Newt Gaskill's Reviews > The True and Only Heaven: Progress and Its Critics

The True and Only Heaven by Christopher Lasch
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it was amazing

Crucial book in my personal and political development. Simply put, this book completely remade my political and social ideology. Before reading this book I had, at various times in my life called myself a liberal, a socialist, an American progressive, and an orthodox Marxist. True and Only Heaven moved me, decisively, both farther left and farther right than I had imagined I would ever move.

The book is an intellectual tour-de-force.
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July 1, 1994 – Finished Reading
January 28, 2009 – Shelved

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message 1: by J. (new) - rated it 5 stars

J. Me too Jeff,

However, I didn't fully realize it at the time. I read this as part if a political science seminar and it was required reading so I plowed dutifully through. I went from conservative republican to liberal democrat and its been a permeant shift. My views and their indoctrinated, superficial underpinning simply no longer made sense to me.

I'm glad I found this book or was driven to it - before I had ideas that I had no idea where they came from, the consequences of continuing to folks them - nor any inkling that they were not my own but rather a social construction that I created to present to the world an image I wanted to project.

Now at least I know what I think and why and I'm not all that interested in the popular impression I create - or the response to my ideas. I'm happier read a lot more and I'm grateful to Dr. Cummings for introducing me to this book. Hated it at the time.

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