Sufferings, Re-
surrection, and Ascension of the Messiah.
SECTION II. Predictions relative to the Offices of the Messiah. - 604
CHAPTER II. The principal Predictions by Jesus Christ, relative to
his Sufferings, Death, Resurrection, the Spread of the Gospel, and
the Destruction of Jerusalem.
SECTION I. Predictions (for the Conformation of his Disciples' Faith)
that they would find things according to his Word.
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