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seemed to him that it could not but be seasonable and profitable, in a day like this, when superficial religion is widely prevalent, to present to the disciples of Christ such an exhibition of profound and living piety-of warm, spiritual affections of delight in God- of fixed principle of outflowing, expansive love-of a "conversation in heaven." It will, he trusts, encourage the heart and strengthen the faith of many a weak and timid believer, to witness such effects of divine grace, and such a manifestation of the love and power of Christ to them that trust in Him. And to those who, like Susan Allibone, are cut off from the enjoyments of health, and confined to the couch of languishing, this illustration of the influences of the Spirit compensating for every privation, and causing the tortured invalid to rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, is commended, in the hope that it may lead them to the same unfailing source of peace and happiness. Her example shows what the Gospel is worth to the sufferer who embraces it in simplicity and sincerity the Gospel - and nothing beside. The truth as it is in Jesus proved, in her case, its divine energy-its heaven-derived power to comfort, elevate and sanctify the soul. And well would it be, if some of those who are searching for truth in the mazes of human speculation, or who are clinging to those delusions of selfrighteousness and formalism, respecting which she has recorded her emphatic condemnation, might be led to recognise, in her experience and character, the value of those scriptural and evangelical principles which were dearer to her than life. This biography, it is hoped, will

also show how much may be done for the glory of the Redeemer, and the salvation of immortal souls, even under circumstances seemingly depressing and adverse, by the Christian who enters into the reality and preciousness of the doctrines which he professes.

Only wishing that this work had been entrusted to a more competent hand, it is now submitted to those who feel an interest in the manifestations of practical Christianity as an humble attempt to portray the character and influence

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1. Of a true woman one who, while gifted with great mental energy, ever exhibited the delicacy, tenderness and refinement of her sex.

2. Of a true friend-who constantly gave the best proofs of affection by faithful admonitions and fervent intercessions.

3. Of a true Episcopalian — who fully appreciated and happily exemplified the fervent, elevated and charitable spirit of the Church of her choice.

4. Of a true believer-to whom "faith was the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen."

5. Of a true disciple of Jesus Christ-who sat meekly at His feet, imbibed His Spirit, lived His religion, and glorified His name.


Dec. 7th, 1855.

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