587 MACKEY'S (S. A., Shoe Maker) MYTHOLOGICAL | 601 MANUSCRIPT.-HORE BEATE MARIE VIRASTRONOMY of the ANCIENTS, or the Key of Urania, the Wards of which will unlock all the Mysteries of Antiquity, both parts, 12mo. boards, scarce, 7s 6d Norwich, 1823 588 MACKINTOSH'S (Sir J.) Dissertation on the Progress of ETHICAL PHILOSOPHY, with Preface by Whewell, 8vo. cloth, 5s 6d 1836 589 MACPHERSON'S (D.) ANTIQUITIES of KERTCH, and Researches in the Cimmerian Bosphorus; with Remarks on the Ethnological and Physical History of the Crimea, maps, numerous wood engravings, and 12 COLOURED PLATES of antiquities, folio, cloth, £1. 1s (pub. £2. 2s) 1857 590 MADDEN'S (Dr. R.) THE UNITED IRISHMEN, their Lives and Times, with Historical Introduction, and Appendix of Statistics, etc. first series, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d 1853 1842 591 MAHON'S (Lord) HISTORY of ENGLAND from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, (17131783), new and revised portable edition in large print, 7 vols. post 8vo. cloth, £1.78 592 MAINE'S (H.) ANCIENT LAW: its Connection with the Early History of Society, and its Relation to Modern Ideas, 8vo. new hf. calf neat, 10s 6d 1863 593 MAITLAND'S (Rev. S.) ESSAYS on Subjects connected with the REFORMATION in ENGLAND, 8vo. cloth, 98 1849 594 MAITLAND'S (Rev. S.) The DARK AGES; Essays illustrating the State of Religion and Literature from the 1Xth to the XIIth Centuries, 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 1845 595 MALHERBE (F. de) Ses POÉSIES, avec un Discours, et quelques Remarques historiques et critiques, with fine portrait, 8vo. A BEAUTIFUL COPY in old red morocco extra, marbled and gilt leaves, £1. 4s Paris, Barbou, 1757 "Belle édition et la meilleure qui jusqu' alors eût encore paru de ces poésies."-Brunet. 596 MALMESBURY'S (Earl of) DIARIES and CORRESPONDENCE, 1767-1809, edited by his Grandson, portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 188 1844 Includes accounts of his Missions to the Courts of Madrid, Frederick the Great, Catherine II. the Hague, Brunswick, and the French Republic. 597 MAMMATT'S (E.) COLLECTION of GEOLOGICAL FACTS, and Practical Observations intended to elucidate the formation of the ASHBY COALFIELD, with map and 102 COLOURED PLATES of Vegetable Fossils, and sections of stratification, roy. 4to. green morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 28 1834 An excellent work, the result of forty years' experience and research. 598 MANSEL'S GINIS, cum Calendario; MS. on FINE VELLUM of the XVth Century, decorated with 41 EXQUISITE AND HIGHLY FINISHED MINIATURES, (18 large and 23 small) full of interest for Costume, and depicting the usual subjects of Saints, etc. accompanied by ELABORATE ORNAMENTAL BORDERS TO EVERY PAGE, with an intermingling of Flowers, Fruits, Birds, and Nondescript Animals; also a large number of Capital Letters; and, FURTHER ILLUSTRATED, in the Calendar by 12 paintings of the Zodiac, and 12 of the Occupations of the Months, THE WHOLE RICHLY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS, sm. 8vo. measuring 6 inches by 44 inches, in old red morocco, super extra, gilt edges, IN FINE CONDITION, £25. 10s Saec. XV. A BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE OF MONKISH ZEAL AND OF PATIENT INDUSTRY; the embellishments being executed with a degree of artistic skill and perfection seldom seen in works of the kind. At the end of the volume, which is of French origin and consists of 400 pages, are some Prayers for the Saints' Days, and each prayer is adorned with a picture illustrating the life of the Saint to whom 602 MANUSCRIPT.-HORE BEATE MARIE VIRthe prayer is addressed. GINIS, cum Calendario, neatly written in a small gothic character on 109 leaves of VELLUM, with a few Capital Letters in gold and colours, and the others in red and blue inks, alternately, sm. 12mo. measuring 4 inches by 2 inches, bound in purple morocco extra, gilt edges, by Niedrée, A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE VOLUME, £3. 15s Sæc. XV. 603 MANUSCRIPT.-HORE BEATE MARIE VIRGINIS, cum Calendario, written in a bold character on 107 leaves of VELLUM, decorated with several hundred Capital Letters, ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND colours, sm. 4to. measuring 7 inches by 5 inches, calf gilt, Sæc. XV. 604 MARIOTTI'S (L.) The BLACK GOWN PAPERS, delineations of Italian Life, fronts. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 5s 6d £3. 10s 1846 605 MARMONTEL (Jean F.) BELISAIRE, LARGE PAPER, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 4s 6d Paris, 1767 1845 606 MARSH'S (Mrs.) MOUNT SOREL; or the Heiress of the De Veres, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 6s 607 MARTIN'S (Theodore) POEMS, Original and Translated, a handsomely printed volume of 350 pages, from the Chiswick Press, sm. 4to. cloth, £1. 1s PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1863 608 MARTINEAU'S (J.) ESSAYS, Philosophical and Theological, second series, post 8vo. cloth, 5s 6d 1869 609 MASSINGER'S (P.) DRAMATIC WORKS complete, with Introduction and Notes critical and explanatory, by W. Gifford, BEST EDITION, LARGE PAPER, portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. newly bound in calf extra, gilt leaves, a tall and perfectly clean copy, £5. 10s 1813 "A more perfect edition of an old poet than this never issued (Dean) LIMITS of RELIGIOUS from the press." THOUGHT examined, (Bampton Lectures, 1858) post 610 MATHER'S (Cotton) ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 8vo. cloth, 68 6d 1867 599 MANUSCRIPT.-COMMENTARIUS in Tractatus de Sacramentis et de Incarnatione par exim. D. JOANNEM CLARIUM: MANUSCRIPT, BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN, on upwards of 1000 pages, with ornamented capitals in coloured ink, headings of chapters in painted shields, 2 thick vols. folio, calf neat, in a very fine and perfect state, £1. 10s Saec. XVI. Each volume is inscribed at the end "Ad usum fratris Joannis Le Mesurier, Benedictini Sancti Martini Monasterii, Cornacensis (apud Nervios) ad majoram Gloriam Dei. W.S." 600 MANUSCRIPTS.-FIFTEEN PARCHMENT DEEDS relating to Surrey, Sussex, Suffolk, Essex, &c. including ONE of the REIGN of K. HENRY III. dated from Boulogne sur mer, (a fine specimen of the period) a few with the seals, £1. 10s Saec. XIII ad XVIII, OF NEW ENGLAND from its first Planting in 1620, with the genuine map, and 4 pages of book Advertisements at the end, folio, recently full bound in crimson morocco, super extra, with joints, bevelled boards, and gilt leaves, £7. 10s 1702 "One of the most singular books in this or any other language. Its puns and its poems, its sermons and its anagrams, render it unique of its kind." 611 MATTER (J.) ESSAI HISTORIQUE sur l'ÉCOLE d'Alexandrie, et Coup d'œil comparatif sur la Littérature Grecque, depuis le temps d'Alexandre le grand, jusqu'à celui d'Alexandre Sévère, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 58 Paris, 1820 612 MAURY (A.) PULSZKY and MEIGS' INDIGENOUS RACES of the EARTH, or New Chapters of Ethnological Inquiry, edited by NOTT and GLIDDON, very copiously illustrated by engravings on wood and coloured plates, sm. folio, bright calf gilt, £2. 5s Philadelphia, 1857 613 MEDITERRANEAN; The SHORES and Islands | 628 MIRABEAU'S (Count) MEMOIRS, Biographical, of the, with map and 64 highly finished engravings on steel, after Drawings by Allom, Prout, and others, original impressions, 4to. hf. morocco, gilt edges, 1840 10s 6d 1825 614 MEMOIRS of Mr. WILLIAM VEITCH and GEORGE BRYSSON, written by themselves; with other Narratives illustrative of the History of Scotland, from the Restoration to the Revolution, with Biographical Sketches and Notes by Dr. McCrie, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 5s 6d 615 MERCURI (P.) COSTUMES HISTORIQUES des XIIe XIIIe XIVe et XVe siècles, tirés des monuments les plus authentiques, avec un texte historique et descriptif par C. BONNARD, nouvelle edition, revisée par C. BLANC, FINE PAPER COPY, containing 200 plates, RICHLY COLOURED, 3 vols. roy. 4to. half morocco, gilt tops, French style, £10. 10s 1860 Dans l'ouvrage de Mercuri on trouvera représentés sous les plus riches couleurs les costumes religieux, civils, et militaires des trois siècles qui furent les plus jaloux de l'élégance extérieure." Gazette des Beaux Arts. Only 50 copies of this work were printed on fine paper, with the plates coloured in the same superior manner as the above. 616 MEREDITH'S (Mrs. C.) MY HOME in TASMANIA during a Residence of Nine Years, with engravings, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d 617 MERIVALE'S (J. H.) POEMS Original and Translated, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. cloth, 6s öd 1852 Pickering, 1838 618 METASTASIO (P.) OPERE, e Opere Postume, finely printed in large type on blue Dutch paper, with portrait and numerous spirited engravings by Bartolozzi, from designs by Cochin, Moreau, Cipriani, and others, LARGE PAPER, 15 vols. 4to. calf gilt, A VERY FINE COPY, £3. 3s Parigi e Vienna, 1780-95 A splendid and highly esteemed edition. 619 MILL'S (J.) Analysis of the Phenomena of the HUMAN MIND, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, 198 620 MILL'S (J. S.) PRINCIPLES of POLITICAL ECONOMY, fifth edition, 2 vols. 8vo. new bright hf. calf gilt, £1. Is 1829 1862 621 MILL'S (J. S.) SYSTEM of LOGIC, ratiocinative and inductive: a connected View of the Principles of Evidence, and the Methods of Scientific Investigation, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 17s (pub. £1. 5s) 1865 622 MILLER'S (T.) COMMON WAYSIDE FLOWERS, with 22 plates of Wild Flowers by BIRKET FOSTER, beautifully printed in colours, sm. 4to. cloth extra, gilt edges, 98 1860 623 MILTON'S (J.) WORKS in Verse and Prose, printed from the Original Editions, with Life by J. Mitford, elegantly printed by C. Whittingham, portrait and facsimile of writing, &c. 8 vols. 8vo. cloth, £5. 10s Pickering, 1851 Original copies like the above are exceedingly scarce. This is the only complete library edition of the works of Milton, and is much admired for its typographical execution. 624 MILTON'S (J.) POETICAL WORKS complete, with Life, BASKERVILLE'S FINE EDITION, printed with his large and very beautiful type on thick paper, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. original calf gilt, fine copy, scarce, £1. 10s Birm. 1758 625 MILTON'S (J.) POETICAL WORKS, edited by Sir E. Brydges, and illustrated with portrait, and 7 beautiful engravings after drawings by TURNER, thick 8vo. purple morocco, gilt leaves, 188 1862 626 MILTON'S (J.) PARADISE LOST, Du Roveray's fine edition, printed in large type by Bensley, with engravings after Fuseli and W. Hamilton, 2 vols. post 8vo. red morocco, grained, gilt leaves, 148 627 MONTAGU'S (Basil) ESSAYS and Selections, fcap. 8vo. cloth, 6s Pickering, 1837 1802 Literary and l'olitical, by Himself, his Father, his Uncle, and his adopted Child, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 8s 6d 1835 641 MÜLLER'S (Dr. J.) ELEMENTS OF PHYSIOLOGY, second and enlarged edition, translated, with Notes, by Dr. Baly, illustrated with steel plates and numerous wood engravings, 2 thick vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 12s 1840 642 MÜLLER'S (Prof. J.) CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE of SIN, translated from the third German edition, by W. Pulsford, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d Edin. 1852 643 MURRAY (Lady, of Stanhope) Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of George BaillIE of Jerviswood, and of LADY GRISELL BAILLIE, 8vo. boards, uncut, 10s 6d Privately printed, 1822 644 MÚSPRATT'S (Dr.) CHEMISTRY, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical, as applied and relating to the Arts and Manufactures, with 32 portraits on steel, and several hundred wood engravings, 2 thick vols. impl. 8vo, hf, red morocco gilt, £2. 58 1860 1 645 NAPIER'S (Sir W.) History of the WAR in the PENINSULA and in the South of France, from 1807 to 1814, new and revised edition, with Plans of Battles, 6 vols. post 8vo. cloth, fl. 16s, 1860-Another copy, nes hf. morocco gilt, £2. 10s 1856 646 NAPOLEON I.-HISTOIRE de l'EMPEREUR NAPOLEON et de la Grande Armée pendant l'année 1812, par le Comte de Ségur, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, fine copy. 108 Paris. 1825 647 NAPOLEON L.-O'MEARA'S Napoleon in EXILE, the Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon on his Life and Government, in his Own Words, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, 7s 6d 1822 633 NICHOLS' (J.) Biographical ANECDOTES of HOGARTH, with a Catalogue of his Works, one of his cards as an engraver inserted, 8vo. mottled calf gilt, fine copy, 128 6d 1782 654 NICHOLS' (J.) HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of LEICESTERSHIRE.-A SERIES of 536 FINE ENGRAVINGS illustrating this IMPORTANT and RARE COUNTY HISTORY, consisting of maps, portraits, Views of Gentlemen's Seats, Public Buildings, Antiquities, Monuments, etc. (some neatly mounted), bound in 2 vols. folio, boards, rough edges, £9. 9s 1815, &c. 655 NICHOLS' (J.) PROGRESSES, PROCESSIONS, and Magnificent Festivities of Q. ELIZABETH and K. JAMES I. collected from original MSS. Corporation Records and Rare Tracts, BOTH WORKS, with numerous engravings, 7 vols. 4to. boards, uncut, £8. 88 (pub. £19. 198) 1823-8 Daly 250 copies were printed of these valuable and interesting works 1842 636 NICHOLSON'S (Bp. W.) EXPOSITION of the CHURCH CATECHISM, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 4s 6d 657 NICOLAS' (Sir H.) TESTAMENTA VETUSTA; being Illustrations from Wills, of Manners, and Customs, as well as of the Descents and Possessions of many Distinguished Families, 2 vols. roy. 8vo cloth, 14s 1826 658 NOBLE'S (Mark) MEMOIRS of the HOUSE of CROMWELL, deduced from an early Period, and continned down to the Present Time, best edition, with portraits and engravings, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, 78 6d 660 NOTA (A.) Commedie, frontispieces, 4 vols. 12mo. in 2, new hf. calf gilt, 5s 6d Venezia, 1824 661 NOTT (J. C.) and GLIDDON'S TYPES of MANKIND; or Ethnological Researches based upon the Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania of Races, and upon their Natural, Geographical, Philological, and Biblical History; with Selections from the inedited Papers of Dr. Morton, portrait and illustrations, thick roy. 8vo. cloth, £1. Is Philadelphia, 1854 662 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRÆCUM, accedunt Parallela S. Scripturæ Loca necnon Vetus Capitalorum Notatio et Canones Eusebii, a neatly printed pocket edition, 12mo. calf antique, 6s 6d Oxonii, 1851 663 NUGENT'S (Lord) MEMORIALS of JOHN HAMPDEN, his Party, and his Times, portraits and facsimiles of writing (foxed), 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 8s id 1832 664 O'CURRY'S (Eugene) LECTURES on the MS. Materials of ANCIENT IRISH HISTORY, with facsimiles, thick 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d Dublin, 1861 665 O'DONOGHUE'S (J.) Historical Memoir of the O'BRIENS, with Notes. Appendix, and a Genealogical Table of their several Branches, thick 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d Dublin, 1860 666 OLIVER'S (Rev. G.) MONASTERIES in DEVON ; Historic Collections relating to the, 8vo. calf, 8s 6d Exeter, 1820 667 ORD'S (J. W.) CLEVELAND, Yorks.; History and Antiquities of, comprising the Wapentake of East and West Langbargh, with portrait, map, pedigrees, and numerous plates and woodcuts, 4to. hf. calf, SCARCE, £2. 2s 1846 668 ORNAMENTAL FLOWER GARDEN and Shrubbery, containing the most beautiful and curious Flowering Plants and Shrubs cultivated in British Gardens, by Sweet, Prof. Don, &c. with Descriptions and Directions for Culture and Propagation, by an eminent Floriculturist, 288 FINE COLOURED PLATES, 4 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, £1. 16s (pub. £8. 8s) 669 OSSIAN'S POEMS, &c. containing the Poetical Works of James Macpherson, in Prose and Rhyme, with Notes and Illustrations by M. LAING, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, nice copy, 18s Edin. 1805 1854 670 OXFORD; Guide to the ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES in the Neighbourhood of, published by the Society for Promoting the Study of Gothic Architecture, numerous illustrations, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 15s (pub. £1. 48) Oxford, 1846 671 PALEY'S (Dr. W.) WORKS complete, with an Account of his Life and Writings by the Rev. E. Paley, portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, 18s 1833 672 PALGRAVE'S (Sir F.) Essay on the ORIGINAL AUTHORITY of the KING'S COUNCIL, 8vo. cloth, VERY SCARCE, £1. 18s NOT PRINTED FOR SALE, 1834 673 PALLAS' (P.) TRAVELS in the Southern Provinces of the RUSSIAN EMPIRE, in 1793-94, with map and very numerous large COLOURED PLATES of COSTUMES, Buildings, Scenery, &c. 2 vols. 4to. hf. russia, 18s 1665 695 PEZRON'S (Dr.) ANTIQUITIES of NATIONS, more particularly of the Celta or Gauls, taken to be originally the same people as our Ancient Britons, Englished by D. Jones, 8vo. old calf, new back, 58 1706 696 PHILLIPS' (J.) MEXICO ILLUSTRATED, 26 large and fine lithographic plates of Views, Buildings, etc. ↑ COLOURED LIKE THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, and ; MOUNTED on stout cardboard, with Descriptions in English and Spanish, large impl. folio, in portfolio, hf. morocco, £2. 128 677 PATRICK'S (^p. S.) PARABLE of the PILGRIM, sm. 4to. calf nect gilt leaves, 58 6d 678 PATTERSON'S (R.) The ECONOMY of CAPITAL, or Gold and Trade, post 8vo. new hf. calf neat, 78 1865 679 PAXTON'S (J.) Introduction to the STUDY of HUMAN ANATOMY, with numerous illustrative plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. vellum, gilt toys, 9s 6d 1831 680 PAYNE'S ORBIS PICTUS; a series of Engravings after Pictures by English, Belgian, French, and German Painters, 90 highly finished steel engravings, and 37 illustrations to Reynard the Fox, with Descriptions by Holloway, and the Poem of Reynard the Fox, 4to. complete in 40 parts, sewed, 18s (pub. £2. 28) 681 PEARSON'S (Prof. C. H.) The EARLY and MIDDLE AGES of England, 8vo. cloth, 58 682 PEARSON'S (Bp.) ExPOSITION of the CREED, new and revised edition, 8vo. cloth, 5s 6d 683 PECCHIO'S (Count) Anecdotes of the SPANISH and PORTUGUESE REVOLUTIONS, with Introduction and Notes by Blaquiere, portrait, 8vo. boards, 5s 1823 684 PEGGE'S (S.) ANECDOTES of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, Svo. calf, 58 n. d. 1861 1845 1803 685 PEIRESK (Lord of) The MIRROUR of TRUE NoBILITY and Gentility, being the Life of Nicholas Claude Fabricius, by PETER GASSENDUS, Englished by Dr. Rand, portrait by Gaywood, sm. 8vo. calf, 58 6d 1657 686 PENNANT'S (T.) WORKS; Tours in Wales, 3 vols.; Journey from Chester to London, one vol.; Some Account of London, one vol.-together 5 vols. 8vo. profusely illustrated with portraits, maps, plans, and other engravings, and uniformly bound in calf gilt, £1. 108 1810-13 687 PENNANT'S (T.) HISTORY of the Parishes of WHITEFORD and HOLYWELL, with numerous fine engravings, excellent impressions, 4to. old tree calf gilt, 1796 688 PENNANT'S (T.) JOURNEY from CHESTER to London, with Notes, Appendices, portraits and illustrations, thick 8vo. calf gilt, 78 61 1811 98 689 PENNANT'S (T.) JOURNEY from LONDON to DOVER, and from Dover to the ISLE of WIGHT, with maps, portraits, and numerous engravings of famous old Buildings and Antiquities, fine impressions, 2 vols. 4to. old calf gilt, 98 6d 1801 692 PERCY ANECDOTES, ORIGINAL and SELECT, by Sholto and Reuben Percy, 40 portraits, 20 vols. 18mo. hf. calf, £2. 10s 1823 "No man that has any pretensions to figure in good society can fail to make himself familiar with the Percy Anecdotes." Lord Byron. 693 PETIT'S (Rev. J.) CHURCH ARCHITECTURE; Remarks on, with numerous well drawn etchings in the manner of pen and ink Drawings, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt tops, 168 (1841) 694 PETTIGREW'S (T.) MEMOIRS of the most Celebrated PHYSICIANS, and SURGEONS, with fine ports. (from the Medical Portrait Gallery) impl. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut, 10s 6d 1839 1848 697 PHILLIPS' (J.) The RIVERS, MOUNTAINS, and Sea Coast of YORKSHIRE, with Essays on the Cli-1 mate, Scenery, and Ancient Inhabitants of the County, with 35 nicely executed plates, 8vo. cloth, 10s Ed 1-53 698 PICTORIAL BOOK of ANCIENT BALLAD POETRY of Great Britain, historical, traditional, and romantic, edited by Moore, with illuminated title and numerous woodcuts, thick 8vo. half bound, top edge gilt, 10s 64 1853 699 PICTURES of the FRENCH, by themselves, with upwards of 230 spirited engravings by GAVARNI, some on India Paper, royal 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 1840 A most amusing work by Jules Janin, Balzac, Méry, A. Delacroix, F. Soulié, and others. 700 PINKERTON'S (J.) Essay on MEDALS and COINS, ancient and modern, especially those of Greece, Rome, and Britain, engravings, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. calf, 68 1789 701 PITT'S (Rt. Hon. W.) LIFE, by Earl Stanhope (Lord Mahon), portrait, 4 vols. post 8vo. cloth, £1. Is (pub. £2. 28) 1861-2 702 PLATO'S REPUBLIC, translated into English, with an Analysis and Notes, by DAVIES and VAUGHAN, Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, 8vo. cloth, 7s (pub. 10s 6d) Cambridge, 1858 703 POCOCKE'S (Dr.) THEOLOGICAL WORKS, containing Porta Mosis, and Commentaries on Hosea, Joel, Micah, and Malachi, with Life by Twells, and the fine portrait by F. Morellon la Cave, 2 vols. folio, mottled calf, super extra, yellow edges, in the old style, by Riviere, A CHOICE COPY, £2.28 1740 "Dr. Pococke was one of the finest oriental scholars, and certainly the first Arabic scholar of his age. To the text and the Latin translation of the Porta Mosis, are added a large body of curious miscellaneous notes by Pococke himself, containing illastrations of many passages of Scripture from the ancient versions, and from commentaries of Jews written in Arabic, or in Rabbini cal Hebrew."-Orme. 704 POCOCKE'S (E.) INDIA in Greece, or Truth in Mythology, illustrated by maps of the Punjab, Cashmir, and Northern Greece, thick post 8vo. cloth, 4s 6d 1852 705 POETARUM SCOTORUM MUSE SACRE; sive Davidis et Solomonis, Jobi et Jeremiæ Poetici Libri, per totidem Scotos Latino Carmine redditi, (A. Jonston, J. Kerr, and others) ed. W. Lauder, ports. 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 10s 6d Edin. 1739 Heath's. An esteemed collection. This copy was formerly possessed by "H. Drury, Harrow," who says it was previously Dr. George 706 POETRY.-The CASKET, a Miscellany of Unpublished Poems, 8vo. hf. bound, scarce, 10s 6d 1829 A collection of nearly 200 original Poems by distinguished authors, including S. Rogers, Dean Milman, T. Hook, Wordsworth, B. Barton, W. M. Praed, Rev. Dr. Hook, Abp. Trench, Lord Byron, T. Moore, Hon. H. Liddell, and many others. 707 POLITICAL PRIMER, or Road to Public Honours, sm. 8vo. calf, very neat. 4s 6d 1826 A manual for the young Politician from the advertisement of candidature to the highest honours. 708 POPE'S (A.) POETICAL WORKS, including Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, and other Translations, Du ROVERAY'S BEAUTIFUL EDITION, with fine impressions of the 72 engravings by Heath, and Fittler, after Stothari, Fuseli, and Westall, 18 vols. sm. 8vo. in 9, calf gilt, good copy, £2. 10s 1804 4 1749 721 PUSEY'S (Dr.) FIRST LETTER to Dr. NEWMAN, in explanation chiefly in regard to the Reverential Love due to the ever Blessed Theotokos, 8vo. cloth, 78 6d 1869 722 PUSEY'S (Dr.) LECTURES on DANIEL the Prophet, 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 709 POPE'S (A.) DUNCIAD, complete, with Notes, Dissertations, &c. by Warburton, front. fcap. 8vo. hf. calf, 58 710 Pope's Supremacy (The).—A SOLEMNE CONTESTATION of DIVERSE POPES, for the Advaunsing of theyr Supremacie, sm. 12mo. sewed, (the corners of the front margin cut off,) RARE, £1. 18 London, J. Daye, n. d. Mr. Bliss' copy sold for £2. 4s. The first quotation, which is from Pope Boniface, begins with:-" For as much as it standeth upon necessite of salvation, for every humane creature to bee subjecte unto me, the Pope of Rome, it shall be therefore requisite and necessary for all men that will be saved to learne and knowe the dignite of my sea." 711 PORTRAITS des HOMMES ILLUSTRES des XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles, 103 large portraits admirably executed in line by Edelink, Lubin, van Schuppen, Dulos, and Simonneau, FINE IMPRESSIONS, accompanied by Biographical Notices, 2 vols. folio in one, russia, grained, in good sound condition, £3. 38 Paris, 1805 Among the portraits are those of Richelieu, Colbert, Descartes, Corneille, Molière, Callot, La Fontaine, Poussin, Sully, Pascal, Scaliger, Racine, Turenne, Grammont, Gassendi, Lebrune, Malherbe, Voiture, and Balzac. 712 PORTRAITS of the FEMALE ARISTOCRACY of the Court of QUEEN VICTORIA, 101 large and highly finished portraits of the Female Nobility, from pictures by Chalon, Hayter, Eastlake, &c. by FINDEN, Holl, and others, with Biographical Notices, 2 vols. folio, hf. red morocco, gilt tops, £2. 5s 1849 713 PORTRAITS.-BIOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE, vol. 2, containing 96 small portraits of eminent and ingenious persons, with their Lives and Characters, complete in 12 parts, 8vo. sewed, 12s 6d (frequently wanting to complete the book) 1818-19 This work, which, of its kind, has never been excelled in the beauty of its execution, contains the most authentic portraits, both English and Foreign, engraved by eminent artists of the day. 716 PORTRAITS.-WORTHINGTON'S (W.) PORTRAITS of the Sovereigns of England, the complete series of 36 finely executed portraits from the best authorities, PROOFS, LARGE PAPER, folio, hf. morocco, uncut, £1. 12s Pickering, 1824 717 PRICE'S (Bonamy) Lectures on the PRINCIPLES of CURRENCY, 8vo. cloth, 5s 6d 718 PRINSEP'S (J.) ESSAYS on INDIAN ANTIQUITIES, historic, numismatic, and palæographic, with his Useful Tables, illustrative of Indian History, edited with Notes, and additional matter, by E. Thomas, numerous plates of Coins, Antiquities, and Inscriptions, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 4s 1869 1858 1864 723 QANOONCHEH; or a Treatise on the THEORY and PRACTICE of PHYSIC, by Ahmud-Bin Muhmood Chugheenee, with a COMMENTARY in PERSIAN, and Notes in English, by Prof. Ubd-Ool-Mujeed, also a copious Glossary, 8vo. calf, 5s 6d Calcutta, 1827 724 QUAKERS.-NARRATIVE of EVENTS that have lately taken place in Ireland among the QUAKERS, with the Documents, 8vo. hf. calf, 4s 6d 1804 At the end is bound, Proceedings of the Quakers at Hardshaw, Lancashire, 1805. 725 QUARLES' (F.) SCHOOL of the HEART, with portrait, and 47 emblematical engravings, 12mo. boards, 78 6d 1808 726 RACING CALENDAR, comprising Accounts of Horse Races, in all parts of the Kingdom, from 1801 to 1870, 94 vols. sm. 8vo. calf, £8. 88 1801-70 The best work of reference for every event connected with the Turf from the commencement of the present century. 727 RAINE'S (Rev. J.) HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of NORTH DURHAM, with fine portrait, pedigrees, and numerous engravings of Views, Seals, Arms, &c. folio, hf. morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, £2. 15s 1852 This valuable County History forms an indispensable accompaniment to Surtees' Durham. 728 RAMBLER (The); a CATHOLIC JOURNAL and Review of Home and Foreign Literature, Politics, Science, Music, and the Fine Arts, from Jan. 1850 to the end of 1859, 19 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, £2. 18s Burns and Lambert, 1850-9 729 RAMSAY'S (A.) GENTLE SHEPHERD, with Life, Glossary, and Illustrations of Scenery, portrait, and engravings by Scott, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. boards, uncut, £1.48 Edin. 1808 This edition contains Memoirs of David Allen, the Scotch Hogarth. 730 REEVE'S (L.) ELEMENTS of CONCHOLOGY; an Introduction to the NATURAL HISTORY of SHELLS and of the Animals which form them, with 62 plates, comprising many BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED figures of the Animals and their Shells by SOWERBY, 2 vols. royal 8vo. hf. russia, gilt tops, £3.15s 1860 731 REGIMEN SANITATIS SALERNITANUM, a Latin Poem on the Preservation of Health, with curious Old Translation (1607), copious Introduction and Notes by Sir A. Croke, (etchings wanting) LARGE PAPER, post 8vo. cloth, scarce, 7s 6d Oxf. 1830 This curious old Poem passed through no less than 160 editions. At the end is added an Essay on the origin, progress, and decline of Rhyming Latin verse, with many specimens. 732 RELIQUIE ANTIQULE; Scraps from Ancient Manuscripts illustrating chiefly Early English Literature and the English Language, edited by T. WRIGHT and J. O. HALLIWELL, 2 vols. 8vo. new hf. morocco, uncut, gilt tops, SCARCE, £1. 18s 1845 The pieces contained in these volumes are not of sufficient extent to form books by themselves, and from their want of connection, do not easily find a place in other collections. Some of these shorter pieces are often of greater importance than others which are more extensive. |