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ing easy, urine nearly normal, appetite good, and almost well. He is now on the eighth bottle of Sanmetto. It is the most remarkable recovery I have had in twenty-seven years' experience, and I am compelled to give Sanmetto the praise. It is a grand medicine.


Dr. Scholl, in Jour. Med. and Surgery, says that the best treatment for expelling worms is santonin, which is prescribed probably more than any other drug. He recommends that it be given in powder form on bread and butter or in the form of lozenges; and sometimes he combines it with calomel. He states that it is destructive to both the thread and round worms and their ova. follows the administration of the santonin assists in the expulsion of the worms and ova. the anthelmintic at night and follow with the laxative the following morning. Overdoses should not be given.

He always combines or with a purgative, as it The best plan is to give

Dr. Colin Campbell, South Park, Eng., L. C. R. P., M. C. R. S., writes in the Medical Press and Circular, London, Eng., Oct. 7, 1903:

Pleurisy. Dr. B. was under my care last winter suffering from a pulmonary cavity. He had had previously two or three intercurrent attacks of pleurisy, which I again found present on Dec. 7th, 1902, accompanied by severe pain over the cavity, and a temperature of 103°. His previous attacks had occurred at his home, where careful poulticing was practicable, but in apartments this was unsatisfactory, and so it occurred to me to try Antiphlogistine.

The material was warmed and "trowelled" on for many inches around the pleuritic centre, then covered with non-absorbent lint and Jaconet.

The result was remarkable; the pain disappeared within an hour, and the high temperature within two days.

Many advantages over poulticing were noticed by the patient; facility of application, no unendurable heat, rapid relief from pain, its adhesiveness rendered movement possible without tight bandaging or the alternative sudden influx of cold air which follows the separation of a poultice from the skin.

Chilblains to many will appear a trifling matter, but as one whose school days in winter were rendered miserable by them. I can assert that they are most maddening. Last winter my daughter, aet. 11, suffered from them severely. Each time Antiphlogistine was applied, the redness and intolerable itching disappeared in a night. I have tried remedies innumerable with no such result.

"Many a man is to-day worrying over a case or two of Pneumonia, Pleurisy, or Capillary Bronchitis, whose troubles would flit away like mist did he but know enough to put his patient into a jacket. of Antiphlogistine."-Medical Summary, Nov. 1902.


The Supreme Court of Minnesota holds, in the case of Price vs. the Standard Life and Accident Insurance Company, that a registerof patients, kept at a hospital, naming or pretending to name, the disease with which a patient was said tobe suffering, is not admissible in evidence to show and establish the nature of the disease.

Here the entries in the register in question were made by the superintendent in charge, who was a female physician, in the usual course of business at the hospital, and showed when the patient entered, when he departed therefrom, and the nature of the disease from which he was said to be suffering. The superintendent produced the register and testified that the entries concerning the patient were made after the physician in charge had observed the case long enough and knew sufficiently about the patient to state the kind of disease, and were wholly based on information received by her from the doctor. The witness had no personal knowledge of the patient, and had no recollection of the case, apart from the record. Therefore, the court says, the entries amounted to nothing more or less than what the superintendent wrote in the register, what the attending physician told or reported to her concerning the patient's illness.

To permit these entries to be introduced in evidence was to disregard in a very noticeable manner the rule forbidding the introduction of heresay testimony, as well as the spirit of the statute which prohibits the examination of a physician as to certain matters without the consent of his patient. The information communicated by the physician in charge to the superintendent of the hospital was acquired by the former while attending the patient, and was necessary to enable him to prescribe or act for him. The physician would not have been allowed to make such disclosure and the statutory restrictions on him could not be evaded by introducing in evidence testimony of a third party as to what the doctor said about the case. But the entries did not even rise to the dignity of a repetition of what the doctor said to a third party, for the superintendent remembered nothing except that she made the entries. This testimony should have been excluded.

Again, the court says that, although the statute differs somewhat in the several States, the general proposition that it seals the lips of the physician, and prevents him form divulging in a court of justice

information which he has acquired while in the necessary discharge of his professional duty, but it does not absolutely prohibit the examination of an attending physician as witness. The well-established rule seems to be that a physician may be called on to testify to the simple fact that he has treated or attended a certain person as patient, and as to the number of his visits. This doctrine, looking at the question in a logical way, comes very near trespassing on the statute, but the court finds no cases in opposition, and none was cited by the counsel.—Journal Amer. Med. Asso. .


Senator Burrows, of Michigan, tells this story to illustrate how the war between the two pathies, allopathy and homeopathy, takes a queer turn sometimes.

"There were two sisters living up in my State," said the Senator, "who were very fond of each other, but who worried constantly about the two great divisions of medicine. One was for allopathy and the other for homeopathy.

"One day there was great excitement in the family of the homeopath lady and it was announced that she was the mother of a bouncing pair of twin boys.

"The other sister came down in a hurry. 'Well, now see what's happened. I wanted you to have an allopathic doctor. After this I guess you will listen to me.

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Dr. Lines, who has a keen sense of humor, carried off the anecdotal honors at a recent Chamber of Commerce dinner with the following story:

"At the time of King Edward's recovery from his threatened fatal illness with appendicitis," he said, "thanksgiving services were held all over the kingdom. At one of these the services were to close with the singing of a well-known hymn, which happened to be in the back of the books used in that parish."

"Let us close the services,' the pastor said, 'by singing the hymn, "Peace, Perfect Peace"-in the appendix.'"-Freeport (Ill.) Journal.

"Katie got the first prize at our summer cooking class."
"How proud she must be! What was it?''

"A very useful book-'First Aid to the Injured.'"-Judge.

The Editor cordially invites the readers of the Reporter to contribute to this Department and make it a valuable medium for communication between them. To this end we earnestly solicit the following:

Questions, Comments and Criticisms on all topics of interest to the physician in his daily work, from both the medical and business standpoint.

Reports of Society Meetings, Personal Items, Hospital Reports and all News of interest to members of our school.

Clinical Reports, giving experience in the use of the products of our advertisers.


We are sorry to learn of the almost complete destruction by fire of the residence of Dr. R. Hathaway, in Wellington, O. This occurred Sunday, the 21st, and was peculiarly unfortunate because the Doctor has been ill for some time, and was at the time of the fire confined to his bed. The Doctor and his family have our most sincere sympathy.

We note the marriage of our good friend, Dr. Ch. Gatchell, of Chicago, to Miss Helen Converse, of Chicago, Tuesday, February 16th, at the home of her parents on Michigan Avenue. We congratulate Dr. Gatchell and tender our best wishes to himself and his bride, and wish them a long life and a happy one.

Dr. Henry Martin Dearborn died at New York, February 16th, from pneumonia, after an illness of eight days. He was fifty-eight years old. He was educated at Harvard University and Bowdoin Medical College, of Brunswick, Me., and went to New York in 1880.

He was dermatologist to Flower Hospital, Laura Franklin Free Hospital for Children, Manhattan Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital, of Passaic, N. J. He was also professor of dermatology at the New York Homeopathic Medical College and the New York College and Hospital for Women.

He was former president of the Homeopathic County Society and at one time a member of the medical counsel of the State of New York. He was also a member of the Jahr Club, New York Medical Club, the State Homeopathic Medical Society, American Institute of Homeopathy, New York Academy of Pathological Science, New York Materia Medica Society and the New York Pædological Society and was the author of text-books on diseases of the skin.

Dr. F. W. Le Fevre, '85, formerly of Charlevoix, Mich., has removed to Detroit and settled for the present on Fourth Avenue.

Some of the friends of Dr. Conrad Wesselhoeft planned to cele

brate his seventieth birthday, which will occur on the twenty-third of March. They found a general interest in the plan, and that many, outside of Boston and its vicinity, would be pleased to join them. They have planned a banquet and the presentation of a Loving Cup, on the evning of that day, and have invited the profession to join them in showing Dr. Wesselhoeft the high appreciation in which he is held for the long and valuable work he has accomplished. The occasion promises to be a noteworthy one in the history of Homeopathy in New England.

The Cleveland Homeopathic Medical Society held its regular monthly meeting in the banquet room of the Chamber of Commerce building. The President-elect, Dr. H. H. Baxter, presided. Dr. W. B. Glendinning was elected secretary, Dr. Frank Kraft finding it impossible to accept the office. After remarks by the president, which were followed by a very interesting discussion, Dr. F. W. Somers read a paper on "Bronchial Coughs and Winter Colds," which was also freely discussed. We take pleasure in presenting to our readers. both the remarks made by Dr. Baxter and the paper by Dr. Somers, with the discussion made thereon. About thirty members attended the meeting.

M. H. Castle, M. D., formerly House Physician at the Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital, has opened an office at 1019 Rose Bldg., where he has hours from 2-5 and 7-9 P. M. Dr. Castle is making a special study of anesthetics and anesthetizing and is open to engagements.

A note received recently from J. H. Ginley, M. D., Coopersville, Mich., indicates that he is still in active work, in spite of the fact that he has been practicing fifty-one years. We congratulate the Doctor on his record and hope he may be spared for many years in the future.

We have received a very interesting and instructive illustrated circular from the Nordrach Ranch, which is owned and conducted by our good friend, Dr. John E. White, who graduated in 1891. We have written to the Doctor, suggesting that he write a paper describing the treatment and use some of the illustrations which are in his circular. They are certainly very interesting.

We have very few of the class of 1854 still living, but one of the few is in active practice and recently celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his graduation. We refer to Dr. Christian A. Jaeger, living

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