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and other organisms were used. Later, exposure for seven days was carried out, the organisms being placed in small hermetically sealed tubes and completely immersed in liquid air. In spite of the enormous mechanical strain to which the organisms were thus subjected, and exposure to a temperature of -190° C. for seven days, no alteration was seen in their structure and there was no change in their virulence except that they grew a trifle more slowly." [It has long been known that typhoid and diphtheria could rest comfortably in a snow bank over winter and be ready for business in the spring, but one would have hoped such an extremely low temperature might have injured them. However, frost always puts a stop to a yellow fever epidemic! But how? We now know that it is by killing the mosquitoes, and not the germs. The infection is spread by the mosquitoes, and when they are killed, the spread of the infection is stopt.-ED.]

Ohio Examination Questions, Used at a Recent Examination.

[Reported to Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic, by E. S. May, M.D.] DISEASES OF CHILDREN.

1. Give etiology, symptoms and treatment of simple diarrhea.

2. Give etiology and treatment of enuresis.

3. Give definition, prophylaxis and treatment of cretinism.

4. Give synonyms, symptoms and treatment of spasmodic laryngitis.

5. Give etiology, diagnosis and treatment of chorea.


1. Why is gonorrhea in women a grave disease?

2. Describe bi-manual examination.

3. Name some nervous complications in gynecology.

4. Give indications for curettage.


1. Caffein: mention salts; describe physiological action; give uses and doses.

2. Iodoform: mention indications, internally and externally. 3. Jaborandi: describe its physiological action; give uses and doses.

4. Hydrastis: mention principal preparations; give uses and doses.

5. Mercury chlorids: mention both preparations and give uses cf each.

6. Opium: its indications and in what formulae is it used.

7. Veratrum viride; physiological action, uses and doses.

8. Caustics: what are they, and for what purpose applied? 9. Poultices: indications for them and how applied.

10. Massage: mention different ways of applying and indications

for its use.


1. By what signs and symptoms would you make a diagnosis of endocarditis?

2. What organs are located in the left hypochondrium?

3. Give signs of aneurysm of the transverse portion arch of aorta. 4. What conditions give rise to bronchial breathing?

5. Give differential diagnosis of alcoholic coma and that caused by uremia.

6. What effects follow obstruction of the portal circulation.

7. Locate the lesion in hemiplegia, left side, with involvement of the right side of the face.

8. Give the differential diagnosis of acute lobar pneumonia and catarrhal pneumonia

9. Describe the crepitant rale.

10. Give the differential diagnosis of pleurisy and hydrothorax.

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9. Name sutures of the skull and describe them. 10. Name the layers of the skin.


1. How is the probable date of labor reasonably determined? What margin of time should be allowed and why?

2. What symptoms during pregnancy indicate the approach of convulsions? 3. What is the significance of glycosuria occurring during pregnancy?

4. What are the effects of an acute zymotic disease, occurring during pregnancy (a) on the mother, (b) on the child?

5. Describe the uterus and adjacent parts just prior to labor. 6. Describe the fetal head at full term.

7. Define" axis of superior strait," "axis of inferior strait." 8. What are the forces employed in the delivery of the child at


full term?

What is meant by "L. O. A.," "L. O. P.," "R. O. A.," "R. O. P.?"

10. What are some of the difficulties which may be encountered in the delivery of twins?


1. Define primary anemia, and how is it distinguisht from that known as secondary.

2. Give source and life history of the tenia solium, and some measures of prophylaxis.

3. Describe briefly the phagocytic theory.

4. Give symptoms and treatment of acute ptomain poisoning. 5. In what manner does gastroduodenitis cause jaundice?

6. What do you understand by the terms infection and contagion?

7. Upon what theory is the treatment by antitoxins based? 8. Give signs and symptoms of myocarditis.

9. Give differential diagnosis of epilepsy and apoplexy. 10. Define asthma and name principal causes.

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Progress in Reciprocity.

The third annual meeting of the American Confederation of Reciprocating Examining and Licensing Medical Boards was held in the Great Northern Hotel, Chicago, Tuesday, May 24 1904Members and ex-members of medical examining boards and educators in medicin were invited.

Membership: Any examining or licensing board of any state, territory, district or province in the United States, having a medical practise law requiring an examination before said board, and requiring thoro professional qualifications as a basis of legal authority to practise in said state, territory, district or province, shall be eligible to membership in this confederation, and may obtain membership by the signing of its authorized representativs to the constitution of the confederation.

Program: Invocation by Rev. Johnston Myers, pastor of Emanuel Church, Chicago. Address of welcome on part of med. ical profession of Chicago, Dr. George H. Simmons, Chicago, editor Journal American Medical Association. Response to address of welcome, Dr. Joseph M. Mathews, president Kentucky State Board of Health. Report of secretary. President's address. Address, "How to Secure Uniform Medical Laws," Dr. Nicholas Senn, Chicago. Address, "Tests of Qualification Requisit to

Matriculation," Dr. Frank Billings, Chicago, president American Medical Association. Informal addresses on practical subjects connected with interstate medical reciprocity and uniform qualifi. cations for state licenses. Miscellaneous business. Appointment of committees. Adjournment.

Officers for 1904: President, W. A. Spurgeon, M.D., Muncie, Indiana (member and ex-president Indiana State Board of Medical Examination and Registration). Vice-presidents, H. Baxter, M.D., Cleveland, Ohio (member Ohio State Board of Medical Registration and Examination); John A. McKlveen, M.D., Chariton, Iowa (President Iowa State Board of Medical Examiners). Secretary. Treasurer, B. D. Harison, M.D., Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan (Secretary Michigan State Board of Registration in Medicin).

Membership: Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Kansas, Illinois, Nebraska, Kentucky, Pennsylvania (Eclectic).

At the present time the following states are reciprocating, either partially or completely: Illinois, Kentucky, New Jersey, Maine, Maryland, Indiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan.


We are now nearing our quadrennial volcanic political disturbance, which we call a presidential election. Many wise men have said that every four years is too often for such extensiv disturbance to business as a presidential election involves. Yes, it is, if there are no vital questions to settle; but it isn't often enuf if there are vital questions to settle in the meantime. But do our presidential elections, as we conduct them, settle questions? Do they not only determin what man, or what party shall control?

We certainly had a question at issue in 1896. The contest was the most bitter one since the Civil war. We thought we settled it. Let us see. One side said

there was not enuf money to meet the legitimate demands of business; hence the low prices, hard times, and commercial depression. The other side opposed this contention, and (by means and methods well known) won the election. Mr. McKinley was not only an astute politician, but also something of a statesman. When he got in he insisted that as much silver should be coined as the mints were capable of coining. This did not affect the price of silver outside of the mint as a free silver coinage law would have done, but it did the more important thing of increasing the amount of available circulating medium. I have not the figures before me, but I understand that while Mr. McKinley was president, the maximum amount of silver was coined, in a quiet way. Also a law was passed designed to increase the amount of national bank currency, and also increase the number of national banks by reducing the minimum amount of capital required to organize a national bank. This still further increast the amount of circulating medium, tending to remove the cause of hard times, and restore prosperity, which it did. But there was another cause for the restoration of prosperity, which was not a political one, and it was just as effectiv as the political causes. I refer to the vastly increast production of gold, beginning in about 1897. Gold having the privelege of free coinage at a stated ratio, not only at our mints but at the mints of the world, increast the quantity of world money, raising prices, thus favoring the producing classes, and hence favoring general prosperity. There were other causes operating a great many if we knew them all, for civilized society has become very complex; but I wish to here confine my remarks to the main issue of 1896, and how we thought we settled it.

For years I have received from the U. S. Treasury, every month, a detailed statement of the funds there held, in what form they are-how much gold coin, bullion, silver dollars, silver certificates, etc., and a calculation as to the amount of money per capita in the United States. I remember that in 1896 it was not quite $25 per capita. I have noticed it creep up gradually until now it is about $32 per capita. This in spite of the fact that the population has been constantly increasing. If I remember right, the population has increast nearly ten millions since 1896-immigration has been extraordinarily heavy, particularly during the past several years. Multiply this increase by $32 per capita and we will get a part of the increase in the circulating medium since 1896. As there has been an increase

of about $7 per capita in the circulating medium since 1896, and as our total population is now about eighty millions, a simple act of multiplication will give the rest of the gain in circulating medium since 1896. Adding them together will give over three-quarters of a billion of dollars gain in circulation-a very substantial gain, the effect of which we have felt in the shape of prosperity all over the country. There are other interesting and important factors, but I will not discuss them now, because I wish to show that the chief contention of the side that stood for more moneymore circulating medium, to raise prices, quicken trade and production, thus creating and disseminating prosperity-has been proven right. It lost the election, but its main principle has been vindicated, and we are all enjoying the fruits thereof.

The point I wish to make here is, that we thought we settled this question the other way, but we didn't -thanks to Mr. McKinley's far-seeing wisdom after he got in, and to the national bankers' desire for extended privileges, and to nature's kindness in unlocking her stores of gold when most needed-tho a few years earlier it would have been very acceptable.

The Ensuing Contest.

The nominating conventions are approaching, and there is much political discussion in the newspapers. But have you seen much about issues or principles? It is mostly confined to discussing the chances of men or parties. That seems to be the chief interest. Is it worth while to have elections for that? Hardly. But it is our way, and we must do it. The English plan of letting the government stand until an issue arises upon which to appeal to the people is a good one, but it is not our way. We must have an election at a stated time, whether there is any issue or not; and frequently when there is an issue we can't have an election, nor even an expression from the people by their votes, because the stated time hasn't come.

When a political party means a definit thing, it may fulfil a very useful purpose. Political parties originally do mean definit things, but they soon acquire power and patronage, and in the struggle of selfish men or interests to capture these advantages, principles are usually lost sight of. The Republican party was organized in the interest of human liberty, and of the most down-trodden. Since that purpose was accomplisht, that party has been made to serve the interests of special privilege. The Democratic party has from time to time been turned as far from its original purpose, and from its name and meaning. At present there are incongruous elements in both parties, held together by partizan sentiment and tradition, patronage, and “organization." The corporation and speculativ interests don't want Roosevelt again, but they cannot hope to defeat him for the nomination, particularly since the death of Senator Hanna. The crowd that don't want Roosevelt hope to recapture the Democratic party, and thru that organization elect a man of their choice and kind. Why do not the progressivs in both parties have their way a little, instead of being used by those who wish to promote the interests of corporations, trusts, and the protected interests and privileged classes in general? A party composed of incongruous elements and interests should be split, and the respectiv factions should go their respectiv ways. The liberal or progressiv democrats, and the many republicans whose thoughts and sympathies are similar on present questions (forgetting differences in the long distant past), and the populists, should "flock" and work together, for what they believe in. Then there should be another party, which would stand frankly for the corporations, protected interests and privileged classes. Then we would know what parties really stand for. Really, the corporations and capitalistic classes stand together, anyway, regardless of party, when there is any issue affecting them. They are always ready to unite in their own interest, but they want to keep the people divided, which they always succeed in doing, and they are always on the winning side. Cannot our common people learn a little political wisdom? Are you at a loss for principles to work for, in the interest of the common people? The Story of New Zealand"

is full of them. By the time this reaches you, I will have sample pages ready to send free to any who wish to see them before ordering the book. Here is a letter which shows what the leading man in New Zealand thinks of the book:

(From Rt. Hon. R. J. Seddon, Prime Minister of New Zealand.) PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE, WELLINGTON, N. Z. PROF. FRANK PARSONS: Dear Sir:-I thank you on the part of the Colony for the ability and enthusiasm you have shown in writing (and Dr. Taylor in publishing) such a splendid book on New Zealand. *** The work you have so gallantly undertaken and so successfully finisht, will be not only of great advantage in making the real condition of New Zealand known to the world, but within the Colony itself will be valued and found to be of use as a work of reference. In concluding my letter,

I beg again to congratulate you on the production of such a satisfactory and vitalized literary work. I hope you may be spared to do much more pen work of the same high standard."


"The Story of New Zealand" presents history and biography; the scenery and the people; the industries and resources; the institutions and the government.

"The Story of New Zealand" is unquestionably one of the most important studies now before the American people. The thanks of the public are due to the public spirited editor and publisher who gave the order for the work, made many valuable suggestions during its progress, and put it on the market at a very mod erate price, and to the author whose able and impartial research, keen analysis and luminous English have made the work a remarkable success.-The Commoner.

"The Story of New Zealand," by Professor Frank Parsons. Cloth bound, with over 170 illustrations, many full-page. 860 pages. $3, net. Edited and publisht by Charles F. Taylor, M.D. Equity Series. Philadelphia, 1904.

This book, the latest production of its author, a man distinguisht in law, economics and sociology, for years lecturer in the law department of Boston University, now just issued thru the remarkable public spirit of the editor of THE MEDICAL WORLD, of this city, is a book of rare beauty and worth. What most peculiarly distinguishes it, however, is its significance. It has a story to tell and a lesson to teach, and nowhere should that story be heard and that lesson so thoroly pondered as in our own land. This magnificent volume ought to be read everywhere. Fuller of attractions than any ordinary romance, along with these, in a quickening suggestivness, it shows how the problems governmental, industrial, social, and other, which now everywhere so disturb communities and commonwealths, can be manfully faced and masterfully solved. New Zealand at this hour is an example to the world of the care her people take of the interests of themselves and their fellows, shielding them from the rapacity of the cunning, the privileged, and powerful in other ways, doing this in such forms as these: In the nationalization of the country's credit and of its soil; of railway, express, telegraph and telephone service, and of insurance of all kinds; in establishing old-age pensions, progressiv taxation of land and incomes, with exemption of small holders and of all improvements; in the resumption and division of large estates, limit of holdings, and preference for the landless in land distribution; in abolishing strikes and lockouts and insuring industrial peace; in providing state employment bureaus, store and factory acts, an eight-hour day, co-operativ employment on public works, and much else besides of similar character. It is doubtful whether at this moment one can render a better service to one's self and fellows than in spreading abroad as widely as possible, as can be done by means of this magnificent volume, a knowledge of what is being patiently and successfully wrought out in the antipodes for the redemption of society from those who prey upon it.-Reformed Church Messenger.

I want to say to you, Dr. Taylor, that I am reading "The Story of New Zealand, and find it very, very interesting. Everybody should read it. My children gave me a copy as a birthday present. They could not have pleased me better. Have written

to three U. S. Senators and our Congressman, Hon. Henry T. Rainey, advising them to get the book. Mr. R. wrote me that he would get it Hoping that many copies will be sold and read, I remain very truly yours, A. K. VAN HORNE, M.D. Jerseyville, Ill.

We learn from the Lancet that the Russian Medical Congress, held in St. Petersburg at the end of January, was dissolved by the police. The offense committed by the congress was the passage of resolutions declaring that ignorance of the elementary laws of hygiene and the excessiv drinking of alcohol predisposed to the spread of tuberculosis and recommending a systematic educational campaign against these evils. Moreover, the congress declared, no effectiv campaign was possible until" personal freedom and the freedom of speech, of the press, and of meeting were granted." To add to the enormity of its offense, the congress pointed out the danger of propagating tuberculosis thru the overcrowding in the Jewish quarters of the cities of southern and western Russia, and recommending that sick Jews "be permitted to inhabit the country or to follow a cure at a sanatorium or watering place."

This was pronounced seditious! And yet the Russian government wonders at the waning affection of America.-Med. Standard.

THE MEDICAL WORLD has no proprietaries to boost. It works for the interests of the profession. Therefore its support must come from the profession. We are sending out some bills for overdue subscriptions with this issue. Let it be understood distinctly that those who want THE MEDICAL WORLD must pay for it. We expect remittance promptly the first of each year. We do not unceremoniously cut subscribers off if they neglect to so remit, but don't you who are behind, and who are now receiving bills. think we have waited patiently enuf? and that now we ought to be paid? Remember we have no proprietaries to make a profit on, and our support must come directly from the profession, and not thru profit on proprietaries; and we don't use our reading columns to boost proprietaries; like an almanac. Our reading pages belong to, and are conducted in the interest of, our subscribers, who pay for them; but they must pay for them.

I wish you success, for your success means a higher standard for the profession.-C. E. HOLTON, M.D., Bernardston, Mass.

There are many single features in each issue of THE WORLD worth the subscription price.-Francis Philips, M.D., Colorado Springs, Colo.


DR. C. F. TAYLOR. Dear Doctor:-I fully appreciate your stand on the advertisements and frauds. When you came out so strongly a year ago I began watching you to see if it was in earnI don't want to pay for proprietary medicin almanacs nor mine circulars. I see you complimented by some of the big weeklies for doing something they hadn't the nerve to do themselves. Will give you some " Electricity for the Country Doctor" soon as I can find time to write it. H. C. CHANCE. Cumberland Gap, Tenn.


C. F. TAYLOR, M.D. Dear Doctor:-Inclosed please find my check for $3.00, for which send me one copy of "The Story of New Zealand." I want to add my mite of commendation for the way in which you are keeping up the standard of THE WORLD. Its helpfulness to physicians along lines other than therapeutics is worth more each year than it costs. JULIA H. BASS. Austin, Texas. Sec. Texas Homeopathic Med. Ass'n.

C. F. TAYLOR, M.D. Dear Doctor :-Having been a reader of THE MEDICAL WORLD for many years, and always finding something of value in every issue, I wish to express to you my appreciation of your untiring efforts to make THE WORLD the best medical journal in existence for the general practician.

Your determined efforts to educate the physician in his business relations to public and private enterprises is certainly most commendable, and clearly shows you to be public spirited both in private and in public life; and altho some of us may not agree with you in minor details, yet I believe that you have the backing of the best and most progressiv physicians in the country.

Were the physician in his early training to receive proper instruction as to his relation to the public and the way in which to make a social and financial success in life, there would probably be fewer physicians struggling along with the bare necessaries of life during their advancing years.

As a further appreciation, and a more substantial one, you will find inclosed a N. Y. draft for $ for another four years' subscription to THE WORLD, together with my best wishes for its future welfare. Yours fraternally, D. C. L. MEASE.

Freeport, Ill.


We are prepared to give remunerative employment to physicians who desire to resign practice, temporarily
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Our salesmen are earning handsome incomes by the sale of the new


Orders are, however, taken for any of our books both for cash and on monthly payments.

A few exceptional salesmen make over $5000.00 per annum-an average man can make trom $30 to $50 per week.
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The oldest College in the United States devoted exclusively to Electro-Therapeutics. Ten instruзtors. A thorough practical COURSE of INSTRUCTION by MAIL to those who cannot come here. Diplomas granted when competent. Degree conferred. Write for 8th Annual announcement, and free sample copy of "The Electro-Therapeutist."

"Elektron" Building, Lima, O.


H. W. BENNETT, M.D., M.E., Secretary.


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This excellent combination is especially indicated in ANEMIA, SCROFULA, SYPHILIS, and CHRONIC WASTING
DISEASES. It has a decided usefulness as an Alterative in many forms of Diseases of the Skin, such as PSORIASIS, IMPET-
LATENT SPECIFIC DISEASES it is unequaled. It is of much value in relieving CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIONS to the Gland

[blocks in formation]

On April 7 of this year, Messrs. Frederick Stearns & Co. celebrated the wooden anniversary of their biological department. Open house was kept all day and there was an almost uninterrupted stream of visitors. All classes were represented, from grayhaired surgeons and specialists of more than national fame, to young prospectiv graduates of 1904. The regular work of the department was carried on as usual. Perhaps nothing pleased the visitors more than the modern operating rooms, rivaling those of first-class hospitals. Although this department was establisht only five years ago it already uses stable accommodations for 120 horses, for its serum yield.

Never forget to look over the advertisement of Saunders & Co., on the title page of THE MEDICAL WORLD. Every live physician should keep up with the standard books that are being constantly publisht by this great house.

Dear Sirs-Your valuable preparation, Mackenzol, gives satisfaction in every case. You will find enclosed money order for which you will send me three more bottles. Very respectfully, C. JOSEPH FLINN, M.D., El Paso, Texas.

T. J. Biggs, M.D., Stamford, Conn., reports that he has used Bovinine with great success in skin grafting. In one case of leg ulcer of nine years' standing, in a patient 60 years old, which ulcer had never completely healed in all that time, despite treatment, the Bovinine was used with wonderful results. The patient came under Dr. Biggs's care on March 3, 1902. On March 7 treatment had brought the case to a satisfactory condition for skin grafting, and the doctor laid nine small pieces of skin taken from a callus on the patient's toe, on the surface to be grafted. The dressings were kept wet with Bovinine, and on the fourteenth on removing them, eight of the nine pieces were found attacht and healthily growing. The ninth had been displaced, and was removed. On March 24 the patient was discharged cured.

Have you tried Peptenzyme for dyspepsia? If not, why not? Are you so well satisfied with your present treatment that you need no other? If so you are to be congratulated. Reed & Carnrick present Peptenzyme as a remedy that will act favorably on all classes of foods. If one remedy will do the work it is certainly better than to give several. See adv. on page 24.

The Phospho-Albumen Company write us that those physicians who confine their use of Phospho-Albumen to sexual troubles make a mistake. They say that while it is one of the most serviceable sexual tonics, its range is much wider, including all cases where a reconstructiv is needed. See adv. on page 25.

The day for keeping your equipment in any corner, box, or closet that happens to be about, has passed. The physician of today must have a proper, modern equipment if he wishes to keep up to the times. See adv. of Allison's cabinets, tables, etc., on page 12.

A very troublesome class of troubles are the diseases of the prostate gland and adnexa. The Rowe Publishing Co. of Chicago are advertising a non-surgical treatise on just this class of diseases. Have you seen it? See adv. on page 21.

If people could be induced to attend to the cleanliness of the nose as universally as they do to the cleanliness of the teeth, the health of the nation would be materially advanced. A new nasal dish is presented this month. See adv. on page 19.

Such a common complaint as constipation is sure to bring to the market all sorts of remedies of all grades of ethical goodness and quackish badness. The wise physician will not allow himself to be misled by the great number of remedies proposed to him, but will see that what he buys is made by a house of undoubted reputation. In this connection Sharp & Dohme's advertisement on page 30 will interest him.

When administering Ergoapiol it is advisable to direct the patient to drink a glass of milk immediately after taking the capsule, that is if milk is convenient, if not, water will answer the purpose.

Have you an electrical equipment? If not write to the McIntosh Battery & Optical Co. of Chicago. They can fit you out completely. Send for their illustrated catalog anyway; it may give you many a suggestion. See adv. on page 24.

"There is no preparation that simulates Nature so well in its effect. No other is better suited to the permanent relief of intestinal inactivity.' Quoted from the advertisement of Syrup of Figs, on page 28

Have you a telephone in your house? Every physician should have one. See adv. of the Elliott Telephone Co., on page 12.

"Caripeptic Liquid: Indicated in all cases of indigestion, fermentation, and malassimilation of food. Pill Methylene Blue Comp.: Indicated in Gonorrhea, Gleet, Cystitis, Nephritis, and all diseased conditions of the Genito-urinary tract." The above is quoted The from the Upjohn advertisement on page 3. Upjohn Co. are well known to the profession as the originators of friable pills. They are now making a special offer on the two preparations here mentioned. See adv.

Have you a satisfactory surgical instrument dealer in your town? Well, better send for Mr. Frye's bulletin of instruments and prices, anyway; perhaps he can save you money. At any rate, he can supply you with anything you need in the surgical instrument line. See advertisement with short list of instruments and prices, on page 8. Send for his complete Bulletin.

"Nervousness " is an accompaniment of so many diseases, that a reliable remedy for this condition would probably be one of the most useful in the physician's bag. Mr. Daniel recommends his Passiflora in the strongest terms, for all conditions demanding a calming of the nerves without depression of the heart. See adv. on page 5 and send for samples and litera


In addition to Thiocol Roche, Merck & Co. are this month advertising the hypnotic "Veronal;" which they claim to be a distinct advance over all other hypnotics. See adv. on page 25; adv. of Thiocol Roche is on page 13.

(Continued on page 20.)

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