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JUL - 1915

COUNIL JAN 30 1911

Barver Med,

is, by intention and in fact, physiologically different from the preparations
made with dry pepsin. It is obtained from the secreting glands of the
fresh gastric mucous membrane by a process which extracts the principles
and properties of the gastric juice and presents them in association with all
the soluble gastric cell constituents.

Essence of Pepsine-Fairchild

is practically an artificial gastric juice, standardized to a definite activity
with respect to each of the two well-known gastric enzymes, promptly
active in promoting gastric normality, upon which depends the further
normal transformation of food into the absorbable form in which it becomes
directly contributory to life and energy.

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The Standard for Champagne Quality.

Always Uniform

and Made Exclusively of the Choicest Grapes Obtainable

Francis Dear & Co., Sole Agents United States, 24 Hudson Street, New York


Published monthly at Second Avenue and Twentieth Street, New York, by the

Editor: HENRY T. BROOKS, M. D.

Associate Editors: T. HOMER COFFIN, MD, LUDWIG KAST, M.D

The Post-Graduate Hospital Committee for Hospital Social Work—

The Social Service Department of the Massachusetts General

Hospital Duplication of Charitable Work a Mistake too Often

Made Not New Organizations, but Utilization and Strengthen-

ing of Old Ones Needed-Teachers' College to Prepare Graduate

Nurses for Various Forms of Social and Educational Work-

A Very Useful and Large Field for Competent Graduate Nurses—

Radical Reform Needed in the Prevention of Accidents-The

National Conference on Industrial Accidents and Workmen's

Compensation-Five Million Dollars as an Endowment for a

Permanent Museum of Safety-Selfish Personal Interests

Opposed to the Plan for a Federal Health Department-The

Mouth Piece of the So-called National League for Medical

Freedom-What Senator Owen's Bill Advocates: Union with

better Coördinated and Systematized Effort for the Protection

of the Public Health-The Present Menace to the Country from

Bubonic Plague The Appalling Results of Contempt for

Sanitation-The Main Lesson from San Francisco's Conduct-

Neglect or Defiance of Sanitation is Dangerous Business-

Seventy Thousand Cases of Smallpox in one Year-A Public

Scandal in a Highly Civilized and Enlightened Country-

Robert Koch and His Work-Bad Hygiene, Lack of Supervision
and Dangers of Contagion Outbalance the Benefits of a Stay
in the Country for Very Young Children-The Diagnosis of
Rare Diseases-The Better Educated the Physician, the Better
for the Patient-Settlement of the New Jersey Sewage Problem-
A great Step in Advance.



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